Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1825: Ascetic

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It is very normal for such a powerful race to recover ancestral blood. Naturally, Lin Feng does not find anything strange.

At this time, the destruction of the ancestor continued, "Go out! Do not come to this place again in the future! This is not the place you should come!"


Lin Feng responded.

Then walked outside with the ruined ancestor.

At this moment he suddenly doubted the identity of the ancestor.

Why did Ruin Ancestor live here?

He always feels that there is a slight relationship between the destruction of the ancestor and the Xiangu cemetery.

At this time, Lin Feng suddenly thought of the "faqiu Zhonglang general" mentioned by the infinite Taoist priest!

Faqiu Zhonglang will also be a tomb thief.

But a particularly powerful branch was cursed.

It takes time to guard some mysterious ancient tombs.

Could it be that the ruined ancestor was a cursed "Faqiu Zhonglang general"?

It's just that Lin Feng didn't ask about destroying the ancestor.

This is too abrupt.

If it touches the privacy of the ruined ancestor.

The face is always not pretty.

Lin Feng left the Xiangu cemetery with the destruction of the ancestor, he finally looked at the Xiangu cemetery.

This one has buried countless strong men.

The cemetery where the gods are buried.

Doomed to hide countless secrets.

These secrets are destined to be unexplored for future generations.

On the second day, Wu Muqing took Lin Feng to the place of cultivation.

On the road.

Wu Muqing said, "I heard that you entered the Xiangu Mausoleum yesterday, you are really destined to be alive!"

Lin Feng grinned and said, "Who made me the son of the natural selection, who can accept me?".

"Bah! What a shame!"

Wu Muqing twitched Lin Feng lightly.

Wu Muqing took Lin Feng to a volcano.

The volcano is located northwest of the mountain range.

The temperature here is hot.

The void is slightly twisted.

The tumbling magma had already boiled, and bubbles were booming.

"Magma quenched body? Isn't it too difficult?". Lin Feng pouted.

The corner of Wu Muqing's mouth evoked a little devilish smile, and said, "You are too small to watch here. When you jump in, you will know what will happen!"

Lin Feng saw the smirk expression on Wu Muqing's face, and knew that the tumbling world of magma might be more dangerous than he thought.

Therefore, Lin Feng would be more cautious.

He jumped into the world of magma.

However, it does not operate mana to protect the body.

Instead, let your body directly contact with the tumbling magma.

Lin Feng's flesh is too strong, and the magma cannot damage his flesh at all.


Lin Feng couldn't help feeling like he was bitten by something on his right leg, and a sudden pain swept through.

His body shuddered slightly.

Lin Feng reached out and touched it, suddenly showing a horrified look, even a piece of meat was missing on his thigh.

At this time, severe pain also came from his arm, and he quickly raised his arm.

I saw a slap-sized fiery red fish on his arm.

This strange fish has a particularly large mouth.

In the mouth, there are two rows of saw-like sharp mouths.

It was this strange fish that bit himself off a piece of meat.

"This is a magma piranha! The body contains extremely powerful destructive power. At the same time, the teeth of this fish are extremely sharp, and even the giant soldiers can be crushed. Once the monk is bitten, not only his body The meat of the magma piranha will be bitten down, and the most terrifying thing is that the destructive power of the magma piranha will flow into the body from the position of the monk ’s wound. Different, it contains a very violent energy, so it is far more terrible than the ordinary power of destruction. This kind of power of destruction will completely destroy the blood of the monk, the origin, the power of life. "

"The injured person must quickly find a way to suppress or refine the destructive power in the body, otherwise, within half an hour, they will die!"


As soon as Wu Muqing's words fell, Lin Feng felt that the destructive power in his body was destroying his body.

This made Lin Feng's complexion change slightly, he said, "Can I go up to suppress the destructive power in my body now?".

Wu Muqing couldn't help rolling her eyes, only to see her waving her right hand, nine powerful emperor patterns appeared, blocking the top of the magma.

Lin Feng couldn't come up with it.

Wu Muqing said, "Master said, this is your first stage of cultivation. This is a three-month period. Today, when you first enter the world of magma, you need to catch a hundred magma piranhas before I can release you I hope you will survive smoothly! "

Wu Muqing smiled happily.

Lin Feng was horrified.


Below the magma world.

Have fish?

A magma piranha is so terrible.

How terrifying will magma piranhas be dispatched together?

Would n’t I be eaten clean by the magma piranha?

At this time, Lin Feng felt a burst of breath beneath him.

Indulging in the boiling magma world, he couldn't help feeling a cold all over his body.

The magma piranha must have appeared.


Lin Feng gritted his teeth.

Rather than sitting still, it is better to take the initiative.

He rushed into the world of magma and started a war with magma piranhas.

Catch a hundred magma piranhas.

Lin Feng has been eaten by magma piranhas.

In many places, it is the bones and bones. He originally wanted to run the undead **** body to repair the injured body, but the massive destructive power in the body suppressed the operation of the bloodline, and the undead **** body could not function at all.

Not to mention repairing his own injuries.

Then he passed out completely.

"It's really alive, really a pervert guy!"

Seeing Lin Feng Wu Muqing stunned, he grabbed Lin Feng's right ankle, and soared into the sky, carrying Lin Feng, and flew toward the center of Destruction Mountain.

When returning to the valley where the Dongfu Palace was destroyed, Wu Muqing dropped Lin Feng to the ground.

"If you weren't bitten by a magma piranha, you might be killed by you!"

The ruined ancestor rolled his eyes and said.

"This guy is very tough! Which one is so easy to die!". Wu Muqing said with a lip.

At this time there was a big tripod in the valley.

The flames are burning.

The sound of Long Yin came from Dading.

I saw a golden dragon swimming continuously in the boiling water.

This is the manifestation of the dragon pattern above Dading.

The Ancestor Destruction threw many elixir into Dading.

Then he lifted Lin Feng and threw it into the boiling liquid.

The pure power contained in the liquid began to be absorbed by Lin Feng's broken body.

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