I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 191 Where is this mailbox?


The sea breeze is slightly salty, and white waves hit the shore, stirring up countless light spots in the sun and blowing a cool feeling on your face.

Pariston loosened his tie and simply pulled it apart.

He had a slightly fancy smooth suit hanging on the crook of one arm, and there was a suitcase at his feet. He stood calmly and comfortably in this deserted seaside port, looking at the horizon in the distance.

He seemed to be waiting for someone. He was not anxious and was extremely patient. He has been looking for this for half a year - although he is not very focused - so he can only enjoy the scenery on the seaside for a while.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of breaking waves and engines during navigation could be heard from the sea on the right side of the coast.

It's a small fishing boat.

The fishing boat stopped at Pariston, and not long after, a middle-aged old man wearing a fisherman's hat, with brown-red skin full of wrinkles, thick body hair, and messy hair and beard that hadn't been washed for an unknown period of time came out. After sizing up the blond man on the shore, who seemed to be going to work on Customs Street in the next second, he snorted and spit out a mouthful of phlegm into the sea, and asked in a rough voice: "Are you going to go to sea?"

Pariston smiled and said, "It's me."

He lifted his feet as if taking a walk, easily jumped to the deck and stood firm. This skill made the captain look at him more seriously and reminded: "It's not easy to go to sea here..."

"I know." Pariston put the suitcase on the deck and walked to the cabin. "So, I bought this boat."

"Buy?" the captain wondered. When he opened the suitcase, he saw the smell of fresh banknotes, which made his heart beat fast. The suitcase was filled with stacks of cash. The old captain made a rough visual inspection and found that the total amount of money in the suitcase was at least hundreds of millions. "My boat isn't worth that much!" he shouted, slamming his suitcase shut and straightening his neck.

"Tuition is also included." In the operation room, Pariston grabbed the rudder with interest, "Don't worry, I learn quickly."

The captain closed the door and came in, Digu said: "How fast can it be? The situation at sea is too complicated. It gets worse every minute. It's useless for you to just sail the ship! If you encounter strong winds and waves, even if you don't die in the belly of a sea monster, Just being unable to find the direction and not having enough food and water is enough to make a city kid like you suffer..."

Pariston was not annoyed and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter."

The sea breeze blew in through the window and filled the cabin. He looked at the undulating sea horizon in the distance. "I am quite lucky. I can reach wherever I decide to go."


"Jing Yang, do you really want to absorb more death energy to make your body more mature?"

Faced with Kurapika's doubts, Jing Yang couldn't help shouting: "Slander! You are slandering!"

Kurapika seemed not to have heard and continued: "According to your situation, it seems strange that you would even choose to go to the Sky Arena, don't you think? The Sky Arena is a gathering place for countless fighters and fighting enthusiasts from all over the world. This is a sacred place for warriors. Even if you only count floors below 200, there are thousands of fighting matches going on every day. Even if there is only a very small probability of 1%, there will be casualties, for you, it cannot be ignored. Huge risk.

"As long as you are not on the 200th floor of the sky arena and the death or injury occurs on the first floor, then once someone causes death in the arena, there is a high probability that the so-called death energy will be absorbed by you, and you cannot predict this kind of thing. This process You can’t control it, you can’t stop it.”

Jing Yang sat among a pile of empty gift boxes that had been opened, raised his hand and said, "I'll prove my innocence. Don't you forget? When we were in the Sky Arena, Xiaodi and I were there 24 hours a day, Usually there are at least 22 hours when we are not in the sky arena at all. We only go to fight for a short time every day, and after we win, we climb a flight of stairs and go out."

Xiao Di sat next to him and nodded, corroborating Jing Yang's statement.

Kurapika looked at Jing Yang, "According to what you said, if your heart absorbs too much death energy, it will undergo qualitative changes, and your body will grow uncontrollably and at a rapid speed. It is possible that Twelve Thirteen who looks similar to me now will Four years old, in the blink of an eye, you will look like you are twenty, thirty-four, or even thirty or forty years old. This process and result are also unpredictable, uncontrollable, and unstoppable to you..."

"You can't hear me? As I said, I have plans!" Jing Yang said dissatisfied, "How can it be so unlucky? It happened to be the hour or two we were in the Sky Arena, and sometimes even an hour was not enough Come on, someone happens to be killed on a certain stage on a certain floor? If you're worried about this or that, then I won't go out. There may be a car accident on the street and kill someone in front of me... When I go shopping on the street, I always walk around places like hospitals and vegetable markets!"

