I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 158 What kind of substitute?

"Oh my God, what's going on? There are two identical Monlinchi players on the field?!"

The shocked voice of the female commentator at the match echoed in the lively Sky Arena venue. The already noisy auditorium exploded with a roar, and countless people pointed at the abnormality on the ring and talked about it.

"Are they twins?!" the female commentator shouted excitedly.

The referee beside the ring was also surprised, but it was too fake for his female commentator to be so shocked.

What kind of twins? Can twins be stuffed into one body and become one person competing on stage?

These people have been working in the Sky Arena for so long, even if they are not telekinesis users, they still know some things.

The poster in the ring definitely used the kind of super power that players above level 200 can use to create a doppelganger!

Doppelgänger is a folk saying about incarnation outside the body.

The large and small telepathy beasts released by the purple ape in the first half of the game were purely in the form of telepathy and could not be seen by ordinary spectators, so they knew nothing about the real battle going on in the ring.

But at this moment, Zi Yuan's Gibbon Mind Beast actually materialized and turned into exactly the same appearance as him!


On and off the field, Jing Yang and some of the 200-level players watching the game all had this thought.

The human body is very complex.

To materialize such a sophisticated structure as the human body requires a huge amount of concentration and a considerable amount of mental energy to successfully construct it.

Xiaodi herself is a person with the ability to manifest, so she can certainly imagine how complicated it is to use thought energy to manifest a human body out of thin air.

In practice, if there is no special purpose, no one will do it.

In actual combat, if you sacrifice a huge mental energy to create a physical clone without special abilities, it will be a thankless effort and half the result with half the effort.

Jing Yang remembered that Hisoka was a battle-hardened pervert in the comics. When he saw the physical doppelganger of Hua Shi Douluo, he was surprised for a moment because it was really uncommon.

His eyes were filled with energy, and he carefully observed the two identical opponents in front of him.

They are all the same flesh and blood, and even the layer of mind energy covering their bodies is exactly the same.

But how is this possible?

It's not like this Yin beast can break one piece of thought energy into two parts and use it, right?

"You are indeed very powerful!" The two purple apes said with a smile in the same tone. "Not only have you mastered the 'circle' skillfully, but the range is very large. There are no blind spots in the entire arena. I have so many telekinesis beasts that can be used as teleporters." The coordinates of the transformation, I launched so many attacks from different angles, but I can't disrupt your movements. You are very powerful, really very powerful!"

The two purple apes talked to each other with calm demeanors, making it difficult to tell who is who, which one is the real him, or whether they are both him.

This kind of scene and momentum really gives people a sense of mystery and oppression.

Seeing that the other person was pretending to be someone else, Jing Yang couldn't help but remind him, "The clothes of the clone that appeared are clean and there are no marks on the face. It's very simple to tell them apart."

Zi Yuan choked and subconsciously glanced at his Nian Beast clone from the corner of his eye. Although the appearance, tone, demeanor, and Nian Qi were exactly the same as his own, it was indeed...it looked very clean!

As for the real himself, he had been fighting Zhen Yuanzi for a long time, and his face and body were somewhat dirty, and he was injured and had blood flowing down his face.

But the clone was spotless.

His mind beast manifests into his appearance. This is an ability that is set during daily practice. It is equivalent to a self-starting program. It is impossible to activate this ability every time. It will be based on the traces, dust, and injuries on his body at different times. To carry out different imitations... This kind of delicate operation is too difficult.

Jing Yang raised two fingers one after another, "Not only did you fail to fool me here, but you exposed two characteristics of your mind beast ability - 1. Obviously, it can materialize into your appearance and even simulate it. Take out your anger. 2...Since you can say the same sentence with two mouths, it seems that you can control the actions of the mind beast clone at any time."

Zi Yuan's nerves were tense and he said coldly: "So what?"

The two identical purple apes were surging with anger. They put on the same posture, "You are indeed powerful. I may not be able to win you by myself. But what about the two of me?"

boom! boom!

The two purple apes activated at the same time and rushed towards Jing Yang, one on the left and one on the right, one attacking the upper body and the other targeting the lower body, sealing off all the space around Jing Yang.


Jing Yang dodged the above blow, used "Flow" to distribute more Qi on his legs, forming a stronger "Strength", and kicked the Nian Beast Purple Ape away.

Then he twisted around and punched, hitting the sharp claws on the arms of the purple ape that passed by him through the air.


The collision of thoughts and energy caused an impact, which shocked the referee beside the ring and secretly gasped.

