"Is he really that powerful? He can't even defeat a one-star hunter like you?"

In the picture of the video call, Batra, a world-class rich man wearing a luxurious nightgown but with a haggard face, is a middle-aged man over fifty. Although he has taken good care of himself, his skin has become saggy. It was because I had been so anxious about the news about the miracle doctor these days that I didn't take care of my hair carefully, so a few strands of gray hair appeared.

He was very surprised when he heard Juez Juela report about the battle with the "chaotic good" this morning.

Juezi Juela is maintaining his "Jue" state at the moment, recovering his strength as quickly as possible and getting rid of his injuries - the battle with "Chaotic Good" in the morning lasted less than 20 minutes, but since he lost, naturally How injured.

"I suspect that he didn't try his best, or even show most of his strength." Juezi Juela thought about it again and again, and said truthfully, "His basic skills are very solid, and there are no shortcomings in all abilities. During the competition, , he mainly defended my attack and then counterattacked, and did not pursue the efficiency of the attack. However, despite this, I still couldn't resist and lost."

Whether it is maintaining "hardness" at all times during combat, or using various skills of "condensation" and "flow", "Chaotic Kindness" cannot find a single fault. You must know that the use of these complex and changeable techniques consumes a lot of energy in actual combat, but until he lost, Juez Juela did not feel that the "chaotic kindness" aura had significantly weakened.

The other party obviously looks so young, but he has such strong mental power and such solid basic skills... Where did this kid get enough time? ? Where does the extra energy come from? ? ?

"If he had tried his best from the beginning, I probably wouldn't have lasted 20 minutes."

Of course, "Chaotic Good" is an enhanced system that has more advantages than him in close combat, but there is no need to tell Batra this kind of thing that sounds like an excuse. Juez Juela himself finds it boring.

"But since I proposed to come back tomorrow, he didn't refuse..." Juez Juela said.

"I understand." Batra in the video rubbed his eyebrows. He no longer had any extra energy to worry about whether this was a one-sided statement. The hunter's professional quality can actually be trusted. He set up a The circle is here to extract benefits. As long as he can invite a miracle doctor, he is willing to do anything. "Then let's show our sincerity first."


"Sincerity is not enough, it will be difficult for the old aunt to open her mouth."

In a detached house on the outskirts of the city, Jing Yang could only sigh when he saw Bisij, who had already bathed and changed clothes, with her white and tender feet raised and her hair wrapped in care, lying on a soft chair happily reading a fashion magazine.

Probably because of the advice along the way in the park in the evening, the "miner" Bi Si Ji loves to be a mentor, so she is now acting like a sage, asking Jing Yang again and again for advice on spiritual practice. They were all calm and unmoved.

In short, I just put my hands together: Do you want to continue taking classes? I don’t want you to exchange it for Blue Planet. I’ll wait until you get the Greedy Island game console.

Anyway, the place here is big, so Jing Yang and Xiao Di didn't bother to go back to the hotel. They stayed here tonight on the second floor. The room next to Wu Er's was tidied up and they stayed there. As for their belongings, they were always collected by Xiaodi into the Owl Fish and not stored in the hotel, so there was no need to worry.

The night was getting darker, and Xiaodi had already rested. Jingyang rested on Wu Er's big and warm tiger body, looking at the moonlight outside the window, sometimes thinking about the development of his ability to release thoughts, and sometimes thinking about Wu Er's specific abilities. The idea of ​​manifesting the ability to connect thoughts, unknowingly, I felt sleepy, and I fell asleep quickly.

I don't know how long it took, but Jing Yang, who was sleeping soundly, suddenly turned his head to hide. A drop of water brushed past his face, and clicked on Wu Er's tiger tail. The force was enough to bounce the tiger tail away.

Jing Yang then opened his eyes and woke up. He turned around and looked around. He saw Bisij at the door of the room with wet fingers as if he had just washed up. He asked doubtfully: "It's so early in the morning, Auntie, what are you doing?"

"Muscle reaction? You must have been asleep just now, and you were able to avoid it like this." Bisji said with interest, "It seems that old man Nitro really didn't exaggerate about you. You have already practiced kung fu to your bones. It turns into a reflex instinct."

Jing Yang stretched, rubbed the big tiger's head, and stood up, "Don't compliment me, I don't believe you didn't see it."

Bisij nodded and said: "You have the mark of the operation system on your body, just like the one on the belly of this tiger. You achieved this through self-operation - but this is not inconsistent with what I said. You are As a person with the ability to manipulate thoughts, you have achieved a qualitative change in kung fu using the methods of the manipulation system. What is there to criticize? It’s just reasonable! Don’t distinguish your thoughts too much from yourself. This is what it is. integrated."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "Ah, Aunt Bi, aren't you willing to teach me any more? I haven't got the Greed Island yet!"

Bisji smiled slightly and didn't care about him, "Xiao Di is preparing breakfast, let's go."

