Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1479: Qing Xuan

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The divine light is intertwined, and the pendant has undergone amazing changes.

Pieces of divine light enveloped Lin Feng and the poison ancestor in it. In an instant, Lin Feng felt like he was about to be dragged into a mysterious world.

"Kill ...", Zhen Tian shouted to kill the sky.

Lin Feng looked around and found that he came to a planet, where a war between the stars occurred.

In the extraterrestrial world, this is quite normal.

The battle between planets is often a struggle for resources.

In some star fields outside the domain, there are many such small life planets.

Therefore, wars between the stars often break out.

This besieged planet clearly cannot support it. A group of clan elders escorted more than a dozen young people to escape. They wanted to preserve the blood for the planet, so as not to break the lineage.

Some people were chased afterwards and then killed. Finally, only a few clan elders escaped with a young girl, but they were also chased by each other.

When the girl thought she was going to die, a man appeared and rescued the girl.

"I have no home, can I follow you?". The girl asked.

The man remained silent for a long time and said, "Living incognito, so that you can live well."

The man left, but the girl kept following the man.

"Why are you following me?" The man asked.

"I want to follow you"! Said the girl.

The man was helpless and could only take this girl for a starry sky tour.

Three years later.

"That is my hometown. I have lived here for a long time ...". The man looked at a life planet and said.

He returned to his hometown, but the mood was very heavy, the girl could feel the complex emotions in his heart, melancholy and sad.

In a place full of cherry blossoms, men stood here for a long time.

"What are you looking at?". The girl asked.

Manly, "Look at yourself in the past ...".

In the distance, there are arrays of fairy music, intertwined in the ears, dozens of beautiful maidservants encircling, nine-headed wings flying in a horse-drawn car.

"We should be gone." The man said that he seemed unwilling to meet some people, and he left with the girl.

"Is he back?" A beautiful woman came down from the **** car.

"You are obviously not happy, why do you want to come back?". The girl's mind was very meticulous, and she discovered something.

Now she has a quiet voice, and her mood has become very bad because of something speculated in her heart.

She has been with the man for three years, has experienced too many things, and already has some special feelings.

Even if the girl knew that the man just regarded her as a little sister.

Because, even if three years have passed.

She is only 16 years old.

This is the best age.

Love is beginning to open.

I will worry about my lover, I will be sad for my lover, I will do everything for my lover.

"My homeland buried my ancestors, my parents ... this is my root."

The man said.

The girl didn't speak and listened quietly.

"If one day, I passed away, I would like to turn it into a loess, buried in my hometown, and sleep with my parents and ancestors."

The man said softly.

Only now, there are no relatives in his homeland.

Perhaps there were a few friends in the past, but nowadays, even friends are gone.

"I plan to go to a place, that place, I can't take care of you, you stay here and practice well."

The man said that he took out a pendant and said, "You take this token and go to the extreme north to find a mother-in-law called Qian Jixue, she will take you to practice."

The girl knows the character of the man very well.

She knew that the man made a good decision, and the place he was going to was definitely beyond the danger of imagination, so he could not take himself.

At this moment, how much the girl wants to be a powerful monk, can help him.

"I will practice well." Said the girl.

"Okay ... I might come back soon." The man rubbed the girl's head and left.

The passage of time, the girl's desperate cultivation, is to have strong strength as soon as possible, to find men.

For so many years on this planet, the girl went to the cherry tree many times, she saw another woman, and explored many things about the woman.

The woman is a man's fiancee.

It was only the girl who discovered that the woman had secretly met with another man.

previous years.

Under that cherry tree.

The man's fiancee sent him away.

On the day of his return, also under the cherry tree, he saw his former lover and his best friend having fun.

He never showed up and left silently until many years later, he came back with a "girl".

In the past hundred years or so, a major event has occurred in the starry sky world, and some people testify to success and become the emperor.

Wanyu came to congratulate, starry sky shared respect.

An emperor is enough to shine on the endless world and become the most powerful ruler between heaven and earth.

This emperor is the master of the pendant, Mo Mo.

He returned to his homeland, the old girl, also slim and slender.

"Mo laugh, you are finally back ...". His fiancee was very excited.

And his friend, came to congratulate.

Nothing happened between them.

This man and a woman know what a great emperor represents?

Friendship with the emperor means a noble position, countless wealth, and an identity that countless people look up to.

High above.

Oblique starry sky world countless star fields.

"Have you been okay for many years?". Jun Mo smiled and asked, it seemed to be relieved, but who can know the pain in his heart?

After so many years, he never came back, and it was still difficult to let go of his heart.

This betrayal hurt him.

But both of them are the people he trusts and is closest to.

"Mo laugh, I have been missing you ... under the cherry tree, I have waited for you for many years."

His fiancee said so, very frankly.

"You shameless."

The girl is called Qing Xuan, and she grew up long ago, not as soft and weak as before. Although her practice is short, she is very powerful. Seeing the woman in a pretentious manner in front of her, seeing that she still wants to trick Jun Moxiao, Qing Xuan was very angry and slapped this woman in the face.

"Dare you hit me? What are you?". The woman is very angry and her eyes can almost kill.

"Do you think others do not know what you have done? Slut!" Qing Xuan scolded.

The faces of Jun Moxiao's friends and fiancee have changed greatly.

They left disgraced.

Jun Moxiao did not stay in his homeland for too long. Perhaps he had already seen everything and would not blame the two people again.

It's just that they have become like strangers.

Jun Moxiao entered the starry sky world again.

After Jun Moxiao left, someone cut off the heads of those two people and gave it to Qingxuan, perhaps to please Qingxuan. Many people know that Jun Moxiao after Chengdi returned to Qingxuan native land.

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