Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 2263: Taikoo King Butterfly Egg

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"Does Mr. Lin know that person?" Bei Xianyuan asked Lin Feng with a smile.

Lin Feng shook his head, "I don't know! But I've seen it before!"

Beixianyuan said with a smile, "The origin of this person is extremely simple!"

"Want to hear the details!" Lin Feng looked at North Fairy Garden Road.

Beixianyuan chuckled and said, "This is a secret. How can you tell it so casually? If the son wants to know, when we go back, the son will follow me back to the king's tower , Then talk about this matter again! "

Lin Feng sneered in his heart, not knowing what ghost idea this Beixianyuan was playing.

However, he is a daring artist, and he is not afraid of any conspiracy or trickery by this Beixianyuan.

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Okay, then we two of us, some things, some words, speaking and doing, are not afraid to be known by outsiders!"

Beixianyuan smiled and said, "Yesterday, I told my son that there will be some good things for sale today. The place for selling good things is inside this ancient sea insect temple. Look, maybe there is something my son likes, but before we go to see if we can buy some of the worm materials needed by our son, we also invite the son to follow me! "

"Thank you Fairy for leading the way!" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Beixianyuan smiled and said, "Don't be polite, son, otherwise people will be angry!"

Lin Feng smiled, and did not receive Beixianyuan's words. This Beixianyuan was awkward when he spoke.

Lin Feng did not intend to tune with this woman.

Under the guidance of Beixianyuan, Lin Feng came to the fourth floor and saw an elder in the ancient insect temple.

This elder is called Lu Jianzhong.

Beixianyuan introduced the two parties, and Lin Feng took out a piece of paper.

The dozen or so kinds of worm materials written on this paper are all worm materials used for cultivating ancient ancestor eggs and Honghuang smelters.

"Blood jade dew ...".

"Qilian Xiancao ...".

"Dao Lingguo ...".

Lu Jianzhong frowned slightly when he looked at the dozens of insects listed above.

"Elder Lu, do you have any of these worms here?"

Asked Beixianyuan.

Lu Jianzhong said, "These worms are very precious. Originally there were some, but this time they were bought a lot, and now there are two kinds of worms in the treasure house!"

Lin Feng was a little disappointed, but it was a good harvest to be able to collect two kinds of insect materials.

He said, "Elder Lao Lu gets these worms!"

"Mr. Lin, wait a moment, I'll go and look!"

Lu Jianzhong smiled, then got up and left.

Lu Jianzhong returned after about half an hour.

"Mr. Lin, these are the two worms left in the treasure house, namely Blood Jade Dew and Spirit Breed!"

Lu Jianzhong said that he took out two kinds of insect material.

Blood jade dew is a kind of dew, showing a bleeding color, which is used to cultivate the eggs of ancient ancestors.

The spiritual rest fruit is a fruit.

This is the cultivation of Honghuang refining monsters.

Lu Jianzhong took out a total of three bottles of blood jade dew and ten spiritual resting fruits.

Although there are not many things, they are extremely expensive. Lin Feng paid a total of 1.72 million source spar.

"Also troubled, Elder Lu will continue to inquire about these worms. If it arrives, please inform us as soon as possible. It will definitely be purchased at a high price!

Lin Feng said.

"Lin Gongzi rest assured that if it arrives, he will definitely inform him!" Lu Jianzhong said with a smile.

He likes to do business with people like Lin Feng the most.

Do business with others.

Many people like to bargain.

Lin Feng is wealthy.

There is no bargain at all.

This made Lu Jianzhong's sense of Lin Feng excellent.

"Thank you Elder Lu!" Lin Feng clenched his fists.

"Elder Lu, we have to go to the above trade fair to see, so I will not stay here for a long time!" Beixianyuan said with a smile.

"I send you ...". Elder Lu said.

After leaving Elder Lu, Lin Feng and others walked toward the seventh floor, because the destination of the fair was the seventh floor.

"It seems that these things are far from meeting the needs of the son!" Beixianyuan said.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "If the thing is ten times more, the ancient ancestral worm eggs may be able to hatch, and the Honghuang sperm worm female worm may also begin to lay eggs again! But these materials are extremely rare, I want to find them, it is not easily".

"Maybe there is on the fair!" Beixianyuan said.

Lin Feng nodded, "I hope so!"

Several people came to the seventh floor fair.

The specifications of this small trade fair are extremely high, not everyone can participate.

However, there was Beixianyuan, and Lin Feng successfully entered the fair.

There are probably more than 1,000 people in the fair.

Everyone was scattered throughout the hall.

Many people have taken out what they intend to trade.

Then put it in front of you.

If it is fancy, the two parties can talk.

"Is that Taikoo Devourer's egg?".

The poisonous ancestor pointed to some eggs in a stall.

Swire God Eater is also the top ten Swire ancestor.

It is said that this bug feeds on "spirits".

That's why it is called "God Eater".

Lin Feng and others walked over and inquired about it, it turned out to be the eggs of Taikoo Devourer.

"What do you want to trade?".

The poison ancestor asked, seeming to be very interested in Taikoo Devourer Egg.

The main proprietor said, "I need three pieces of Flame Heart!"

"The Flame Demon Heart? Is it the heart of the ancient Flame Demon Beast?", Du Zu asked frowning.

Ancient Flame Devil is known as the fire beast born in flames.

The flame demon looks like a scorpion that has grown tens of thousands of times.

However, the flame demon had wings, and the whole body was flaming red, lingering in the flame.

This fire beast is very powerful and evil.

After the end of ancient times, it never appeared again, and I do n’t know if it was a genocide.

"Yes, it is the heart of the ancient Flame Devil!"

The stall owner nodded and said.

"The Flame Demon Heart does not, but there are many other babies. Maybe you can use other babies to redeem your Taikoo Devourer Egg!"

Poison ancestor road.

"Sorry, as long as the Flame Devil's Heart ...". The stall owner said that he narrowed his eyes and stopped talking with the poison ancestor.

Lin Feng said, "Let's go and see other stalls!"

Several people walked towards other stalls.

Beixianyuan said, "These people usually trade things for things. If they can't find what they are fond of, they generally won't deal with people!"

Lin Feng, Zu Zu and others knew this, and when they heard the words from Beixianyuan, everyone nodded.

"Everyone, you will be peddling an animal egg of Taikoo Emperor Butterfly. I don't know who can pay the price?".

At this time a monk said that his words suddenly caused an uproar.

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