Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1115: Old friend

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Lin Feng raised his eyelids and looked at Huangfu Qingtian's back, and a cold arc was raised at the corner of his mouth.

Huangfu Qingtian is indeed very strong, and this person is very forbearing, which makes Lin Feng more embarrassed.


The Tianjiao battle is about to start again, and it is an extremely important thing for the three thousand states.

The arrogant battle began more than 30,000 years ago.

Every ten years, an arrogant battle will be held.

Young monks participating in the Tianjiao battle will enter the Tianjiao battlefield.

This Tianjiao battlefield is a very strange place, with its own rules. Tianjiao battlefield only allows young monks under 300 years old to enter it.

The monk has a long life span, but the dynasty is thousands of years old and three hundred life. For monks, it is indeed a very young life span.

Because of the age restrictions on the Tianjiao battlefield, many middle-aged and strong generations, older generations, cannot enter it.

This ensures the relative fairness of the Tianjiao battlefield.

In the Tianjiao battlefield, there are many opportunities, artifacts, ancient heritage, and mysterious extraterrestrial races.

It is said that by killing the mysterious extraterrestrial races, you can get the "Tianjing" in those extraterrestrial races.

In "Tianjing", there is a record of the supernatural power passed down from the outer race.

The value of many supernatural powers is even comparable to "Ancient Supernatural Powers".

And there is also a rumor that some of the crystals are branded with three thousand avenues.

This is enough to drive countless people crazy.

In addition to Tianjing, there are "sky stones" in the Tianwai race.

Sky stone is similar to spirit stone and can provide the energy of heaven and earth.

However, the value of Tianshi is not comparable to that of Lingshi.

The energy contained in the sky stone is far more refined than the super spirit stone.

Therefore, the value of Tianshi is unimaginable. If Tianshi can be obtained and cultivated with Tianshi.

Then, cultivation can be improved by leaps and bounds.

Therefore, many Tianjiao participate in the Tianjiao Battle of 3000 Thousand States. Not only can they establish their prestige in the 3000 Thousand States, but if they can hunt aliens, they can obtain their Tianjing and Tianshi.

This is why so many people value the arrogance of the three thousand states.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, the monks who shined in the three thousand states of the arrogant battle will get a huge opportunity. It is said that the monks who occupy the Fuze Tianzhu can get the Fuze that came from the Tianjiao battlefield.

This kind of "Fuze" is very mysterious, but all the people who get Fuze are lucky players, who are exposed to adventure, and who are mysterious.

Today, the arrogant battle is open again, which has made countless people yearn for their hearts.

Time passed slowly.

In an instant, half a year passed.

Lin Feng has been precipitating his cultivation practice and stabilizing his realm.

Finally, the news that the Tianjiao battlefield opened again quickly spread in the three thousand states.

The last time the Tianjiao battlefield opened, Lin Feng was only 16 years old. At that time, he was only a student at Jialan College.

Lin Feng never knew about the mysterious cultivator world.

Now, ten years later, the Tianjiao battlefield has reopened, and Lin Feng has grown to a level that can cut through the ranks of the ancient giants in just ten years. Therefore, Lin Feng is also very interested in the Tianjiao battle of three thousand states.

The old drunkard said, "The three thousand states are fighting in the sky, I really want to go to participate, and I think that year, my father and I are also magnificent, and the fan fan towel ...".

"Leave, leave"!

When the old drunkard was proud of himself, Lin Feng waved his hand and greeted the disciples on the Supreme Peak to leave together.

"Fuck! I'm not finished yet," the old drunkard shouted.

In Beihuang City, it is very lively, because if you want to go to the Tianjiao battlefield, you need to take the space-time wormhole and directly connect the Tianjiao battlefield.

The Tianjiao battlefield is similar to a parallel small world. It is connected to the Tianwu Continent and has a space node. This space node will only be opened once every ten years.

When Lin Feng and others came to Beihuang City, the teleportation array was very lively.

"Lin Fenglin, the son of Qing Yunzong, is here ...". Some people recognized Lin Feng, and all came to greet Lin Feng.

Now Lin Feng can kill even the eternal giants. This kind of strength can only be ranked in the top ten in the wasteland. After all, the wasteland has no powerful sect.

Among the many experts who came to ask, Lin Feng saw Tao Xiyi, the beautiful deacon of Nebula Pavilion.

Tao Xiyi's reputation in the Xingyun Pavilion is not good. Many people say that Tao Xiyi is a woman with watery flowers.

But for Tao Xiyi, Lin Feng sincerely thanked, if it were not for Tao Xiyi, after he killed Shen Yuyang, he could not escape from the Nebula Pavilion.

The trapped Nebula Pavilion is bound to be killed by Elder Xingxuan.

"Sister Xiyi, are you going to the Tianjiao battlefield?" Lin Feng said with a smile.

Uh ...

Countless people looked at Tao Xiyi.

Many people are incomprehensible expressions, who can believe that an ordinary deacon in the Nebula Pavilion, even knew a top expert like Lin Feng?

"Is this Lin Feng the Lin Feng who escaped from the Nebula Pavilion six years ago?".

"Escape from Nebula Pavilion? What happened six years ago?".

"It is said that I did n’t know what the reason was to offend Elder Xuanxuan, and finally escaped from the Nebula Pavilion. I went to Wan Fa Zong and Shen Jian Shanzhuang successively, hoping to be able to worship in it. Fu Xian drove away on the grounds that he did not have a letter of introduction, and later joined the Qingyun Sect, soaring all the way, and has now become one of the top ten masters in the wasteland. "

"And this is something? Wouldn't the people in Nebula Pavilion, Wan Fa Zong, Shenjian Mountain Villa regret to die?".

Many people are talking about it.

At this moment, Tao Xiyi looked at Lin Feng's handsome face, and even couldn't believe Lin Feng remembered her. After all, she was too ordinary. At that time, she was only a few sides of the relationship with Lin Feng, and there was no friendship.

Tao Xiyi recovered, nodded quickly, and said, "Yes, I heard that there are many opportunities in the Tianjiao battlefield, so I want to try my luck."

"These gadgets, if you take it for self-defense, there should be no problem in protecting yourself."

Lin Feng took out a few pieces of jade and gave it to Tao Xiyi.

Many people looked at the jade rune in Tao Xiyi's hands, and their eyes were straight.

Lin Feng was a Master of Heavenly Master Dao, and nearly half a year ago, Ning Tushan, a strong man with a quasi-reincarnation realm, almost killed him.

What horror will the power of Lin Feng's sacrifice be? It's unimaginable.

Tao Xiyi was full of joy, and Lin Feng gave a small gift and took a few pieces of jade.

"Maple ...". Xingyun Pavilion Yu Fan, Han Shuo squeezed over and looked at Lin Feng with excitement.

After seeing Yu Fan, Lin Feng was also very happy after Han Shuo. This was a good brother he made when he went to Nebula Pavilion together.

"Have you been okay these years?" Lin Feng asked.

Yu Fan nodded and said, "We are all well, now we follow Zong Yun's powerful practice."

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