Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1138: Broken temple, bodhi, headless Buddha.

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The ancient temple is full of divine light, and it is very extraordinary.

Such an ancient temple appeared in such a vast desert, but it was a bit weird.

"Where was the Tianjiao battlefield in the past?". Lin Feng muttered to himself.

"This small world is very mysterious. It is said that it was found by a middle-aged Hachio from a secret place in the past, and was created for a giant **** in the past." Guanlian had some understanding of this and told Lin Feng what he knew.

"The middle-aged eight males are very mysterious in their own right. They suddenly left without a trace. Now, this temple appears in the desert, which is really too weird!" Lin Feng Road.

Originally, he and Guanlian were very excited when they heard the bell, but now both of them have calmed down.

Because, everything I see in front of me is indeed a bit weird.

"The dilapidated ancient temple is worth seeing." Guanlian said.

Lin Feng nodded and he and Guanguan walked towards the ancient temple.

If you leave this way, it will leave regrets.

The bells had disappeared, and until Lin Feng and Guanlian came to the ancient temple, the bells never rang again.

When I came to the ancient temple, I knew what the ancient temple was like.

Many places are covered with green moss, and the walls are covered with dense cracks, which will collapse anytime and anywhere.

The gate of the temple has decayed, exuding a rotten taste.

Lin Feng pushed the courtyard door open, and he and Guanlian entered the temple.

The courtyard is very simple, there is a huge furnace tripod, apparently the incense burner tripod, but the reason why it has been useless for too long, the furnace tripod has already produced patina.

The furnace is very ordinary, not a treasure, Lin Feng never looked at it.

"Ancient tree ...".

Guanlian looked at an ancient tree in the courtyard with surprise. Now this ancient tree has withered. It is about three meters high and thick like a bowl.

The trunk is curved, and there is a sense of vigour, just like the body of the dragon, and the open bark is also like the dragon scale.

There are more than a dozen fruits hanging on this ancient tree. Lin Feng and Guanlian came to the ancient tree. He picked one fruit, but with a little effort, the fruit shattered and had already rotted.

"The time is too long to decay many things," Lin Feng said.

But soon, Lin Feng found something wrong.

Because this ancient tree has been dead for so many years, it is still vigorous, but it does not mean decay.

"This tree is not simple." Lin Feng frowned.

"Isn't it ... Bodhi tree?" Said Guan Guan uncertainly.

Lin Feng was surprised, if it was a bodhi tree, it would be too amazing.

Buddhism has such records.

Buddha's native five-color stems, one flower and one world, and one leaf as if coming.

Liu Zuyun: There is no tree in the bodhi, and the bodhi tree is for convenience. One leaf, one bodhi, this leaf is the other tree.

In fact, this passage is very easy to understand, which means that the bodhi tree is the holy tree of Buddhism.

When the bodhi blossoms, a bodhi flower can be transformed into a world, and a bodhi leaf can see through the future destiny.

But unfortunately, the bodhi tree in front of him has withered away, with no flowers or leaves. Of course, Lin Feng and Guan Guan are still not sure whether they are actually bodhi trees.

"Buddhists rarely plant other vegetation in temples. They only love bodhi trees. There are allusions. In the legend of Buddhism, there are three Buddhas in the past, present, and future. Respect the current Buddha. "

Guanlian talked about some rumors of Buddhism.

In the past, Buddha was respected as "burning lamp"!

Now Buddha is called "Sakya"!

The future Buddha is called "Mile"!

It is rumored that the Buddha Sakyamuni Buddha is enlightening the Tao under the Bodhi Tree, and has since cultivated into Zhengguo, shaping the undead golden body and becoming the head of the Buddhas.

From then on, Buddhism called the Bodhi Tree "Holy Tree".

Of course, the bodhi tree is very rare.

It is too incredible to plant a bodhi tree in such a ruined ancient temple.

Lin Feng picked all the dozen fruits and crushed them one by one.

Seven fruits were crushed in a row, but the eighth fruit was nothing.

"Hey, this fruit is not simple ...". Lin Feng was surprised. He looked closely at the eighth fruit. This fruit is about ten centimeters long, showing an oval shape, dark brown, and the appearance is not very good.

"This is? Buddha's mark?". Lin Feng was surprised.

He saw something amazing. There was a Buddha vaguely imprinted on the fruit. Lin Feng did not know whether he was really a Buddha.

But it is very similar.

He gave Guanlian a glance, and Guanlian was also very surprised. She said, "There is a saying called Born by the Heart, it is said that the bodhi tree is spiritual. He listens to the Buddha's teachings every day, and the bodhi sons that he produces will show the Buddha. From the perspective of this, it seems that this is indeed a dead bodhi tree, and you are holding a bodhi in your hand. This is a Buddhist sacred object, expelling demons, nurturing primitive spirits, Can help monks to realize the Tao. "

Sacred objects like Bodhi are hard to imagine. If they are really like what Guan Lian said, this is Bodhi, and the value is amazing.

Lin Feng checked the rest of the fruit, and he found another similar fruit, which was not destroyed by time.

Lin Feng gave the second fruit to Guanlian.

The two of them walked towards the temple. The temple was completely ruined, and even the Buddha statues had collapsed. Lin Feng felt strange that the collapsed Buddha statue in the temple had no head.

"How come the head is gone? It's really weird, could it be taken away by someone?". Lin Feng frowned slightly. At this time, he was inexplicably feeling a little uneasy.

"I don't know if there is any baby left here?". Guanlian said.

"Look and see"!

Lin Feng and Guan Guan searched in the temple, but they could not find anything.

"The solitary temple stands in the desert, and the head of the Buddha has lost its head. Does this signify anything? Lin Feng murmured.

He vaguely felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"This temple really has some evil doors"! Guan Guan said.

"This place should not stay for a long time, let's leave quickly"! Lin Feng said.

Guanlian nodded.

The two of them walked towards the outside, but when Lin Feng and Guanlian came outside, their looks changed greatly.

I saw that the sky was completely darkened.

in all directions.

The black mist rolled.

Endless black mist.

Coming from a distance, as if the end is coming.

In the dark, it seems that an ancient demon is recovering.

Lin Feng and Guan Guan felt that their souls were trembling.

Endless darkness shrouded in, to devour this ruined little temple.

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