Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1858: Reward order!

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The success or failure of the monk's fighting methods has always been determined by the superposition of multiple factors.

Magic weapon can often play a decisive role in this life and death battle.

After slashing Lei Shaoli, Lin Feng put away his storage ring and magic weapon. At this time, Lin Feng wanted to kill the poisonous lady together.

It was just that the poisonous lady had just seen Lin Feng slashing Lei Shaoli, and quickly repulsed the Divine Realm avatar and fled.

When Lin Feng wanted to kill the poisonous lady again, it was too late.

Lin Feng put the Nine Demon Figures on the sword mound and swallowed the canister away.

Divine Realm avatar turned into a streamer and flew into his body.

Then Lin Feng quickly left.

Lei Shaoli's death will inevitably cause uproar.

Lei Dao will never give up.

This is predictable.

Lin Feng quickly left the courtyard.

"kill him……".

The dense guards of the Lei family quickly came under the leadership of the poisonous lady.

But Lin Feng is not in love.

Lei Wanli, the ancestor of the Lei family, is the strongest at the pinnacle of the gods.

If you wait until that old thing appears, there is only one way to go.

Lin Feng's speed is too fast.

It was almost time for Lei's guards to surround him.

He has rushed out of the encirclement.

Then go away.

After leaving Leicheng, he flew all the way towards Wanxian Island.


Suddenly, the void trembled.

A monk stepped out and struck Lin Feng with a punch.

This surprised Lin Feng, he quickly shot, and swept out with a punch.


The two sides banged together.

Lin Feng was shocked and withdrew tens of meters away.

At this time he saw clearly who the other person was.

This person turned out to be the evil young man.

"Do you like to use sneak attacks? No wonder Sister Linglong looks down on you! Now I finally know why! Hahahaha ...". Lin Feng laughed.

"Boy, what are you saying?". The eyes of the evil young man burst into a sudden murderous intention.

Lin Feng said with a sneer, "I am not interested in fighting here with you today. Our grievances will be resolved in the future!"

"Shoot ...".

Lin Feng turned into a streamer and flew towards the distance quickly.

"Where to go?", The evil young man sang coldly and chased towards Lin Feng quickly.

The master of the Lei family has also been chased out, and chased toward Lin Feng.


But what is so easy for these people to catch up with Lin Feng?

Over the years, apart from Xia Shiyun, few people can be faster than him.

This is the master of the Lei family.

The same is true of the evil young man.


After three hours, Lin Feng completely got rid of the evil master and the master of the Lei family.

I was attacked by Evil Yougong today. Although Lin Feng was a bit surprised, Lin Feng was actually opposite to him. Lin Feng had already been prepared.

The first time he saw the evil young man, Lin Feng felt a sense of killing from the second person.

Evil You Gongzi is a very jealous person, but any man who dares to approach Shui Linglong will treat him as an enemy.

Although Lin Feng and Shui Linglong only had the relationship of Shimen and No Men and Women, the evil young man did not think so. He wanted to eliminate anyone who could threaten him.

In the view of evil young man, Lin Feng's threat is the greatest.

First, because Lin Feng faced Master Huang Quan, Jin Liuyue's siege did not leave the injured Shui Linglong and fled alone.

It is desperate to protect the water.

Shui Linglong was very grateful to Lin Feng.

The second is because Lin Feng and Shui Linglong are brothers and sisters of the same class.

There are many intersections.

Moon near the water tower.

Everlasting love.

Refers to what will happen in the future.

Therefore, in the view of evil Yougong, Lin Feng is the one he will kill.

Three days later, while Lin Feng was resting on an island, a group of dozens of monks landed, and then launched a crazy attack on Lin Feng.


Lin Feng couldn't help but snorted, and immediately killed these people together.

A group of masters were all beheaded by him.

After collecting the storage rings of these people, Lin Feng found a jade tube in a storage ring.

Inside this jade tube is a reward.

This is a reward order issued by Thunder City.

The content is as follows.

Anyone who can catch this person, regardless of life or death, mine city will reward 100 million source spar.

Lin Feng is also imprinted in the jade tube.

Lin Feng sneered, "No wonder these people will besiege me! It turns out that Leicheng issued a wanted order! A reward of 100 million Yuan spar! This Leicheng really can afford the blood!

He dropped the jade tube on the ground.


Soaring into the sky, continue to fly in the direction of Wanxian Island.

Lin Feng did not change his appearance.

Take his current practice.

There is no need for disguise.

God comes to kill God, Buddha comes to criticize Buddha!

The reward of 100 million source spar is too tempting, and naturally there are many monks who are not afraid of death.

Many people came out to look for Lin Feng, and along the way, large and small battles experienced more than a dozen times.

Anyone who came to siege him.

Lin Feng did not show mercy, and all of them were beheaded by him.

Some monks who came out to kill Lin Feng and wanted to get a bonus saw Lin Feng so powerful, they left.

The reward of 100 million yuan spar is extremely tempting, but we must also consider whether we have that ability.

The night is bright and clean.

There was a flavour of meat on the island.

Lin Feng was drinking fine wine and eating barbecue.

Happy or not.

far away.

A stream of streamers flew.

There are more than a dozen people.

Soon these people landed.

"Hey, Brother, Sister, look! Isn't that guy wanted by Lei Cheng?"

A monk pointed to Lin Feng.

The rest nodded.

Then walked towards Lin Feng.

"People who are too immortal!"

Lin Feng raised his brow slightly.

The power of Taizhang Xianzong, a giant, has declined a lot, but it is still a force that no one can resist.

Because of this force, it has the legendary fairy.

Even such a powerful character as Red Dust Fairy.

Under the shock of the immortal artifact of Taizong Xianzong, he did not dare to act rashly.

This group of people is headed by two men and a woman.

The man in purple clothes is called Mo Fei.

The man in white is called Wan Tianan.

And that woman is called Ma Rong.

Mo Fei looked at Lin Feng indifferently and said coldly, "Boy! So many people are besieging you, and you can still live to this day, but you have some skills. Thinking of the virtue of good life, just give your baby Come out, we will spare you! "

The people of Taishang Xianzong have always stood tall and arrogant, and now Lin Feng is another person. Naturally, Lin Feng will not be regarded in their eyes. In their opinion, they can knead Lin Feng as much as they want. If you want to humiliate Lin Feng, you can humiliate Lin Feng as much as possible. If Lin Feng dares not to agree to their request, then he just needs to die.

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