Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1131: Seven princes of the Great Qin Empire win Shao Kang

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"Let me go, you beast ...".

The girl was struggling, but how could she be struggling?

The male monk who pressed on the girl said with a smirk, "Ha ha, struggling, the harder you struggle, the happier I will be later!"

He began to take off his clothes, apparently can't wait to enjoy the girl from the alien race.


At this moment, a cold awn flew out of a tree three meters away from him, as fast as lightning.

The monk hadn't even reacted yet, and his head was already beheaded.

The person who shot was Lin Feng. He sacrificed Taishang sword mound, operated Taishang sword control tactics, sacrificed the black dragon sword, and unexpectedly killed the monk who was inferior to the beast.

Lin Feng and Guanlian jumped quickly, and Guanlian took out her clothes to cover the girl's body.

"Damn, who are you?". Seeing that a companion was killed, the rest of the monks roared angrily.

These people quickly spread out and surrounded Lin Feng, Guan Lian and the girls of the alien race.

"Looking at your costumes, it seems that the people of the Great Qin Empire, cultivation is so extraordinary, should have a decisive position in the Great Qin Empire, is it a royal child?", Lin Feng narrowed his eyes slightly to look at the leading monk.

This person has the deepest and strongest breath among a dozen monks. Lin Feng sensed his breath of life and found that this person should be around 260 years old.

If this person is a member of the royal family of the Great Qin Empire, it may be the identity of a certain prince or even a prince.

Only this bloodline of the heirloom can be so tyrannical, and besides practicing in the foreign experience, there is a group of strong people around him.

The identity of these strong men is obviously not simple, either a royal family member or a family member of the Great Qin Empire.

"The Seventh Prince of the Great Qin Empire wins Shaokang! Who are you?". The other party was carrying his hands, his expression was cold.

"Lin Feng"!

"You are Lin Feng?".

Many people were taken aback. Apparently they had heard about Lin Feng's stepping on Murong Tianshen, but they never imagined that they now saw Lin Feng himself.

"Uncle Emperor Win Prison led our masters of the Great Qin Empire to Nanzhou to support the destruction of the Dapeng royal family in the Three Houses. This kid participated in that battle. It is said that he was rescued from the Three Houses After the little princess of the demon clan, this person must have got a lot of treasures from the demon clan. There must be many secrets in him. , Plunder all the secrets from him. "

A Shizi called Yingzizheng said that this person's cultivation behavior is also very arrogant. Lin Feng felt that this winning politics is not much worse than winning Shaokang.

"Since that is the case, then cut him ...". A group of people in the Great Qin Empire were all excited.

The opponent is strong, and Lin Feng is weak.

Fighting, naturally there is no chance of winning.

When these people reach an agreement, they will deal with Lin Feng and the three others.

Lin Feng directly sacrificed the four murderous tripods.

He seized the young girl of Guanlian and Tianwai Alien, and entered the four murderous tripods.

"Follow me, let's break out." Lin Feng said in a deep voice.

It is difficult for him to mobilize Sixiongding alone, but with the help of Guanzheng, it should be able to activate some of the power of Sixiongding.

At the beginning, Lin Feng and Qian Piaoxue urged the four murderous tripods to knock Huangfu Wuji to death.

It can be seen how horrible the power of the four evils is?

Powerful mana surging out, infused into the four fierce tripods, and Guan Lian, like Lin Feng, broke the mana into the four fierce tripods.

The girl from the Tianwai tribe has now been lifted by Lin Feng, and has resumed her actions. Although her practice is not particularly strong, she also shot together and urged the four murderous tripods.

The lines above the four fierce tripods lingered, and four terrible fierce powers suddenly appeared.

"Sacrifice the Fengtian Array, lock this fierce tripod!"

Ying Shaokang said with a deep voice, that this person as the descendant of the great Qin empire is not only powerful, but also has a very amazing vision. At first glance, he can see that once he was rushed by the four murderous tripods.

How powerful is the impact of such a huge giant tripod?

By that time, I was afraid I could not leave Lin Feng and the others.

The Fengtian Array is a joint attack lineage inherited from the royal family of the Great Qin Empire.

This formation includes three parts: seal, attack and defense.

Many talented children of the Great Qin Empire will practice. When they go out, they are often able to unite to perform the Fengtian Array. Even if they encounter more powerful monks, they will be sealed by their Fengtian Array.

A series of patterns interweave, and more than a dozen masters of the Great Qin Empire united to display the four fierce tripods of Feng Tianzhen against Lin Feng.

In the void, a large net of formation was condensed.

There is quite a sense of skynet restoration, sparse but not leaky.

The big net of law came down from the sky, enveloped it, and lingered towards the four fierce tripods.

But these people obviously underestimated the power of Si Xing Ding, and under the urging of Lin Feng, Guan Zhan, and the girl of the alien race, the power of Si Xing Ding broke out.

Left rushing right.

boom! boom! boom! boom!

Four fierce tripods hit the master of the Great Qin Empire time and time again.

After being hit by the four murderous tripods.

No matter how powerful Xiu Wei was, he was directly killed by the four murderers.

In a short period of time, the four murderous Dings killed four masters of the Great Qin Empire.

Lin Feng locked Ying Shaokang and drove the four murderous Ding towards Ying Shaokang.

Seeing that the power of Sixiongding is so powerful, where dare to win Shao Kang to contend with his own flesh and blood?

He quickly skimmed towards the left.

The speed of Si Xing Ding has been increased to the extreme, directly tearing the magic circle before winning Shao Kang's guard position, and then rushing towards the distance.


Ying Shaokang's face was extremely gloomy and he quickly chased him out. The rest followed him to the four murderous tripods.

But the speed of Si Xingding was too fast, and disappeared after blinking.

Due to the excessive consumption of the four murderous tripods, the three of Lin Feng, who had flown for more than a dozen miles, could not eat it.

The three of them flew out of the four murderous tripods, and Lin Feng warmed them up in the Dantian.

"Find a place to hide".

Lin Feng said.

"There is a valley ahead, go hide there." Guan Guan said.

Lin Feng nodded and the three of them entered the valley and found a rather concealed cave here. Then they hid in the cave. Lin Feng set up a hidden magic circle and an isolated magic circle.

At this time, the anxious and destructive Ying Shaokang and others had already chased them, and their thoughts were searching around, but the location of Lin Feng and the three people was isolated by the circle, successfully hiding from the sky and avoiding the search of Ying Shaokang and other people.

"If you can't run away, you must be around. Look for me carefully." Ying Shaokang was really extraordinary. He didn't choose to leave. His gloomy eyes swept around and said coldly.

Lin Feng in the cave frowned, which was a bit troublesome. Ying Shaokang seemed to have determined that the three of them were hiding here. If these people searched for no results and destroyed the mountains, the three of them would be forced out. When the time comes to try to escape from these people, I'm afraid it will be difficult.

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