The audience stared at the big screen in stunned silence. Although they could not see the Nian Qi, the formation could not be faked, just like the computer special effects in a movie.

The players on the 200th floor were even more solemn. They were puzzled as to why this poster used a clone. The strength of the clone... seemed to be exactly the same as his real body?

Isn't this such a shame?

"The energy in your body has not weakened at all!"

Zi Yuan grinned, raised his leg and kicked Jing Yang away, "Are you sure you don't need your baseball-throwing ability?"

"There's no need to deal with you, right?"

Jing Yang did a backflip and crushed a corner of bricks after landing. He disappeared on the spot and turned into an afterimage. He swooped at another Nian Beast Purple Ape and punched it.


The purple ape attacked Jing Yang from the side.

In order not to be attacked from the side, Jing Yang must allocate more energy to defend from this side.

The Nian Beast Purple Ape had no time to dodge and could only defend frontally, but the surging Nian Qi in its raised arms was not very strong...


The purple ape that intercepted Jing Yang from the side suddenly switched places with the mental beast purple ape that was parrying from the front. The purple ape's body changed to the front, and the momentum of the transformed ape was raised to tear at Jing Yang.

What about the second stage of Flying Thunder God?

Normally speaking, in the face of such a sudden change in the strength of the frontal and side threats, whether used for defense or attack, the energy will be caught off guard and misallocated - the side that was originally the focus of defense will suddenly be replaced by a threat. The smaller Nian Beast clone, and the target he was attacking from the front, which was supposed to be the Nian Beast clone, turned into the original purple ape with its sharp claws raised.

But after Jing Yang entered the "shooting star like wind" state, what reacted in actual combat was not entirely his subjective consciousness.

The body under the operation of the star mark freely changed the distribution of the mind energy in the body at the moment when Zi Yuan switched the position of the main body and the mind beast.

The power of the thought energy in Jing Yang's fist increased sharply, far exceeding any previous concentration, leaving only a thin layer on other parts of the body surface. It was almost a "hard" punch, and it hit the front with a "bang" sound. It shattered the claws of the mental energy that Zi Yuan was tearing towards him, causing the purple monkey's cheek to deform slightly... But at this moment, the mental beast Zi Yuan on the side slammed into Jing Yang, knocking Jing Yang's movements so much. In an instant, in a flash of lightning, Zi Yuan once again switched places with the Nian Beast clone.

The person who bumped into Jing Yang from the side turned into the purple ape. The corner of his mouth was bleeding, his chin was tilted, and he hit him hard with his knee.

However, what shocked him was that Zhen Yuanzi could even react to such an attack. He blocked his abdomen with his palms and was knocked back by his own knee, but he was not seriously injured.

Jing Yang was knocked high by a knee, and the entire audience followed him and raised their eyes and then lowered their eyes.

"Not bad, not bad, there is something." Jing Yang waved his palm, the knee strike just now was still very powerful.

The slight pain from the impact on the side of the waist was quickly dissipated by the self-healing effect of the star.

"3." Jing Yang raised three fingers to the panting Zi Yuan across from him, "The mind beast that has become a clone has almost the same power as you as the original body, which is a bit of a shame, but it can't It makes good use of techniques such as winding hair training, in other words, it uses Qi techniques, which is rough, very rough, almost like a layman. It can only be regarded as a relatively bluffing vase. "

"Where does all this nonsense come from!"

The two purple apes straightened their crooked chins at the same time, roared at the same time, and rushed towards Jing Yang who was talking eloquently.

His mentality is out of balance!

In the auditorium, Zhehao and other knowledgeable people immediately saw the changes on the host's side.

The poster is indeed powerful, with powerful telepathy, crushing 99% of the masters who have been baptized on the 200th floor. His unique telekinesis beasts, telepathy clones and other abilities also make people fearful. Most of the many 200th floor players watching the game believe that if If he were to play in his place, I'm afraid that under the hands of this poster, he wouldn't be able to survive the second round, and he wouldn't even be able to force him to use his telekinesis clone!

But at this moment, in the pitted arena, the host is gradually falling into a disadvantage and becoming more and more desperate.

He and his clones attacked hand in hand, but Zhen Yuanzi dealt with it more and more calmly, becoming more and more comfortable in the airtight moves.

Even his move of constantly exchanging positions with his clones was gradually becoming familiar to Zhen Yuanzi...

Everyone's fighting style has their own habits and familiar rhythm.

Jing Yang, who activates the "Meteor Like Wind" combat mode with the star mark on the back of his neck, gradually masters the rhythm of the purple ape's moves, the timing of changing places with the mind beast, and sometimes can even predict it in advance. It is judged that the time when the purple ape is about to teleport and change positions.

