Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1886: Suppress

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Lin Feng looked at the monk of the Xuanyin ghost clan indifferently, "Now there is only a part of the original power left, and even dare to be so rampant in front of the young master, who gives you the courage?".

After hearing Lin Feng's words, the monk of the Xuanyin ghost clan suddenly smiled, "Humble man clan! Who gave you the courage? How dare you be so arrogant in front of this Prince?".

Lin Feng said indifferently, "A self-proclaimed prince! They are all prisoners, and dare to call themselves prince, don't put gold on your face!"

The monks of the Xuanyin ghost clan shouted, "Fancy! In the Xiangu era, if someone dared to say this to the prince, it would have been dead!"

"It's not the Xiangu era now! Your era is already over!"

Lin Feng looked indifferent and punched at the Xuanyin ghost clan monk.

"Go to hell!"

The Xuanyin ghost clan monk snorted coldly, with a grinning face, and also punched Lin Feng at the same time.


The two sides touched together, the aftermath of the tyrannical energy swept the world, and the void collapsed.

The monk of the Xuanyin ghost family is really powerful.

Lin Feng was not able to resist his blow, and was directly flew out.


Lin Feng felt tumbling.

There was a sweet throat, and he almost didn't spit out blood.

The monks of the Xuanyin ghost family have great strength.

"Ji-Ji-Ji! Boy, I'm going to eat you!"

The monk of Xuanyin ghost clan is called Lianlian.

Quickly rushed towards Lin Feng.

But soon the monks of the Xuanyin ghost clan discovered that his body had problems.

His body is aging rapidly.

Power is also passing quickly.

"Great Reincarnation!"

The monks of the Xuanyin ghost clan are also well-informed people, and instantly judged what magical power Lin Feng had just punched.

Great reincarnation surgery can make people quickly aging, and repair the collapse.

After knowing the trick, the monks of the Xuanyin ghost clan retreated quickly.

He wanted to wait for the effect of the Great Reincarnation to disperse before he shot Lin Feng.


A group of island monks shouted coldly, and under the leadership of the old monk, they killed the monks of the Xuanyin ghost family.

"Holy Ancestor Sword!"

The old man couldn't help drinking coldly.

I saw a flash of light in his hands.


A sword flew out.

It was a golden holy sword, circling densely with runes, and at a glance it was a very powerful treasure.

It's just that this sword is very weird, even swallowing the old monk's birthday.

Although this sword is powerful, it hurts the body too much, and it is obviously unusable when it is absolutely necessary.

Now the old monk knows that it is the best time to kill the Xuanyin ghost clan monk, so he sacrificed this sword without hesitation.

The old monk, holding a saint ancestor fissure sword and several other island monks, intercepted the retreating path of Xuanyin ghost clan monks.

at the same time.

Lin Feng sacrificed the baby "Vientiane Golden Buddha" he had obtained at the previous auction.

He runs great causality.

A series of causal forces poured into the Vientiane Golden Buddha.

With the influx of causal forces, the Vientiane Golden Buddha began to be activated.

The golden light was surging for nine days.

Billions of gods, immortality.

"Namo Amitabha!"

A magnificent and loud voice resounded between heaven and earth.

The Vientiane Golden Buddha flew out, quickly became larger, and soon became a kilometer high, sitting cross-legged in the void, with a solemn treasure.

Just like the Buddha of Daleiyin Temple in the Buddhist world came to the world.

sacred! solemn! powerful!



The giant Buddha reached out a big hand.

The big hand fell from the sky.

He patted the monk of the Xuanyin ghost clan.

The endless light of Buddha condenses on the palm of the ancient Buddha.

All the Buddha's light has condensed into a "卐".

The Xuanyin ghost race is somewhere between humans and ghosts.

Belong to the extremely dark race.

Therefore, they are very restrained by Buddhism.

Now facing the attack of the giant Buddha, the monks of the Xuanyin ghost clan also changed their looks.

He punched the palm of the giant Buddha.

I saw that the fist of Xuanyin ghost clan monk condensed a gate of ghost world.

The gate of the ghost world seems to be able to communicate with the ghost world.

It seems that the power of ghost fairy can be used.

The breath inside the Xuanyin ghost clan monks began to grow wildly.

"not good……".

Lin Feng's face changed slightly.

Xuanyin ghost clan monk's method is too strange.

Lin Feng also has a sense of horror.

He did not dare to hesitate, and began to practice the Great Cause and Effect.

"Great way of cause and effect, everything in this world has cause and effect, Xuanyin ghost clan monk communicates ghost world ghost immortal damage to the cause, and I represent justice to prevent Xuanyin ghost clan monk to be fruitful! Please come Come down to the power of cause and effect, help me stop the conspiracy of Xuanyin ghost clan monks! "

Lin Feng suddenly shouted.

A powerful force fell from the sky.

All poured into the body of the Xuanyin ghost clan monk. Suddenly, the gate of the ghost world that emerged from the fist of the Xuanyin ghost clan monk collapsed directly.

The strength of the Xuanyin ghost clan monks also began to weaken significantly.

"Great karma! You even have great karma!"

Xuanyin Ghost Clan monk finally showed horror.

The top ten three thousand avenues.

Will any kind.

It's all against the sky.

But Lin Feng.

In just a short period of time, two top ten thousand avenues have been exhibited.

To be precise, it should be the top five 3,000 avenues.

It's too bad!


At that time, the giant Buddha's blow had been killed, and he and the Xuanyin ghost clan monks slammed together.

Under the attack of the Vientiane Golden Buddha, the body of the Xuanyin ghost monk exploded directly.

His body is not a flesh and blood body, only the last source is left.

Now it is also its own origin that exploded.

"I am immortal!"

Xuanyin ghost clan monks roared angrily.

Those forces of origin are quickly brought together.

It seems to be reunited again as a monk of the Xuanyin ghost clan.

"You have no chance!"

Lin Feng's expression was indifferent, and he quickly rushed over to perform a large crackdown.

Want to suppress the origin of Xuanyin ghost clan monks.

"Ah, no! I have worked so hard for so many years, and I can't get out of trouble. How can I be suppressed again? Boy! You want to suppress me. It's a daydream. I won't be suppressed. Break me down!"

The Xuanyin ghost clan monks roared, and endless ghost spirits gushed from his source, and in those ghost spirits, a sharp and screaming sound was made.

The densely packed evil spirits of the skeletons slayed towards Lin Feng with a bone sword.

Seeing such a scene, anyone is estimated to be distracted and quickly retreat.

But Lin Feng was determined and sneered, "Is it illusionary, but also want to shock me? It's ridiculous!"

He raised his right hand and slapped it on the ghost.


All the ghost spirits directly shattered.

And Lin Feng continuously shot nine palms on the source of the Xuanyin ghost clan monk's body, which completely dispelled the source of the Xuanyin ghost clan monk.

The Great Suppression technique directly suppresses the origin of the Xuanyin ghost clan monks.

Lin Feng took out the four murderous tripods and included the source of the Xuanyin ghost clan monk who had been suppressed by him into the four murderous tripods.

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