Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1438: cave

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"Why do you look at me so fiercely? Are you unconvinced? Believe it or not, I'm on the other side of you. Come on your hips?" Lin Feng narrowed his eyes and looked at the poison rose's buttocks.

This woman is more than beautiful.

The figure is also extremely hot.

Just that moment.

It feels pretty good.

"You ...", the poison rose originally wanted to say "you dare". But just after the first word was spoken, the second word was swallowed back by the poisonous rose.

Because Poison Rose knew that Lin Feng would not have ignored her threat. If she continued to threaten Lin Feng, she would only suffer from her own buttocks.

"That's right, my grandma likes to hear the maidservant." Lin Feng said with a smile, his right hand was rubbing on the waist of the willow snake, where the poisonous rose was so smooth that there was no fat.

Although separated by a layer of clothing, it does not affect the feel.

Poisonous Rose pushed Lin Feng away, quickly backed away a few steps, her pretty face was pink.

Lin Feng no longer teases the poisonous rose, but looks deep into the valley. He vaguely feels that the valley seems very wrong.

Lin Feng looked at the poisonous rose and asked, "How much do you know about this poisonous valley?".

Poison Rose did n’t want to talk to Lin Feng, but she was worried not to answer Lin Feng. Lin Feng came to tease her again, and she said with a cold face, "This is a forbidden place in the forest of poisonous fog. The power of the ban will become stronger and stronger, and the deeper you go, the more violent the toxin will be. "

Lin Feng couldn't help but touch his chin, it seemed that the depths of this valley of poisonous poisonousness had hidden some amazing secrets.

He continued to ask, "How much do you know about the depths of the Valley of Thousand Poisons?".

Poisonous Rose said, "The Valley of Ten Thousand Poisons is heavily forbidden and contains highly toxic substances. If the monk is caught in the power of the space-time storm, he will be swallowed into the crack of the time and space, and his life will disappear. Therefore, the deepest part of the valley of the poisonous poison has always been very mysterious, and no one can explore. "

"You come in and see with me"! Lin Feng said.

The poison rose suddenly shouted, "If I don't go in, I will die if I go in."

Lin Feng gently patted the poison rose's buttocks and said, "I'm here, what are you afraid of, follow me, and won't make you anything wrong".

Qiao. Buttocks were attacked again.

Poisonous rose eyes looked at Lin Feng with fire, and said fiercely, "You dragged me in, don't think I don't know what you are thinking, do you use me as a shield when there is danger?".

"The conscience of heaven and earth, I don't think so. I don't want to use a big beautiful woman like you as a shield. What a cold-blooded person can do." Lin Feng said.

"It seems that some time ago, someone said that I am a heart-felt viper, but now the tone is really quite fast. The mouth of the man is really not reliable. Think about it, you men, but they are a group of animals thinking about the next generation." , Poison Rose sarcastically said.

"You can't kill all men with a rod. You said that I was an animal thinking about the lower body. Is that right? I should strip you off now, and then get you a hundred times, let you show me how powerful I am." Lin Feng narrowed his eyes to the delicate body of Poison Rose.

The poisonous rose had a pretty white face, knowing that she should not continue to ridicule Lin Feng, otherwise she was the one who suffered the loss, and she temporarily endured the evil in her heart and said, "Aren't you going to go in? I'll follow you."

Lin Feng nodded and walked toward it first.

When the poison rose thought, the throne of bone quickly became smaller and penetrated into her body.

Although the poisonous rose cannot use its power.

However, the high-level magic weapon such as the Bone Throne can be changed in size, withdrawn, and can be withdrawn, but it can only be released without the mana and cannot release the power of the Bone Throne.

After receiving the Bone Throne, Poison Rose followed Lin Feng and walked towards it.

There are many moving prohibitions floating in the void.

The lethality of these prohibitions is extremely powerful.

The body touches these prohibitions.

It is very likely to die.

But for Lin Feng, it is not difficult to avoid these restrictions.

The poisonous rose soon discovered something was wrong, how could Lin Feng go through the prohibition so easily?

"Are you proficient in formation?", Poison Rose said in surprise.

By sensing Lin Feng's breath of life, Poison Rose knew that Lin Feng was an extremely young monk.

Such a young, such a powerful practice, has already surprised her.

But Lin Feng is still familiar with Dazhen.

This makes the Poison Rose feel incredible.

After all, one's energy is limited.

In his twenties, the cultivation base is so powerful, and the level of formation is so high, it is really too incredible.

Lin Feng said with a smile, "Why? Fancy me?".

Poison Rose chuckled and said, "I'll see you? I'm just a little surprised."

Lin Feng said, "Don't be curious about me, because that is the beginning of your fall."

Poison Rose sneered, no more words.

With the deepening, the gas is becoming stronger and stronger, and the prohibition is more and more terrible, as the poison rose said.

Lin Feng originally used the purple flame to protect the heart fire, but later found that a kind of sky fire could not prevent the invasion of highly toxic, so he also sacrificed the black flame burning **** fire.

He did not ask the poison rose for the antidote elixir.

This woman is extremely good at using poison.

Lin Feng didn't know much about various poisons.

Therefore, if the poisonous rose moved its hands in the panacea, Lin Feng did not know.

Defenses can not do without.

Special treatment should be taken against women like Poison Rose. If you are not careful, it may be calculated by this woman.

In the end, Lin Feng and Poison Rose came to the depths of Wandu Valley.

I saw the extension of the Valley of Thousand Poisons, and the void split.

Some small cracks have a dozen centimeters.

Some of the larger cracks are five or six meters.

The power of the terrible time and space storm escaped from the void crack.

Lin Feng took out the hurricane bead, and he took the poisonous rose's jade hand, and only felt that the poison rose's jade hand was very soft and comfortable to touch.

"Let me go, you stupid rogue ...". Poisonous Rose struggled.

Lin Feng said, "I have a hurricane bead in my hand, which can withstand the power of time and space storms. I hold you. The hurricane bead can protect both of us. If you are not holding you, you will immediately be flooded by the void crack The power of time and space storms torn apart, do you say I am holding you, or let go of you? ".


Poison Rose snorted softly, but no longer struggled, let Lin Feng hold, she and Lin Feng went deeper together.

Far away, they saw a huge, dark cave appearing in sight.

A lot of poisonous mist was sprayed from that cave, and the cave was deep and I didn't know where it was going.

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