"Look, buddy, I'm prepared!" He shook his index finger.

"If you absorb too much death energy and your body becomes thirty or forty years old uncontrollably," Kurapika said calmly, "This is equivalent to losing twenty years of life in the blink of an eye. And potential. Compared with such a huge loss, even if you only stay in the Sky Arena for less than an hour every day, it is an unimaginable and unbearable risk."

If you know that a place you often go to may cost you your life, who would go to that place? No matter how short the time spent in that place is, no matter how low the probability of losing one's life is, who would be willing to take such unnecessary risks?

Jing Yang's behavior gave Kurapika the feeling that... he knew that it would be unwise to rush recklessly to a place where death energy was very likely to appear, so in order to prevent himself from appearing so unwise, he made what is known as advance notice. Eucalyptus. But deep down in Jing Yang's heart, there is a little bit that actually hopes to absorb more death energy, hoping that his body will "ripen" again. And this is what Kurapika doesn't understand.

Unless, as Jing Yang said just now, although his body is young, the thoughts and self-understanding in his head are actually not the same... Kurapika looked at Jing Yang steadily.

"Okay, maybe what you said is right. Maybe I really want to grow bigger again." Jing Yang said, "I made an agreement with Xiaodi. If the thought of death in my heart matures in my body to the point where it exceeds If I can't solve it even when I'm thirty, I will definitely find a way to solve it by then. Maybe it's because of this agreement that I feel that there is still a lot of room for buffering and room for error between now and the age of thirty, so Not very anxious? I’m not a psychology major, so I don’t really understand.”

Xiaodi nodded again. Jing Yang indeed promised her this.

"Death thoughts?" Kurapika looked confused and didn't understand. "What do you mean if it can't be solved, you will definitely find a way to solve it then?"

He keenly grasped the contradiction in this sentence, "Do you actually have a final plan to solve this matter? Is there some method that you are not willing to choose as a last resort?"

Snap, Jing Yang snapped his fingers, "Yes."

The so-called method is, of course, "Wishmaker" Aluka. After transforming into the black hero, Gonjie almost burned himself to death. Aluka was able to restore Gonjie's half-dead look to the original state. By eradicating this little problem in his heart, he would be able to treat the almighty "Wish Girl" Say, isn’t that simple?

As for how to get the help of Aluka, who is very secretive about beating the enemy Hakka, will he lose his life along the way... So this is the final preparation, the method that is not chosen as a last resort! When it came time to choose this method, Jing Yang estimated that he was at the end of his rope and had exhausted all options. He didn't care about anything that was dangerous, not dangerous, or possible!

Xiao Didi said: "That's why I want to go to the Dark Continent."

Kurapika pondered and looked over.

"Nitolomi." Xiaodi said calmly, "You don't really think that I have to find this kind of longevity rice just for you, do you?"

Kurapika immediately misunderstood when he heard this. He regarded Nitolomi from the Dark Continent as what Jing Yang had just called his final preparation.

The death energy erodes, the body grows at a rapid speed, and the life span is lost... Indeed, as long as the longevity rice can be obtained, the lost life span may be able to make up for it.

"Xiao Di, you have such a venomous tongue."

Of course, this was not what Kurapika said, but Jingyang was teasing Xiaodi with a smile.

Xiaodi didn't react at all, and was even a little confused. To tell the truth, why is it called poisonous tongue?

The two of them flirted with each other again. Looking at this scene, Kurapika suddenly suspected that Jing Yang subconsciously wanted to grow at a rapid speed again. Could it be because of Xiaodi?

"So, the reason why you care so much about King Zhenwu's treasure is because of the longevity rice?"

Kurapika asked, "If our conjecture is correct, the suspected Buddha statues left by King Zhenwu in other continents other than the Kajin Kingdom may be like the one we found. There are Buddhist statues from the Dark Continent preserved in them. Nitolomi.”

"That's right!" Jing Yang slapped his thigh, "There might be treasures from the Dark Continent among the other Buddha statues! If Lao Wei is so generous, he definitely can't let us return empty-handed."

"Harm! No wonder so many people are concerned about Lao Wei's bird feather treasure. This guy shouldn't have found a place to bury all the statues and national treasures. Where is the treasure map? Oh, in In my hand."

Jing Yang patted his thigh continuously and found that the treasure map was in his hand.

He tore open the envelope and pulled out an old treasure map with a parchment-like texture inside, then spread it flat on the floor in front of him.

"This is……"

Xiaodi looked at the treasure map and asked, "World map?"

