Immemorial Dragon Elephant Art

Vol 12 Chapter 1112: catch

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After Ning Tianmao and Ning Tianze were pinched to death, Lin Feng stepped out of the big formation.

The strength of the two is also quite tyrannical, should not have been easily slaughtered.

They panicked just now, just thinking about running away, and did not pay attention to the situation in the large formation, Lin Feng condensed into a huge palm with a sigh of anger, and directly killed them.

Ning Tushan hated, but now he dare not stay and flee wildly towards the distance.

"It really is Lin Feng ...".

Many people took a deep breath after seeing Lin Feng.

Ning Tushan, there seems to be another group of strongmen who attacked Lin Feng together, and now both sides have suffered heavy casualties.

Heavenly Master Taoism!


Many people can not help but feel cold.

The heart is greedy.


Lin Feng knew that when the teaching inheritance of the teacher was exposed on that day, it would inevitably cause many people to peep, and he could not help but sneer at the unsightly gaze around him.

Hearing Lin Feng's cold hum, many people couldn't help but feel excited, but now everyone thinks that Lin Feng is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead. Although he is young, he can be cultivated quite backward.

And the inheritance of heavenly teaching is so terrible.

If you want to play Lin Feng's idea, you have to weigh your own weight.

Many people who have come back to God have a cold heart, and quickly suppressed their greed, afraid to continue to show hostility to Lin Feng, fearing that Lin Feng will deal with them again.

Lin Feng was too lazy to ignore these little people.

Those who really threaten him and peep at his inheritance of heavenly teachings are those who hide themselves well.

Not a ants who can't hide their emotions.

He chose a direction and quickly chased it out.

Lin Feng chased the direction of Liu Mengyan's escape.

The reason why he chases Liu Mengyan instead of chasing Ning Tushan naturally makes sense.

Ning Tushan's flesh is now destroyed, leaving only Yuanshen, even if he can find a new flesh.

But the strength will also drop sharply, and the realm drop is already inevitable.

So Ningtushan, there is not much threat.

The real threat is the woman Liu Mengyan.

Lin Feng observed Liu Mengyan during the war and found that Liu Mengyan was still a virgin.

This Liu Mengyan is a "water spirit body" which is one of the three major double cultivation physiques.

This physique is very against the sky, especially the first time you double repair or make up with this physique, the cultivation will advance rapidly.

Baiying is one of the three major double-cultivation physiques. When Lin Feng and Baiying first practiced for the first time, the cultivation practice was greatly improved.

Huangfu Qingtian attaches great importance to Liu Mengyan, of course, not because she is greedy for Liu Mengyan's beauty.

For people like Huangfu Qingtian, many goddesses adore him, what is a Liu Mengyan?

What he peeped at was Liu Mengyan's "water spirit body".

He has been waiting for Liu Mengyan to improve his strength, and then double cultivation with Liu Mengyan, of course, it may be to supplement Liu Mengyan.

But whether it is double cultivation or supplementation, the strength of Huangfu Qingtian will be madly improved.

Now Liu Mengyan has also practiced to the second level of the chemical realm, and this practice is not low.

At this time, the benefits of picking up or repairing with Liu Mengyan are unimaginable.

Therefore, Lin Feng chose to chase Liu Mengyan.

He must destroy Huangfu Qingtian's plan.

Huangfu Qingtian cultivated Liu Mengyan for so many years, it is estimated that Liu Mengyan will be supplemented or cultivated with Liu Mengyan.

If you let Huangfu succeed in the blue sky.

The practice of Huangfu Qingtian will be greatly improved.

I am too passive.

If you can catch Liu Mengyan and then make up Liu Mengyan, then your cultivation can be greatly improved.

And Huangfu Qingtian, the bamboo basket fetched nothing.


The golden energy enveloped Liu Mengyan and flew for more than thirty miles before dissipating.

"It's all dead! It's all dead! Lin Feng is so terrible, even the inheritance of Heavenly Master Dao has been obtained by him. I must return to Qingyun Sect quickly. I will be safe when I return to Qingyun Sect. Knowing that Lin Feng is so powerful, I want to tell Master Brother all the information and let Master Master guard against him. "

Liu Mengyan's face was pale.

She didn't dare to stay and flew away quickly.

However, Liu Mengyan failed to escape smoothly.

She only flew a hundred miles and was caught up by Lin Feng.

"Liu Mengyan, did you ever think I would be caught?" Lin Feng sneered and looked at Liu Mengyan.

After seeing Lin Feng, Liu Mengyan was scared and pale, turned and flew in the other direction. Lin Feng rushed forward and caught Liu Mengyan.

Then he carried Liu Mengyan on his shoulders.

"Let me down, what are you going to do to me?". Liu Mengyan struggled with a terrified expression.

"I heard that you are a body of water spirits. It just happens to use you to improve your cultivation practice today."

Lin Feng's mouth twitched a light smile.

Liu Mengyan exclaimed in horror, "You can't treat me like this. I'm a woman from the blue sky of Master Brother Huangfu. If you dare to touch me, Master Brother will definitely break you up."

Lin Feng sneered and said, "Huangfu Qingtian is nothing but your water spirit body. You should know that if your virgin body is robbed, it will have no value for Huangfu Qingtian, let alone me. Qingtian and Huangfu have long been dead, will I be afraid of him? ".

When the words fell, Lin Feng found a dry cave.

Soon, Liu Mengyan's painful screaming came out of the cave.

The water spirit body is indeed one of the three major double-cultivation physiques.

These three major double physiques, "Water Spirit Body, Yin Spirit Body, Cold Spirit Body", Water Spirit Body is the number one physique.

Liu Mengyan gathered a large amount of the most pure pure Yin power.

This pure Yin force makes Lin Feng very excited.

If it is all absorbed, the cultivation base will definitely be greatly improved.

Liu Mengyan bit her red lips and begged, "Brother, I am already your woman. I will serve you well in the future, don't you make up for me?".

Liu Mengyan looked pitiful.

Obviously, Liu Mengyan also knew that she had lost her virginity and had no value for Huangfu Qingtian. Now she could not return to Huangfu Qingtian. If she went back, she might be rewarded to others by angry Huangfu Qingtian.

So Liu Mengyan wanted to hook up Lin Feng.

"It's not as good as a long stream of water to drain and fish." Lin Feng still understands this principle. Liu Mengyan stays with her and cultivates much better than the one-time supplement to her. Lin Feng said, "I have a good life, I will spare you once, I just miss one. Maid, you will be my maid by now. "

"Thank you son." Liu Mengyan breathed a sigh of relief. Lin Feng apparently agreed not to supplement her, but only double cultivation. If the repair is done, the female cultivation may be tragicly killed. If double cultivation, the female cultivation can also benefit.

Lin Feng absorbed Liu Mengyan's pure Yin power. Suddenly, he felt that the mana in his body began to flow in the meridian like the Tao Tao River.

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