I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 198 The Blue Falling Yellow Spring

The cold and hot breaths intertwined, and Jing Yang seemed to be slowly waking up after a familiar dream.

In the misty lake, he saw many gray air currents flowing around him, like gray bandages, spreading, intertwining, spreading, annihilating and reborn all over his body...

Where is this?

Jing Yang frowned, sat up straight, and looked around. There were still those weird black fogs everywhere, but Xiaodi could not be found, and there was no sign of Kurapika, Jin, or Kate.

But the borrowed guardian spirit beast, the "reflection" of the octopus, was still floating not far away. I don't know why, but it's a little far away. Jing Yang didn't bother to pay attention.

The clothes on his body were torn apart due to the rapid growth of his body, hanging one by one, and the shoes on his feet were also squeezed to pieces, revealing less than half of the forefoot.

Jing Yang simply tore off his two shoes and threw them away before standing up.

Judging from the comparison between the length of the brand new body and the tattered clothes, I should be about 1.8 meters and close to 1.9 meters now, right?

The gray aura spread around him like threads. Jing Yang thought of the overgrown weeds around him when he first woke up from time travel. They were probably the uncontrollable overflow of weeds caused by the changes in his body. Is it the influence of this gray atmosphere? I remember that when she absorbed too much dead energy and her body grew again, Xiaodi was with her. Her hair had grown a lot longer at that time, probably for the same reason...

This is a great supplement.

Jing Yang watched helplessly as the gray aura spread over his body, but he could do nothing about it. He tried to use "Tangle" to try to retain these gray auras, but it had no effect. He activated the telekinesis ability "Song of the Earth", but he was also unable to control these gray auras and could only let them disperse...

Jing Yang soon discovered that these gray auras seemed to be naturally dispersing, but in fact they went around half a circle and converged again in a certain direction, turning into a lighter-colored confluence and rushing into the depths of the black mist.

"Who is there?"

In just one breath, Jing Yang had already braced up his whole body to protect himself.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye and saw that the "reflection" that was supposed to be the guardian spirit beast happened to be at the back end of the extension line between himself and the gray airflow flowing towards the black mist - look what are you guarding? Hiding so far away!

What makes Jing Yang even more disgusted is that his total amount of Qi has not changed much. Is this scientific?

My body has matured to a height of 1.9 meters. I guess I am in my early twenties, right? Even if you look at your physical development, your mental capacity should have increased along with your body... As a result, your body has grown many years in vain, but your mental capacity has not moved at all. This is equivalent to squandering several years of your youth in one breath without any compensation. What a waste!

The black mist slowly parted to both sides, revealing that at the end of the direction where the light gray confluence was flowing, there was a throne that seemed to be constructed of densely packed sacred characters.

Sitting on the Divine Throne was a strange black figure.

The gray aura overflowed from his body. After part of it dissipated, the light gray aura flew towards the chest of the black figure, leaving behind a gray five-pointed star.

And this black figure also seemed to materialize in the process of absorbing the light gray aura, gradually solidifying.

Damn it, stealing something, right?

Even though I can’t control this gray ghost thing and can’t use it, you can’t grab it forcefully!

The figure, which was originally just like a skeleton outlined with a brush, slowly expanded into a plump body outline, until the light gray aura became more and more sluggish, and finally disappeared. Although it is still very dark, at least it looks more like a person, and the facial features are also slightly three-dimensional. Then the man on the throne opened his eyes.

The moment he opened his eyes, the octopus mind beast behind Jing Yang suddenly let out a sharp scream. This is the first time the so-called Sky Master's remnants have made a sound since he became like this.

The black figure stood up on the throne.

The Octopus Nian Beast was like crazy, rushing left and right. The billowing black mist is like an iron wall. No matter how it collides, it will rebound with softness overcoming hardness, making it difficult to break through.

The black figure held his hand in the air, and black energy flowed out of his palm, condensing into divine characters one by one, and quickly intertwined to form a handleless, slender blade.

The screams of the Octopus Mind Beast became more piercing, and the intention to escape became more crazy and intense.

Jing Yang covered his ears and hid aside.

Is there really any self-awareness left in this thing?

You know that pinching numbness is not a fun thing!

Fortunately, I usually throw it on the rock bird to force it to lurk.

The black figure grasped the sharp blade of the divine word and threw it in the air, like throwing a black lightning. In the blink of an eye, the Octopus Mind Beast was already nailed in the black mist. The sharp blade condensed with fine divine characters penetrated it, and black runes flowed out one by one and wandered around it. The sharp screams of the Octopus Mind Beast are getting lower and lower, and the strength of the struggle is getting smaller and smaller...

Jing Yang looked at it, then looked back at the black figure in front of the Divine Throne.

He asked: "True King of Martial Arts?"

The other party didn't answer.

"Wei Huguo?" Jing Yang asked again, "Wei Hugo = Hui Guo Rou?"