Although the so-called treasure map spread out in front of them looked old and antique, the map drawn on it was clearly no different from the six continents that can be bought casually on the roadside today - even the scale. None of it is right!

Jing Yang blinked, "It seems that some advanced technology is really needed. Suzaku, come and take a look."

Kurapika said: "It needs to be repainted."

He rolled up his sleeves to show that the two lines of divine characters on his arms had been worn away due to the metabolism of skin keratin. The divine characters are a whole, especially these two lines of divine characters. Once there is any defect, it will not work well.

"Here comes the pen!" Jing Yang stretched out his hand and then took it back, "Oh, no need for a pen."

Just as he was about to roll up his sleeves, Xiaodi released a set of jade pendants from the bulging-eyed fish.

This was their favorite set when they opened the gift box, and Xiaodi, who loves jewelry, happily accepted it.

"Let's draw it here." Xiaodi picked three jade pendants with flat surfaces, "Don't worry about wear and tear."

"That's fine." Jing Yang smiled and started to take action.

Kurapika also took a piece, condensed Qi on his fingers, and began to write divine characters on the surface of the jade pendant.

Xiaodi was not very skilled, so she brought a jade pendant, looked at Jing Yang's movements from time to time, and then lowered her head to draw on her own jade pendant.

Ten minutes later, all three of them had successfully drawn two lines of the same divine characters on each of the three jade pendants.

As long as you hold the jade pendant in your hand and concentrate your thoughts on it, you can trigger the characteristics of the divine characters - Jing Yang holds the jade pendant and condenses his energy with his eyes. With the help of the divine characters, what he sees in front of him suddenly becomes clear, as if he is dialing I opened the clouds and saw the blue sky, and also saw white spots of light appearing one after another on the six continents on this seemingly rough "world map".

Xiaodi also saw the changes on the treasure map and couldn't help but wonder, "Are there so many treasures?"

Jing Yang thought of the five guys who were suspected of being sent by Kajin Fang and were abandoned by the tool man he controlled after following the treasure map letter not long ago...

"These are probably not treasures," he said, "but national treasures."

"All the Buddha statues left outside Kajin?" Kurapika answered easily.

"Get ready and set off tomorrow." Jing Yang stretched out his hand to press the treasure map and pointed to the light spot on the map closest to them, "Just go and take a look and you will know."

Before they separated to rest, Kurapika asked from behind: "Jing Yang, why do you think you have death thoughts in your heart?"

Jing Yang thought for a moment, pressed his heart, and replied: "When this thing appeared, there was a high probability that the body of the woman who was my biological mother was right next to me."

What a huge amount of information!

Most likely it's the biological mother? Corpse? Right next to you? Kurapika was stunned for a moment.

Jing Yang smiled and waved before leaving.

At night, he lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling.

Maybe Kurapika was right. He did subconsciously hope to absorb the death energy again and mature his body again.

Maybe it's because I have the possibility of Alluka being able to tell the truth, so I always feel confident.

Maybe I actually have a vague feeling that as long as I continue to absorb the death energy, maybe things will turn around.

I am a time traveler after all, so having a golden finger is not too much, right? This heart that can absorb death energy looks like a standard golden finger for time travel! Use it more than once, what if it suddenly becomes useful?

But maybe, after traveling to this different world alone, there is always an urge to self-destruct deep in my heart...

"Jing Yang." Someone walked barefoot on the floor.

Jing Yang's chaotic thoughts stopped suddenly, and he turned to look. Xiaodi stood beside the bed holding a pillow and asked, "Should we sleep together?"

Jing Yang smiled, took Xiaodi's pillow and put it next to him, stretched out his hands to hug her and pulled her over.

The next day, the three-person team set out towards the nearest light spot on the treasure map.

I was originally worried that the rough map would not allow precise positioning.

But as long as you hold the jade pendant, trigger the divine word, activate the "cone", and stare more intently at the light spots on the map, the map will seem to be zoomed in, allowing you to see more and more precise details.

Jing Yang and the others found this light spot in an ordinary deep mountain.

It's not a Buddha statue.

It's just a bare mountain col with nothing.

The three of them looked at each other, then held the jade pendant together, focused their gazes, activated the "cone", and looked again.

On the stone wall on one side of the originally bare mountain col, a round, densely packed black rune appeared faintly...


The sea breeze is salty and wet, and white waves crash on the shore.

Jing Yang slowly opened his eyes and found himself lying on the ground. He got up in confusion and looked at the coast in front of him and the endless sea in front of him. He was quite speechless for a moment.

Lao Wei, you must die a good death!

And, where is this?

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