Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1989: provocative

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Taikoo Dragon Elephant!

"God, how is this possible?".

Unbelievable exclamations came one after another.

How arrogant the existence of the two-winged poisonous scorpion was actually swept away by a line that was suppressed on the nine-tailed scorpion, and suffered a lot of trauma, which made everyone dare not believe that everything they saw was true.

You must know that the two-winged scorpion is not only a superb player, but also a powerful player in the five heavens of the gods.

"This is not true! This is definitely not true!"

The two-winged scorpion could not accept this fact, so he roared with anger.

His majestic two-winged poisonous scorpion, the mighty strong man in the ancient desert waters, was spitting blood from a burst of lines left by others.

This is simply a shame.

The two-winged poison scorpion now can't wait to tear Lin Feng apart.

"let me help you!"

Leng Qianshan said aloud.

Just now he let the two-winged scorpion take the first shot to prevent unforeseen things.

Now such unexpected things really happened.

Leng Qianshan took a breath in his heart. Fortunately, the two-winged scorpion shot first instead of himself.

If you are the first to take action, then the humiliated person will be yourself.


After being thankful for a while, Leng Qianshan knew that he had to shoot himself.

And the chances of two people joining forces to break the lineup are mostly.

The two-winged scorpion nodded somberly.

He and Leng Qianshan left and right, walking towards the suppressed nine-tailed scorpion.

Seeing that the two were about to join forces to break through, the people around couldn't help but hold their breath.

"You said, can they succeed?".

"Unclear, but it doesn't seem to be an easy task to break through successfully!"

"That Lin Feng's attainments in the formation are too high-strength? It's incredible!"

"Yeah, who can think of this person's formation is so terrifying? It is obviously a skill to be able to build a Dragon Gate!"

Many people talked in a low voice, but everyone's eyes were fixed on the two-winged poisonous scorpion and Leng Qianshan.

These two have a great attainment in formation.

Although the two-winged scorpion failed to break the line before, he was also injured by the line.

But it was just one person, but now two people join forces, and the opportunities are naturally much greater.

I saw the two-winged poisonous scorpion and Leng Qianshan's hands all covered with dense runes.

Those were all rune breaks. The two of them waved their hands together, and all the rune breaks rushed toward the line that suppressed the nine-tailed scorpion.

At this time, the lines that suppressed the Nine-Tailed Devil Scorpion recovered again, suddenly in the void, suddenly pumped.


The broken rune formed by the two-winged scorpion and Leng Qianshan was broken again, and then the pattern was drawn towards the two-winged scorpion and Leng Qianshan.

"Not good, rewind ...".

The appearance of the two-winged poisonous scorpion and Leng Qianshan has changed greatly, and they did not expect that Lin Feng's arrangement was so terrifying.

This level of formation has reached a point where they are out of reach.

It was just too late for the two of them to retreat.

The pattern has been drawn, avoiding inevitable.

The duo suddenly looked down and had to fight to resist.



Everyone patted a palm and patted directly towards the drawn pattern.

But when they clapped the palm of their hands together with the pattern.

The sound of a crackling crack came out, and the arms of the two were cut off directly by the pattern.

Then the pattern was drawn on them, and they were pumped out.

The two were pumped blood repeatedly, their faces pale as paper, fell to the ground, their hair was radiated, and they were extremely embarrassed.

After seeing this scene, the surrounding became silent.

This makes everyone can't believe it is true!

The beautiful woman's face was shocked, and she said, "Is this too powerful? What level of spiritist is this Master Lin?"

Miao Kerr's beautiful eyes lighted up slightly and said, "This person is indeed too powerful. Even in Kyushu, monks whose formation level can be compared with him are afraid that they are rare!"

Lin Feng did not know what happened outside Wanhualou.

After leaving Wanhualou, he returned directly to his residence.

After returning, he found that he hadn't slept and hadn't slept. He sat on the roof and drank alone. Lin Feng flew up and said with a smile, "Isn't it too boring to drink alone! I'll accompany you!"

He grabbed a jar of wine next to it, pulled out the stopper, and then sipped three sips.

"Good wine!"

Yixiu monk laughed and drank his three sips.

That evening Lin Feng talked with Yixiu monk about many things.

Lin Feng also had some understanding of the origin of Yixiu monk.

The master of Yixiu monk is a ‘wild monk’.

Buddhist monks in general come from that temple, and they have written notes.

A monk without a written comment is the so-called "wild monk."

A wild monk like Master Yixiu.

No roots and no pings, home for all.

There are not so many rules.

So Yixiu monk is very different from ordinary monk.

Eat meat, drink alcohol, and at the same time participate in meditation.

The two were drunk at night, and at the end they were completely unconscious.

Don't even know how to get back to the room.

By the time I woke up the next day, I was already in the middle of the sun.

The time passed quickly, and three days passed in an instant.

The round table is about to begin. Lin Feng took a monk, Wan Yanyang, Sun Zhan and dozens of escorts to the scattered repair alliance to participate in the round table.

When I came to the Sanxu Alliance, under the leadership of the Sanxu Alliance monks, everyone walked towards the interior of the Sanxu Alliance.

Soon came to the living room of the meeting.

Many people gathered outside the living room, all monks of various forces.

In addition to the people at the helm of various forces who can enter the round table, the rest need to wait outside.

"That young man is Lin Feng ...". Someone said.

Suddenly countless eyes looked at Lin Feng.

Everyone has heard about Lin Feng and heard too many legends about Lin Feng.

Now when I see the coming of the Lord, I am naturally curious.

Yixiu Monk, Sun Zhan, Wan Yanyang and others were waiting outside, but he walked towards the hall.

Entering the hall, you can see that about 40 or 50 people are already sitting in it.

Many people have already come.

"This is Master Lin Fenglin!"

Wu Jian said.

Everyone's eyes were all looking at Lin Feng.

At this time, a cold voice suddenly came out.

"Whether this person is eligible to become a member of the round table needs to be decided after voting, and is not yet qualified to come in!"

It was the cold and blood of the island owner of the evil Jiaodao.

Lin Feng ignored this person directly and found a place to sit down.

Leng Qianxue's face suddenly became difficult to look. He looked at Lin Feng coldly and shouted loudly, "Boy, didn't you hear what I just said? Did you sit in this place? Get out of here ... ".

(End of this chapter)

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