The black figure sighed and looked at Jing Yang, "You are not the Gray Guo Flesh King Blood." Then he looked at the crucified Octopus Nian Beast, "It is not a guardian spirit beast either."

"I knew it!" Jing Yang punched his fist.

He was actually not interested in who the biological father of the ripened baby's body was after time travel, but knowing that he was not of the royal family's bloodline would undoubtedly make him less passive in the future.

Jing Yang asked the question he wanted to ask the most, and said in one breath: "King Zhenwu, are you really dead? I found a lot of longevity rice from the Dark Continent in the Buddha statue you left for the Black Mist Lion Clan. . Logically speaking, since you have found this kind of rice and you are powerful, you cannot die easily..."

The black figure suspected to be King Zhenwu seemed a little tired after throwing the sword. He sat back on the throne composed of divine characters, as if he was unconscious, and muttered to himself: "If you don't do it for yourself, heaven will destroy you... I am a human being. Those who don’t do it for themselves will be punished by heaven and earth..."

WTF? Can you speak human language?

King Zhenwu looked at Jing Yang and asked, "If your telekinesis oath is called 'Heaven will destroy you if you don't do it for yourself', and your wife's life is in danger, what will you do?"

"Of course it's nonsense to save her," Jing Yang said.

"Your ability can only be used by yourself." King Zhenwu repeated it word by word, "If you don't do it for yourself, heaven and earth will destroy you. This is the oath you made on the first day you mastered the ability."

Jing Yang asked, "Is this my wife my true love?"

"Of course..." King Zhenwu sighed, "Of course."

"Then you are still hesitating!" Jing Yang shouted, "If I don't save her, how can I survive? I can't survive, of course I have to save myself! If I save myself, isn't it for myself? This doesn't count as changing my career. ah!"

Moreover, if converted into Chinese, the word "wei" in which people will be punished by heaven and earth should actually be pronounced in the second tone. Not for yourself, but to be yourself and be yourself!

King Zhenwu looked at Jing Yang steadily, and finally sighed, "My child, you are better than me."

Oaths and restrictions reflect the heart and the subconscious. Even if he goes back hundreds of years now, to that moment of decision, it's impossible for him to change things just because he heard a few words from Jing Yang.

Because fundamentally, his understanding of this matter is different from Jing Yang's. Jing Yang takes it for granted that saving his wife is equivalent to saving himself. This is not a breach of contract at all. King Zhenwu subconsciously believed that if his power was used to save others, it would not be purely for himself, and he would have violated his oath.

"So what happens next?" Jing Yang asked, "How did you choose?"

King Zhenwu said calmly: "I was punished by heaven and earth."

Jing Yang was speechless. Should I say that he is single-minded, or should I praise him as a true man?

"I don't have much time. It's time for you to leave, my child..." King Zhenwu said, "The power in your body allows me to regain a moment of clarity. I want to settle the last regret in my life." He looked at Jing Yang Behind the scenes, "In return, I will help you repair this parasite that will eventually devour the master..."

Jing Yang looked back and saw that the sharp blade with the divine word that pinned the Octopus Mind Beast to the black mist had spread all over its body as if it had melted. It was completely refined amidst its silent wails, gradually disintegrating and turning into little bits. White light floated towards Jing Yang - after this part of his mind was integrated into his own Qi, Jing Yang felt as if there was something extra, some kind of instinct-like intuition.

It's like, as long as I reach out like this...

As soon as he stretched out his hand, the "hard" energy in his hand quickly extended into the shape of a sharp blade.

King Zhenwu said: "If you don't like it or are worried about it, you can remove it yourself later."

"If I knew a mind-killer, I would have killed that octopus long ago." Jing Yang shook the "sword energy" in his hand.

"There is no need to eliminate the mind master." King Zhenwu said tiredly, "You can experience it by yourself, my child, it's time for me to go..."

He looked in a certain direction of the black mist, then raised his head and stared. Suddenly, the entire space shook, and black mist surged...

Black mist rolled in. Jing Yang was about to say anything more, but he was already swallowed up by the endless black mist.

Could you please tell me what the specific use of this sword is and give you instructions on how to use it?


The sword energy struck Jin's arm, but he blocked it with his bare hands, making a dull sound when the sword hit him.


Jin looked at the sharp blade that was transformed by Qi on his arm with some surprise... The "hard" on his arm actually had strands of Qi flowing towards the sharp blade.


Jing Yang, who was holding the sword, had a clearer experience. He felt a weak but obvious Qi, flowing towards him along the sword Qi in his hand, as if it had been screened and filtered, and was in harmony with his own Qi without any hindrance. The appearance is integrated with the "firmness" in one's own body.

It did not increase the total amount of thought, but it supplemented the consumption of thought energy every minute and second.

I see!

This sword energy refined by the Octopus Nian Beast possesses the original characteristics of the Octopus Nian Beast that absorbs Nian... The Octopus Nian Beast needs to meet the conditions to absorb Nian Qi. King Zhenwu helps him use the divine word The sword energy that has been refined can cut and absorb the opponent's energy by cutting it. The opponent's consumption in the battle will increase, but the more he fights, the more energetic he will be!