"Don't go, let's continue chatting for a while. I think there is still a lot of room for improvement in my operation..." Jing Yang followed, followed by a pale tiger, who followed him downstairs with a calm gait.

After breakfast, Wu Er was left in a single house on the outskirts of the city. Jing Yang, Xiao Di and Bi Siji ran in a trot. After dinner, they ran to the park as easily as a walk. It was just 8 o'clock.

Jing Yang and Xiao Di continued to practice step by step every day. They went through the four major elements one by one and then made distinctions. Jing Yang continued to practice his strengthening system and releasing system, and Xiao Di got the guidance of "realism". Later, from the original "main transformation system, secondary manifestation system", it was changed back to the normal practice method of "main embodiment system, secondary transformation system".

Bisji watched for a long time and suddenly asked: "Have you two always practiced like this?"


Jing Yang shot the mind ball towards the standing sign in the distance, and Xiao Di also nodded.

"Isn't it always like this? The main department is the main one, and the two adjacent departments are supplementary."


As soon as he fired the thought ball, it flew to a location less than 2,300 meters away. Its power quickly weakened and eventually disintegrated.

"Xiao Di and I have adjacent systems. One of them is a special system. There is nothing to practice. Isn't that what it is?" Jing Yang waved his hand, "Practice the main system once and the secondary system again. Did we make a mistake? Already?" He looked at Bisji.

Regarding the training methods, he copied the content from the comics where Bisiki gave instructions to Killua Gon. He must have remembered it correctly, right?

Hearing this, Bisji fell silent for a moment, nodded and said, "Since you have been practicing this way, just continue. The method that suits you is the best."

In fact, the practice method of Shingen-ryu is indeed to practice the main and secondary systems alternately, but that means practicing the main system today, then the left system tomorrow, the main system the day after, and the right system the day after tomorrow. That's it A practice sequence based on days, instead of Jingyang and Xiaodi practicing together in two or three systems that they master and assist every day...

It will make a mess!

It is common sense to only practice the same system of thought on the same day.

If you practice in a hurry, you will only pick up sesame seeds and throw away watermelons. In the end, you will be confused. You have not practiced the main system well, and you will forget about the secondary system. Once you get started, the practice experience of the main system and the secondary system may fight with each other. On the contrary, it slows down the progress of practice.

Bisji himself used this most orthodox, and can also be said to be the most practical, "stupid method" to practice.

She is a member of the transformation system. She originally practiced the change system one day, the strengthening system one day, and then practiced the change system one day, and then practiced the embodiment system one day. In this way, day after day, alternating in sequence, she practiced diligently without stopping. , it took twenty years to achieve success.

Looking at the young couple practicing, Bisiji did not point out the difference.

However, this is the case with Nian. It itself represents infinite possibilities. All conventional rules and existing common sense cannot compare with truly obeying one's heart. Assuming that there is such a Nian that the lazier it becomes, the stronger it will be. For a person with telekinesis ability, why should he practice alternately and practice wholeheartedly? He just doesn’t practice at all! If you practice, your skill will be greatly reduced! Are there any rules?

Jingyang and Xiaodi had just warmed up, when Juezjuela walked up not far away.

Judging from his appearance, he should be almost recovered, and he will fight for the second time today.

"I won't fight you. Let's take her place today." Jing Yang waved his hand, gesturing for Xiaodi to come on.

Juezi Juela took out a card from his arms. Xiaodi looked at it curiously. It was not a hunter's license, but a bank card.

"No matter what the final result is, this is also a bit of sincerity from my employer." Juezijuela said, "Anonymous card, 10 billion ring nip."

He said the password in his mouth, but his heart was bleeding. Damn, this is 10 billion. When I was hired this time, I raised the salary to 5 billion ghini after negotiation. But it turned out that the other person was kind and put on airs and didn't move, so he got 10 billion in vain!

If this 10 billion were given to him, it would be directly equivalent to... Oh!

"Oh? 10 billion, that's quite rich!" Jing Yang directly motioned to Xiao Didi to accept it. If he doesn't want it for free, isn't that because he has a big head?

Juez Juela took a deep breath and prepared for battle.

Xiaodi did not appear as a bulging-eyed fish, but relaxed his hands, each hanging down a saw chain that changed with his mind.

The chain saw hadn't started yet, and it looked very calm, like a magic weapon that had not been unsheathed.

whip? Sawtooth? While observing, Juezi Juela considered the distance between him and Xiaodi. He saw that this woman, like the person yesterday, did not take the lead, so he had no choice but to take the lead and launch the attack.

He shouted low, raised his hand and fired an air bomb towards Xiaodi.


The saw chain suddenly started and made a low sound.

While Xiaodi dodged the air bomb, he swung his hand and whipped the chain towards the opposite side.

