Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1946: Red Dust

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"This is? Red Dust!"

Tianlong Shengzu and Phoenix Mother shouted in shock.

They are the best friends of Hongchen Xianzun, so they know what it means when Hongchen's affection appears.

this means.

The roaring number of Red Dust Fairy Sovereign arrived.

Tianlong Shengzu said, "Why is love robbery?".

But after saying this, Tianlong Shengzu regretted it.

Any occurrence of robbery numbers seems to be normal, but the roaring numbers of Hongchen Xianzun turned out to be love robbery.

For a while, it was difficult for him to accept.


This is the last number of robbery before Hongchen Xianzun became emperor, and also the most dangerous and terrible robbery.

Hong Chen Xianzun looked at the red dust on her wrist.

Speechless for a long time.

Over the years, she has thought a lot.

Always thinking.

What kind of robbery may occur in the future?

But Hongchen Xianzun never thought about it.

There will be love robbery.

After all, how can a person like Hong Chen Xian Zun be tired of feelings?

For a character like her, any terrible robbery is possible.

Only love robbery.

Is the most unlikely.

But now.

The most unlikely kind of robbery appeared.

Jing Cai Yan Yan such as Hong Chen Xian Zun such a character.

It's hard to escape feelings.

At the same time, it is really incredible, and it is sighing.

This world.

Perhaps no one can cut off the "word of love".

Even the Red Dust Fairy.

is also like this.

Phoenix Mother said, "Is that the kid? The kid named Lin Feng? The kid who contributed the bleeding coffin picture?".

Hongchen Xianzun nodded.

"In the beginning, this kid didn't make his request, but let Xianzun you owe him a favor, so the two of you, who had no destiny of intersection, were intertwined together, which formed a red dust feeling, is it a coincidence? Someone instructed him to do this in the back? If someone instructed him to do this in the back, it's mysterious! Let me kill the kid! It's a hundred! "

Killing intentions flashed in the eyes of the Heavenly Dragon Ancestor.

Hongchen Xianzun said, "No matter what the situation is, other disasters! Since it appears, you should face it instead of escaping. You don't have to embarrass him!"

Phoenix Mother said, "What do Xianzun intend to do?".

"Let me think for a moment!"

Hong Chen Xianzun looked at the red dust on her wrist and muttered to herself.

Within the magic beads.

The demon monarch sat above the solitary tomb. He looked up and saw the red dust on Lin Feng's wrist.

Can't help but show a nonchalant smile.

"Red dust love! Really interesting! This red dust fairy respects! Stunning woman like the past, proves that the robbery encountered by Emperor Cheng is actually love robbery, it is incredible, this robbery, I even thought it was the kind of thing before. A kind of robbery that only appears when the man-dominated little woman crosses the robbery, and it is not a high-level robbery. The monks below the realm of the gods usually cross this robbery. This kind of robbery happens occasionally. The emperor proves that there will be love robbery! Things in this world are really unpredictable! "

The demon murmured to himself.

Lin Feng didn't know anything about Hongchen.

Perhaps it was because of insufficient cultivation, he didn't even see the red dust on his wrist.

The banquet is very lively.

It's just that the Red Dust Fairy King has never appeared.

Nowadays, everyone is talking about the battle between Hongchen Xianzun and Taishang Xianzong's five old men and Taishang Xianzong's ancient fairy.

Even if it has been so long.

Thinking of that battle everyone still has a very excited expression.

After the banquet.

Everyone returned to the residence to rest.

There will be a challenge tomorrow.

Some winners will be eligible to enter the Hongjun Dojo.

But the specific rules have not yet come out.

There is rumored news that there will be a hundred places.

This quota is too few.

of course.

It is not easy to say whether there are actually one hundred places that can enter the Hongjun Dojo.

after all.

Gossip news is called gossip because it is often inaccurate.

On the way back, Lin Feng encountered Si Kongyun and others.

This Si Kongyun sneered at Lin Feng and said, "Boy, you will regret tomorrow why you didn't let Hongchen Xianzun give you the initiation and improve your cultivation!"

Lin Feng said lightly, "To deal with you, you also need to let the Red Dust Immortal Venerable Initiate? Don't watch yourself too hard! Because it may become a joke in the end!"

"Who becomes a joke, you will know tomorrow, you can rest assured that the death of Hongchen Xianzun ’s birthday is very bad. I do n’t want to leave a bad impression in front of Hongchen Xianzun, so I wo n’t kill you, but I will let you kneel in front of me to beg for mercy! "

Si Kongyun sneered and walked away.

This person seems to be fighting this.

Full of confidence.

Lin Feng did not mean at all.

Of course, this Sikong Yun is indeed a great character.

This person has the strength to compete for the Tianjiao list, which is regarded as the top Tianjiao.

Seeing that the battle for the Tianjiao List is about to begin, many of the characters on the Tianjiao List, Shou Yuan, are estimated to be over a thousand years.

By then, these people will not be able to participate in the latest Tianjiao list battle.


There will be a lot of vacancies on the Tianjiao list. Si Kongyun is still very likely to enter the Tianjiao list.

This person's arrogance is directly related to strength.

of course.

Lin Feng didn't care about Si Kongyun's provocation.

Si Kongyun is indeed very powerful.

But Lin Feng thought he was not weak.

Lin Feng felt a cold murderous intention over his body from afar, he turned his head and looked, saw a pair of eyes with broken red sleeves staring at himself coldly.

Li Yingdie is beside the broken red sleeve.

Looking far away.

Did not dare to say hello to Lin Feng.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, letting Li Yingdie stay with the poisoned woman with broken red sleeves, he was not at ease.

But at this stage, it is not possible to tear the face directly with the broken red sleeves. At least you need to wait until you have found a way to resolve Li Yingdie's heart.

At that time, you don't have to worry about tearing your face with broken red sleeves.

Anyway, she couldn't take Li Yingdie.

After returning to his place, Lin Feng began to adjust interest rates, preparing for the fierce battle tomorrow.

At that night, a fairy crane suddenly made a loud noise, hovering above the red dust fairy sect.

The fairy crane finally locked a palace and flew over quickly.

Bang Bang Bang!

Lin Feng heard the knock on the door, he opened the door, and found that there was a crane outside, which was just the door that the crane knocked with its wings.

There was a letter in the mouth of the fairy crane.

It gave Lin Feng the letter.

Then the fairy crane burned up and instantly turned into fly ash.

Lin Feng was surprised that this fairy crane was not the body of flesh and blood, it seemed that it was condensed by the technique of Qihuang.

After the task is completed.

It will disappear in smoke.

Lin Feng looked at the letter in his hand and was puzzled.

Who's letter to yourself?

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