Thinking of the wonderful thing, Jing Yang waved his sword energy and attacked Jin continuously.

Of course, it wasn't Jing Yang who started any dispute, but Jin was curious about the sword energy in his hand and insisted on taking a beating... Jing Yang guessed that this unreasonable guy wanted to do something to his sword energy. Sharingan? According to Jin's self-professed words in the comics, as long as he takes one hit with any telekinesis ability, he can return to almost the same state. This is not even his telekinesis ability, but simply his talent and understanding of telekinesis. It's profound enough, it's just a forced imitation.

But now, Jin found that he could not imitate the strange sword energy in the young man's hand.

He dodged again and again, unwilling to do so, and touched the porcelain several times, taking the initiative to send his own thoughts to be swallowed by the sword energy. He tried to deconstruct and restore this interesting mind ability, but to no avail.

"Forget it, let's not fight!" Jin jumped away, pocketing his bag with one hand and waving with the other.

"You said you won't fight if you don't want to?" Jing Yang was not willing to give up and continued to charge with sword energy.

"I said no more fighting." Jin glared with dead eyes, and the energy in his body erupted. The terrifying momentum was about to condense into substance, forming a huge storm rising into the sky, and not only pushed the oncoming Jing Yang away. Back, even Xiaodi, Kurapika and Kate who were watching the battle nearby were shocked and retreated.

Jing Yang turned around in the air, stepped lightly on the ground, nodded and said, "Okay, I won't fight if you say you won't."

With a flick of his hand, the Qi sword that originally extended from his "hardness" quickly retreated, disappeared into his Qi, and disappeared without a trace.

Jin commented: "A very powerful ability."

Jing Yang smiled and said, "If you praise me for being awesome, you are really awesome."

Of course, the truly powerful one is King Zhenwu. A figure who looks like a sad person, who just sucked in some of his own death energy, can actually use such a method. How powerful must that guy be when he was alive?

Jin smiled, said nothing, and took out a card from his pocket.

Jing Yang glanced at it, card? Greed Island skill card?

He asked: "Why do you think that arrow was shot towards the Dark Continent?"

If nothing else happened, the place where he saw King Zhenwu might be inside the giant arrow Xiaodi and the others were talking about? Before the giant arrow took off and flew away, King Zhenwu threw himself out in time.

In response to Jing Yang's question, Jin looked up at the sky and said, "Because Wei Hugo = Hui Guo Rou lived in the same era as a certain man... If I were him, once I had the chance, I would also cum for that guy Dong. One arrow!"

He smiled, turned over the card in his hand, and looked to the other side, "Kate, I'll give you one last test."

These sudden words made Kate a little confused, but at the same time, knowing that his master had no personality, he had a bad feeling. Could it be...

Jing Yang saw "C-50" written on the corner of the card in Jin's hand.

"If you find me, you will be considered a master. You will become an official professional hunter." Jin looked at Kate, holding the card in his hand, and said with a smile, "Use 'magnetism'."

"Wait!" Kate shouted.

It was too late. As soon as Jin finished speaking, a ball of white light was produced out of thin air and enveloped him. As if he had possessed the dancing flying technique in the Dragon Ball world, he rose up from the ground with a "bang" and soared into the sky at extremely fast speeds. At such a speed, it rushed to the sky in the blink of an eye, leaving only a white light spot, which disappeared with a "ding"...

It actually slipped away like this...

Kate stared blankly at the sky, the hat on her head tilted halfway.

Kurapika sighed and looked around. The fog that originally shrouded the archipelago had long since dissipated, and he could see clearly without using a "cone". After the huge stone arrows shot through the air, there was no thought left on these islands. It is estimated that the divine character arrays left at various locations marked on the treasure map can no longer be triggered and cannot teleport people to This is the place...

I don’t know what happened to cause such a change.

Kurapika looked at Jing Yang. Jing Yang, who had disappeared for a while, might have an answer.

Xiaodi was not interested in Jin's escape. Although he remembered that the strange card seemed to have been used by the big man on the island where he and Jing Yang had drifted to, it didn't matter.

She walked up to Jing Yang, and now she had to raise her head slightly before she could look into Jing Yang's eyes.

This time he was lucky, but his body also grew so much out of thin air. What about next time? This kind of change is unpredictable. Jing Yang has no way to control how old he will grow. If next time...

"The Evil God"

Jing Yang saw the worry in her eyes, touched her ears, and took her hand to the shore.


As the waves hit the shore, Jing Yang held Xiao Di's hand and suddenly said: "I want to completely control the so-called death energy absorbed by my heart... As a price, I will never kill anyone to plunder the death energy. If I violate this oath, Just let me lose all my ability to read forever."

As soon as he finished speaking, a sudden change occurred, and a gray whirlpool emerged in his heart.

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