Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1920: Centipede head!

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of Taikoo Dragon Elephant!

The ban outside the deep-sea Shendao is very strong.

And it is very well preserved.

The island did not know how many thousand years ago it sank.

So many years have passed.

No one seems to be exploring.

But it is quite normal to think about it. This is the deepest position in the sea, and basically no one will come.

You should know that even the Hai tribe will not easily enter this sea area.

Most of the Hai people choose to inhabit a place with a depth of 80,000 meters to 100,000 meters.

The place where Naza lives is 200,000 meters deep under the sea.

Lin Feng studied the big formation that sealed the island, and it took him more than an hour to break the big formation.

The great array that enveloped the island was extraordinary.

I don't know who arranged it. After entering the large formation, Lin Feng walked towards the depths of the island.

"Huh, is this?" Lin Feng was surprised. He picked up some stones scattered on the ground.

"Star Stone!"

Lin Feng frowned slightly when he saw these stones.

This is an ore in the starry sky.

Why are they scattered on this island?

Lin Feng continued to march among the islands, and soon he found that this kind of star stone existed in many places, which made him extremely confused.

Could it be that the star stones scattered by the monks who lived on the island before did not work?



A black ray of light rushed out of the dense forest and shot toward Lin Feng.

The speed is too fast.

Like the same black lightning.

Lin Feng was a little shocked.

Fortunately, he was fast enough to cut a sword.

Directly beheaded on the black light.


A tearing sound spread out.

The black ray of light turned into a black worm.

Now the black worm is cut in half.

Fell to the ground.

The bug was not dead yet, and his paw was still waving.

"This is Dark Star Worm?".

Lin Feng looked at the bug in surprise.

Dark Star Worm.

A small bug in the starry sky.

Contains highly toxic.

In the past, when sailing in the stars, Lin Feng had seen Dark Star Worm in many places.

What puzzled him was, how could there be Dark Star Worm on this sinking island?

This is a bug living in the starry sky.

This island is full of strange places.

Soon after, Lin Feng discovered another thing that surprised him.

He actually found a small vein.

Starstones are abundant in the mineral veins.

"Is this island falling from the starry sky world?".

Lin Feng couldn't help but have a thought.

In addition to this explanation, it is really impossible to explain why this island is not only a star stone but also a dark star insect.

Lin Feng couldn't help but touch his chin. If the island really fell from the starry sky, it would be too shocking.

I don't know which era it fell from?

He skimmed deep into the island.

In the deepest part of the island, Lin Feng saw a group of palaces.

These palaces are extremely old.

Obviously not the current architectural style.

Above a square, Lin Feng saw a huge idol.

This idol, human body.

Centipede's head.

Very weird.

"What the **** is this? Is there a way to build a **** like this?".

Lin Feng couldn't help whispering.

After some fierce beasts practiced Dao Xing, they often turned into human figures.

If the **** is built, the **** will be built in the same way as when he changed into a human form.

So the statue in front of us was very weird.

The demon said, "Dating back to the time of the flood, at that time, some fierce beasts looked down on the human race, so they did not want to become the human race, but they needed the belief of the human race, so they would become half human and half animal! Perhaps! This island is the island of the flood era! "

In the era of floods, this is even more ancient, much longer than the ancient times.

The gods of all heavens and all realms are fighting for faith in their people.

The human race is definitely one of the key objects of the gods' competition.

This is not without reason.

Because among all races.

The breeding ability of the human race is the most powerful.

Like some races, such as the dragon and phoenix races, it may not be possible to produce a descendant for thousands of years.

Moreover, even if the birth is successful.

The probability of dying is also great.

But the human race is different.

Human races can easily give birth to heirs.

And it is easy to survive.

So even though the heavens and the world have many races.

But really speaking.

It is the human race that dominates.

Human races probably account for more than 95% of the population in the world.

The rest of the races, such as demon races, demon races, orc races, celestial races, fairy races, sea races, etc., are added together and occupy a maximum of about 5% of the population.

There are too many human races. How much power of faith can this produce?

and so.

Many strong men will fight for the human race.

Let the people believe in them.

The power of faith is constantly generated.

Help those gods improve their strength.


After hearing the demon king's explanation, Lin Feng could not help cursing, "I look down on the human race and want to get the power of the human race's faith, is that too shameful?".

The demon said, "These races think highly of themselves! They think they are talented, so they are high, but in fact, with the passage of time, countless races have been exterminated, but the human race has been prosperous, which is enough to explain too many problems The human race seems to be the race that best adapts to changes in the world, the race that best suits natural selection and the law of survival of the fittest! "

Lin Feng's remarks of the demon king are extremely in agreement.

The human race's body is weak, far from being able to compare with other races, the human race is for survival.

He began to find ways to borrow the power of heaven and earth.

So the Terran created various cultivation systems.

Later, other races also imitated the cultivation system created by the human race to create a cultivation system belonging to their race.

In addition, in order to make up for their physical disadvantages, the human race will focus on training the soul and developing the brain domain. Therefore, the human race's perception is extremely powerful, and it is not comparable to other races.

This is why among the top experts.

For example, the powerful in the realm of the emperor.

There are many reasons why there are more human emperors than other race emperors.

This may be the fundamental reason why the human race has been prosperous.

Lin Feng stepped forward and punched the statue of the centipede with a punch.

What kind of stuff, look down on the human race.

I kicked you.

Lin Feng muttered.

Then he kicked the centipede's head out with one foot.

Then walked towards the palace group.

There are about twenty palaces in the temple complex.

He opened the first palace.

Dozens of corpses were found lying here, which had already turned into bones.

I don't know how many years he died.

"Huh, that's ...".

Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes snapped.

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