The sweeping range has a radius of 5 meters. Juezi Juela did not want to jump up hastily and become a target, so he had to raise his arms and condense a large amount of thought energy on his arms to form a solid wall. He only heard a boom and a vibration came from his arm, and then continued. Coming down, a splash of hot blood splashed on his cheeks, and Juezijuela saw his blocking arm floating in front of his eyes...

What the hell kind of lethality is this chain? !


Xiao Di had no expression on his face, then took a step forward to pursue him, then waved his hand and slashed vertically with the saw chain.

Juezi Juela hurriedly retreated...

Bisiji was watching the battle in the dark. It was the first time he had seen this change in Xiaodi's thoughts.

Changing the thought energy into different qualities is not just about "I think about it".

Of course, it’s not impossible, but the difficulty will increase exponentially, almost infinitely. Generally speaking, if you want to change Qi into other properties, you need to have a personal experience of that property and use it to This kind of experience and taste can be integrated into one's own thoughts, transforming imagination and experience into reality, achieving a qualitative change of Qi.

Bisji saw Xiaodi's seemingly indestructible chain saw, and what he thought in his mind was: "In order to develop such a change, this child has cut himself with a real chain saw countless times. The pain is unbearable." …”

In fact, ordinary people have no chance to endure it, because for ordinary people, if they are cut by a chain saw, they will basically just send it away. How can they give you the possibility to experience it again and again after enduring it?

She looked at Jing Yang to the side, and couldn't help but wonder in her heart, could it be that this boy's healing telekinesis ability was developed because of this?

There is no doubt that in today's competition, Juezjuela lost again.

And the defeat was faster and worse than yesterday.

Not only was one of his arms amputated by the Nian saw chain, but there were no less than ten cuts and wounds all over his body. It could be said that it was riddled with scars, stained with blood, and extremely tragic.

Jing Yang picked up the broken arm and walked over.

Juez Juela was feeling depressed. When he looked up, he suddenly understood, "Are you going to treat me?"

Jing Yang smiled without saying a word, handed the broken arm over, and pointed it at the broken part of Juez Juela's arm, "Hold it securely."

Juezi Juela did as he was told, and saw Jing Yang stretched out his palm and pointed it at the broken part of his arm. A dense white mass with a glistening green light emerged from his palm, full of vitality. The wound was covered by such a mass of gas. The package had changes visibly to the naked eye. The muscles, blood vessels, nerves, and bones seemed to have come to life, actively connecting back to each other. In the process, Juezi Juela felt that the healing wounds, Like a water pump, it continuously pumps the air from your body to fill the gap for self-healing.

After the arm was attached, Jing Yang stopped caring.

The other wounds on Juezi Juela's body are neither disabling nor fatal. Just go back and lie down on your own, breathing and recovering blood.

Juezi Juela was stunned by this treatment method. He shook his hand that was supposed to be broken, and it recovered as before, as if it had never been broken.

Jing Yang stood up, clapped his hands and said, "Come back tomorrow."

Juez Juela didn't waste any words, nodded, glanced at Bisji in the distance, turned around and strode away.

"Even if you only have the ability to heal with telekinesis, you are already very good." Bisij walked over and said meaningfully, "This kind of ability is very popular. A healing effect of your level is even more impressive. Hot.”

"Fame benefits me like floating clouds, it's not what I want." Jing Yang dusted his sleeves and looked up at the sky.

Xiaodi asked Bisiji: "Can you tell what type of mind the person just now has?"

"You can tell this just by looking at it." Bisiji said. Before Xiaodi was disappointed, she smiled and said, "But you can make a rough guess." She raised a finger, "When he was in close combat, The actual power of offense and defense is much weaker than the total amount of qi he displays. It can be concluded that he is definitely not one of the three types of strike type, that is, he is not the strengthening, releasing, or changing type."

Jing Yang pricked up his ears and listened.

In the comics, Zetsu's performance is actually quite impressive, especially when compared to two newbies, Gon and Killua. Gon surprised him when he got hard, and the two kids jumped on the spot better than him. He was so tall that he was dumbfounded. He felt that it was very inconsistent with his qualifications as a one-star hunter.

"Then, there are only three types left, the operation system, the trait system, or the materialization system." Bisiji said, "Assuming that he is the materialization system, in the battle with Xiaodi just now, he was actually very suitable for using the materialization system. He used the props to parry Xiaodi's attack, but he didn't have any, so it can be ruled out with a high probability."

Xiaodi nodded and said: "So he is either an operation type or a trait type."

Jing Yang said: "I guess it's the special type."

Xiao Didi said: "Then I guess it's the operation department."

Bisiji said happily: "It's the same one anyway, right? What if I guess wrong and they are from the materialization system, or even from the upper three systems?"

"Old aunt is well-informed, how could she be wrong?" Jing Yang said, before being punched away.

"How could your Highness be wrong..." He rubbed his chest and got up.

The riverside suddenly became filled with joy, and the young man from Chilu came running over in a hurry.

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