Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1162: Unforgettable fairy

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Energy dissipated.

Lin Feng frowned slightly, because Liu Qi had disappeared without a trace, apparently ran away at the opportunity just now, this person was really cruel, and in order to be able to escape, he was killed together with the door's master.

Lin Feng came to Wu Qingqing and asked with concern, "Are you all right?".

Wu Qingqing said, "It's all right!"

Then glanced quietly at Lin Feng, his expression a little complicated.

"It's okay ..."

Lin Feng nodded.

After a pause, he said, "Let's see in the palace"!

Wu Qingqing did not speak, lowered her head and walked towards the palace. Lin Feng followed behind and walked towards the temple together. Suddenly, Wu Qingqing asked, "Why are you here?".

Lin Feng said angrily, "Why else? Of course I was worried about your safety, so I followed him all the way. If I don't come, wouldn't you want to burn away the jade?"

Wu Qingqing was sweet in his heart, but there was a cold expression on his face. He could not help but snorted coldly, "Who rarely cares about you?".

Lin Feng said, "It's your business that you are not rare. As for how I do it, that's what I do."


Wu Qingqing hummed softly, and then turned to continue walking towards the palace, the pace seemed to be much lighter.

The two came to the gate of the Palace of Despair, Lin Feng pushed a gap between the golden door and the two entered.

Many things in the hall are very neatly arranged, and even if countless years have passed, everything is still new here.

This is because there are clean dust patterns in the hall, which can keep the hall clean and clean.

The display in the first major hall is relatively simple. It is more like a cultivating dojo, in which a statue of a woman is erected. This woman has a tall figure and a beautiful face. Touching style, can be called a peerless beauty.

"This is the unsympathetic fairy aunt?" Lin Feng touched his chin and said.

Wu Qingqing nodded and said, "It's a statue of a desperate fairy, but look at the expression on the face of the statue, and your eyes are full of emotion.

Lin Feng nodded, and the unsympathetic fairy aunt changed her name later because she was seriously injured.

"Hey, look, this desperate Auntie still holds a scroll in his hand." Lin Feng was surprised, he took off the scroll.

Then open the reel.

I saw the golden light above the scroll, and in the golden light, some pictures appeared.

A handsome man with dark hair and a star like a star standing at the desk, a beautiful woman in white like snow is grinding him.

The man wrote a small poem.

Jade furnace incense, red candle tears, partial portrait of Qiu Tang.

The eyebrows are thin, the sideburns remain, and the pillow is cold at night.

Sycamore trees, three more rain, do not suffer from suffering.

Yiyeye, with a sound, the empty steps dripped into the light.

"Qing'er, I will travel far, this poem, written for you." The man in white said softly.

Yueqing Fairy read this poem, but murmured, "If you don't see a monarch in one day, your heart will be broken."

"I will hurry back as soon as possible"! The man in white lightly held the jade hand of Yueqing fairy.

All the pictures disappeared, and I saw a line of small poems on the scroll, which was written by the white man.

"This man is as rich as a jade, and he really has a good skin." Lin Feng said with emotion.

"It ’s no wonder that Yueqing Fairy could n’t get out of hurt. It seems that she has a deep affection for this man. The man in this world does n’t have a good thing. When he has n’t gotten it, do n’t give words of love, hold the woman in his hands and be afraid of falling. He is afraid to dissolve it in his mouth, but once he gets it, he will give it up like a shoe. Although this man has a good look, he is a human face and a beast. "

Wu Qingqing didn't know where there was so much resentment. He couldn't help but say that when he looked at Lin Feng, he couldn't help but snorted coldly, as if Lin Feng was the bearer.

She moved the straight and slender beauty of infinite imagination ... legs walked towards the palace inside.

Among the unsympathetic palaces are the Spirit Array Room, the Refining Room, and the Shentong Pavilion.

What made Lin Feng quite depressed was that there was no "Shendan" left in the refining room.

Maybe the refined immortals were carried by the desperate Xiangu?

There are a lot of scrolls about Lingzhen in the Lingzhen room. Lin Feng sorted out these scrolls, and then he and Wu Qingqing each charged half.

There are dozens of volumes of various magical powers in the magical powerhouse, the most valuable of which is the six ancient magical powers.

They are the Divine Finger, the Fiery Fire, the Thousand Waves of Buddha ’s Fury, the Stars of the Star River, and the Swords of the Fury.

Any ancient magical power, the value is unimaginable, not to mention six kinds?

What made Lin Feng most delighted was the fact that among these six types of ancient magical powers, there was also the ancient magical power of the swordsmanship of "Furious Wave Sword Skill".

This is the first archaic supernatural power that Lin Feng got.

Lin Feng printed a copy of each of the six ancient magical powers and handed it to Wu Qingqing.

The two continued to walk towards it, and they came to the deepest palace.

The gate of the palace was closed, Lin Feng tried to push it open, but failed to push it open.

"Could it be that the unforgiving fairy aunt sat there?". Lin Feng muttered.

He and Wu Qingqing joined forces to push the door open.

The two entered the strong man, where they saw the dressing table, jade bed, desk, bookshelf and so on, but did not see the body of the desperate Xiangu.

However, if the monk sits, it will die out, and will not leave the body. Since the unsympathetic Xiangu was injured by the road, it is obviously mortal.

Lin Feng checked the books on the desk and the bookshelf and found nothing particularly precious.

On the desk, I saw two beautiful lines on the desk.

Acacia is without reason.

Mo Xianghua's tears.

These two lines contain the thoughts of the lover in my heart and the pain after the lover's departure.

It seems that the ruthless fairy aunt is dead.

There is no despair.

She failed to forget to appear in her life.

The one who loved her deeply.

The man she loved deeply.

But the final result is a tragedy.


The man abandoned her ruthlessly.

"Unfortunately, the storage ring of the desperate Xiangu failed to stay." Wu Qingqing Road.

"It's no pity that we got six kinds of ancient magical powers. Any one of the ancient magical powers is enough to cause blood and rain on the Tianwu Continent, not to mention six kinds."

Lin Feng said.

After a pause, he continued, "This place should not stay long, let's go."

Wu Qingqing nodded and left the palace together with Lin Feng. After leaving the Palace of Despair, Wu Qingqing inserted the twelve array flags back into place, and the large array worked again.

The Palace of Despair, was taken away by a large array.

Here again became an empty mountain forest, if you don't know that the Palace of Despair is hidden here by the large array, no one can find the Palace of Despair.

"If there is no map in this lore, there is absolutely no way to enter. If you break into it, there is only one way to go." Wu Qingqing murmured to herself, then destroyed the sheepskin, and left with Lin Feng.

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