Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1895: Wash fruit

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"Don't run, these fire devil crocodiles want to have an intimate contact with everyone!"

Lin Feng shouted.

"Go to your sister's intimate contact, contact yourself with them!" The monks of the three forces cursed loudly.

How much they now hope that Lin Feng was trampled to death by the herd.

"What's there?"

"It's the herd!"

"Run quickly!"

In the distance, a monk pointed to this side. After seeing the herd, he was scared and pale, and turned and ran.

The Flame Devil Rhino is itself an overlord.

The appeal is very powerful.

These flame devil crocodiles roared and shook the sky. The fierce beasts in the forest heard the flame devil crocodile's voice and all rushed out.

On this way, more and more monks ran away.

"Boy, you are too lack of virtue, you are chased and killed by the masters of the three forces, and we are all killed together!"

Many people scolded Lin Feng.

Lin Feng said lightly, "I can't help me when I see the masters of the three forces chasing and killing me. You are now deserved to be chased by the herd!"

Many people can't help but roll their eyes. What logic is this?

Do we know you?

Why should I help you?

This kid is so shameless.

Many people gritted their teeth at Lin Feng.

But these monks who were chased did not dare to stay and quickly fled towards the distance. They tried to stay away from Lin Feng as much as possible.

Because Lin Feng is holding the cub of the flame devil rhino crocodile.

The target of the herd is also Lin Feng.

Lin Feng speeded up, chasing toward the masters of the three forces.

Without much convention, he caught up with the masters of the three forces.

"You guys, ask for your blessings!"

Lin Feng grinned, and then stepped on the Bafang World to push the speed to the extreme, gradually pulling away from the masters of the three forces.


The roaring sound shook the sky, and the beasts had already quickly chased down from behind.

"Hurry, scatter and run away, don't run away with Lin Feng's bastard!"

Wu Qiankun shouted angrily.

It is very rare to be able to transform a master like Wu Qiankun into this.

The masters of the three forces quickly fled in other directions.

But there are still many masters who are overwhelmed by the rushing herd.

Cruelly killed by the beast tide.

Lin Feng saw that there were no masters behind the three forces, only the herd, he placed the cubs of the flame devil rhinoceros on the ground.

Then quickly rushed towards the distance.

After the flaming rhinoceros group found the cub, they did not continue to hunt down Lin Feng, and the mighty herd returned along the road.


The moon is bright and clean.

In the dense forest, the beast roared.

From time to time, there was a loud battle between the monks and the beasts.

There are also fighting sounds when monks kill each other.

Lin Feng was lying on a smooth big stone looking at the bright moon in the endless starry sky.

A huge 100-meter-long python was hidden above the giant tree behind Lin Feng, and the cold eyes kept staring at Lin Feng lying on the rock resting.

That python is simply the best predator.

It is motionless, waiting for the best shot time it thinks.

at last.

The python moved because it saw Lin Feng closing his eyes and seemed to have fallen asleep.

So the python thinks his chance is coming.

Its movements were very slight, approaching Lin Feng carefully.

Nothing happened.

at last.

It gradually approached Lin Feng.

Then the huge body rushed out quickly.

The blood basin opened wide.

Directly swallowed away towards Lin Feng.

"Ok?". Lin Feng was awakened and could not help opening his eyes.

In the moment of opening his eyes.

Then he smelled a pungent smell.

He even saw huge fangs like swords in the big mouth of the blood basin.

Lin Feng was about to be swallowed by this big python.

But he saw that he shot like lightning.

In the void.

Gently stroke.


A sword gas beheaded, and the big python was instantly beheaded.

Lin Feng jumped up.

Then he found some dry wood and raised a campfire.

He broke the anaconda and cleaned it.

Also took out a variety of spices.

I made two dishes, one of the most popular barbecue.

Another dish is Dabu's snake soup.

Beibei, Dragon Figure, Four Sacred Birds, Little Mermaid, Soul Swallower, etc. can't resist the temptation of food, and flew out of the mountain river ring.

This group of guys rubbed and drank, and only then returned to the mountain and river ring after a full meal.

Lin Feng slept on the rock, and when he woke up, it was already the next morning.

The air in the mountain forest was unusually fresh in the early morning.

Lin Feng chose a direction and flew away quickly.

He could not help whispering in his mouth, "I was able to see the ancient Thunder City before when I was outside the Guixu Battlefield. Why did I not see the Thunder City when I entered the Guixu Battlefield? It's strange!"


Suddenly a group of monks flew in the distance.

After seeing the group of people, Lin Feng's eyes narrowed slightly.

Those people turned out to be monks of the evil dragon palace.

Lin Feng quickly hid.

These people in Evil Dragon Palace are in a hurry.

What is this going to do?

Lin Feng couldn't help wondering.

He silently trailed behind the monks of the evil dragon palace.

After about three hours.

The people of the evil dragon palace merged with another group of monks.

"Hey, it seems to be the person of the evil dragon palace!"

Seeing another group of people, Lin Feng's brows could not help but slightly pick.

Nine dragons and nine branches in the evil dragon palace.

It is not uncommon for the descendants of these nine evil dragons to enter the battlefield of Guixu together.

Because the descendants of the nine evil dragons are all competing with each other, each has its own follower.

Reluctant to find opportunities with others.

If you really want to share it with others if you find it, you might as well look for the opportunity yourself.

Long Shengjie said lightly, "What do you do by sending an urgent summons to me?".

Opposite this group of people also has a young son, this person is called Long Shengzhou, and Long Shengjie is a generation.

He said lightly, "I found a place where there is a treasure of heaven and earth. If you want to get some trouble, how can you and I join forces!"

"Tiancaidibao? What Tiancaidibao is worth so much trouble?". Long Shengjie said somewhat disapprovingly.

"Wailing fruit!"

Long Shengzhou said.

"What? Ling Ling Guo? Oh my **** ... such a baby appeared!"

Long Shengjie exclaimed, and in his eyes, burst into a fine mans.

Washing Lingguo, according to legend, can wash the monk's mana.

A piece of Ling Ling can make the monk's mana ten times pure.

The improvement of the monk's realm requires the refinement of its own mana.

Mana reaches a certain level of purity.

Only then can a breakthrough be achieved.

Therefore, this kind of celestial treasure can help monks to break through the current cultivation practice, so that the cultivation of the monk can be greatly improved.

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