Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1464: Forbidden Purple Electric Hammer

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"This is the forbidden purple electric hammer"!

When the sarcophagus guardian waved his right hand, a ray of purple thunder and lightning appeared, suspended in midair, intertwined with the power of thunder and lightning.

In the thunder and lightning, there is a purple hammer.

This hammer exudes a wave of devastating waves.

This is the purple electric hammer, a treasure that is shocking enough.

"Unfortunately, it is just a forbidden device created by imitating the innate Lingbao Purple Electric Hammer. If it is a real Purple Electric Hammer, it will be fine." Lin Feng said with a smile.

The sarcophagus guardian said, "The real purple electric hammer may have been destroyed in the inborn soul war? Of course, it may not have been destroyed, but it must have been left in a place where no one can find it. It may even be left in the past. "

Innate creatures are terrible, and hold the power of the past, present, and future.

A treasure like the Purple Electric Hammer may indeed be left in the past time and space, so that it will not be found.

Even some innate souls will bury their bodies in the past time and space, and will not show up now or in the future.

This is the ability to turn against the sky, and the emperor only touched the fur.

Lin Feng grabbed the forbidden purple electric hammer, stroking this treasure with some ease.

It ’s really a magical treasure. I do n’t know if the forbidden purple electric hammer can bombard the powerful person of the **** of fire. Now he ca n’t wait to go out with the demon holy deity, monarch emperor, Mo Zixie, and Wang Tian. The electric hammer bombarded these people and robbed their treasures, especially the magic lotus. This treasure must be obtained.

"You have already accepted the things and the agreement has been reached. I will not let you make an oath, because there is absolutely no need for it. I have always believed in the truth that people cannot stand without faith, if they do n’t even say what they say To promise that such a person, the future achievements are destined to be limited, "said the sarcophagus guardian.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "You can rest assured that when my strength is strong, I will definitely help you find the clan."

"Ok……". The guardian of the sarcophagus nodded, and then his body merged into the rock face again, no longer speaking, as if it were part of the rock face.

Lin Feng put Xiaoyao Yao down, and then found a place to practice the forbidden purple electric hammer.

It's a pity that this baby is against the sky.

There are five use chances left.

Once the number of bans is reached, it will self-destruct.

So this baby Lin Feng should cherish the use.

It is not a last resort, and it cannot be used casually.

Nine magical figures of nine in one are not the power of the forbidden purple electric hammer, which shows how powerful this baby is.

After spending a day, Lin Feng finally sacrificed the Purple Electric Hammer.

The poisonous ancestor is also in retreat, he is refining the source of the highly poisonous animal husbandry.

Lin Feng can feel that the cultivation of the poisonous ancestor is recovering quickly.

An ancient existence like the poison ancestor once cultivated to the level of a quasi-imperial emperor. He wanted to restore his strength.

Of course, the premise is that he can find enough to allow him to devour the source to restore strength.

Perhaps the only reason that prevented the poison ancestors from quickly recovering their strength is that the origin is hard to find?

After devouring the poisonous origin of Mu Qianzong, the ancestor of the poison ancestor returned to the tenth heaven of the virtual **** realm.

And there is only one step left to break through the Shenhuo realm.

After Lin Feng sacrificed the Purple Electric Hammer, he then sacrificed three highly virulent puppets.

Seeing Lin Feng want to refine the poisonous puppet, the poison ancestor said, "You can refine the poisonous puppet with great poison, and at the same time, when refining the poisonous puppet, a **** of thought will be broken into the poisonous puppet In this way, the venomous puppet will be like a **** realm, driven by you and move freely, but the only thing to worry about is that if the venomous puppet is beheaded, your mind will be destroyed and the soul will Was repulsed ".

Lin Feng nodded and said, "It's risky to do anything, but it's not that easy to get rid of the poisonous puppet. After all, this poisonous puppet is also the realm of the false god.

The three poisonous puppets Lin Feng actually liked it very much. Perhaps the only drawback of the poisonous puppets is the difficulty of promotion.

This is also the biggest difference between the highly toxic puppet and the Divine Reality.

The Divine Avatar can self-cultivate like a monk and evolve infinitely.

The highly toxic puppet cannot do this.

This is because the highly toxic puppet is a kind of puppet.

Under normal circumstances, the puppet villain wants to continue to be promoted, unless he finds more precious materials and then re-sacrifice.

These materials are very difficult to find. If Lin Feng wants to continue to improve the strength of the three poisonous puppets, he needs to collect some precious materials to sacrifice the three poisonous puppets.

He planned to wait for him to return to the Dragon Gate Territory, and he was asked to help him collect materials that could sacrifice the puppet.

Lin Feng sacrificed the poisonous puppet in the same way as the poisonous ancestor, and then broke a divine thought into the body of the poisonous puppet.

It took about two days or so for the three puppets to be poisoned by Lin Feng.

Lin Feng opened his eyes, stretched a lazy waist, and the success of the three puppets' avatars made him quite happy.

"Big Brother, go to Miss Sister ...". Xiao Yaoyao saw Lin Feng woke up, and grabbed Lin Feng's hand and whispered.

Lin Feng asked doubtfully, "Did she show up again?"

Xiao Yaoyao nodded heavily, took Lin Feng's hand, and walked outside.

When I came out of the cave, in the distance, the little fairy looked towards this side.

"Sister ..." Xiao Yaoyao looked very excited and chased towards the little fairy.

The little fairy looked puzzledly at Xiao Yaoyao and disappeared without a trace.

"What's going on?" Lin Feng frowned.

It's really weird, and makes him extremely puzzled.

The little fairy is clearly not far away, why disappeared?

Xiao Yaoyao came back with some sadness, Lin Feng held her in her arms, and the little girl grieved and said, "Big brother and sister are gone again, don't you like Xiaoyaoya?"

Lin Feng exhorted, "Of course not, Miss Sister must leave because she has something to do."

Xiao Yaoyao asked in surprise, "Really?"

Lin Feng petted and rubbed Xiao Yaoyao's head and said, "Of course it is true!"

Xiao Yaoya was happy now.

Lin Feng asked the guardian of the sarcophagus about the little fairy.

"She doesn't belong to this world ...". The guardian of the sarcophagus didn't say much, just said something that made Lin Feng feel puzzled.

Why doesn't it belong to this world, why does it manifest in this world?

The sarcophagus guardian did not continue to answer Lin Feng.

Obviously, I didn't want to tell him more, maybe it involved some topics that the sarcophagus guardian was not willing to mention.

Lin Feng was very conscious and did not continue to question, and eventually he and the poison ancestor, Wang Zhongming left the cave.

The little fairy appeared again when Lin Feng and others walked outside the sacred mountain, looking at Xiao Yaoyao with big eyes.

"Goodbye, sister ..." Xiao Yaoyao waved at the little fairy.

The little fairy looked at Xiao Yaoyao with a thoughtful expression.

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