Jing Yang is enjoying this battle. Xiaodi, who was watching the game from the sidelines, quietly watched the changes on the ring.

The opponent became more and more anxious, but Jing Yang's attacks became more and more restrained, like a leaf flying in the wind between them.

But for those with telekinesis ability, picking flowers and flying leaves can also hurt people.

Zi Yuan, whose mind energy was getting more and more depleted, was caught by Jing Yang when he found a flaw in his continuous attacks.

The palm of his hand passed through the gap between the two fists and feet like a piece of paper, and landed heavily on one of the purple apes, then clenched it into a fist and hit it hard.


The two purple apes bleeded from the corners of their mouths at the same time. At the same time, they fell back as if they had been punched in the chest. However, they crushed the ring and stopped in their tracks. They fought back hard and knocked Jing Yang over.


A half-meter-deep human-shaped crack was created on the ring by the weight of three people.

Dust was flying on the crack, and with a bang, two purple apes were thrown out, one on the left and one on the right.

Gululu, the two purple apes rolled to the two corners of the ring, quickly got up, rubbed their chests that were almost suffocated by the punch, and spat out a mouthful of blood.

After the dust gradually dispersed in the crack, one could vaguely see Jing Yang's figure climbing up, and his voice came out: "4, you and your clone share your senses, even the attacks and injuries you receive are shared together. Like this-"

As the words fell, a memory bullet quickly pierced through the flying dust and crashed straight into one of the purple apes.

This is the Nian Beast Purple Ape!

The bullet that shot through the air flew towards its head.

Ziyuan gritted his teeth, raised his arms to his head, and changed positions with Nian**.


Blood foam splashed, and the body changed to the purple ape in front of the teleportation bomb. A bloody hole was made in his arm by the teleportation bomb.

"The basic skills of the clone are weak, so when you face fatal danger but have no time to dodge, you need to change your body to directly receive the dangerous attack, just like now."

While Jing Yang was speaking, a series of bullets popped up on his fingers.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The lowest power "Finger Flick Magic Power" is like a ray of light, shooting at the Purple Ape on the opposite side - the mind clone very casually, specifically choosing the places to hit, such as the eyeballs, throat, forehead, and heart.

When the clone had no time to dodge, Zi Yuan could only let his main body take the beating with tears in his eyes.

Suddenly, the scene on the ring became very funny. Zi Yuan actually took the initiative to get in touch with the bullets fired by Jing Yang with a snap of his fingers. He rolled and crawled, looking very embarrassed.

"Zhen Yuanzi has completely seen through the details of this poster's abilities!"

"Seize the opponent's weakness in ability and don't let go, and hit the pain points specifically..."

"Having said that, this poster's Nian Qi seems to have been consumed a lot, why does Zhen Yuanzi seem to be fine?"

The 200-level contestants in the audience were talking about each other. The intensity of this poster challenge was very exciting. It was really hard to fight. Zhen Yuanzi's kung fu was superb, and the poster Meng Linqi's telekinesis ability was also dizzying. , but up to this point in the game, one side has shown signs of exhaustion, while the other side at least still looks calm.

Not only did Jing Yang take it easy, he even raised his hands and threw out a dense mass of thought bombs, which flew out like a group of bubbles and surrounded the two embarrassed purple apes.

What the fuck...

Zi Yuan looked up, almost despairing. Is this man's mind a bottomless pit? !

Jing Yang waved his palm down, and the "Flying Star Bubbles" crackled like a meteor shower and hit the two purple apes.

The original purple ape kept dodging.

The clone Zi Yuan subconsciously held his head to block, but gradually discovered that these bubble bullets landed on his body...it actually looked like bubbles, without any movement at all.

But what it didn't notice was that inside one of the flying star bubbles, a trace of blood formed a pentagram pattern, leaving a rose gold pentagram mark half the size of a fingernail on its body.

The clone Zi Yuan raised his head, only to see Jing Yang approaching him. He fired a teleportation bomb at his fingertips and charged it up, bursting out with a frightening aura and approaching his head.

Jing Yang said: "Just kidding."

This is not a joke!

Purple Ape screamed wildly in his heart, and instantly changed his shape, exchanging places with the mind beast clone.

The forehead, now transformed into a clone of the mind beast, was resisted by Jing Yang's charged finger snap - but in an instant, the clone of the mind beast disintegrated and turned into a ball of mind energy that dispersed.

The moment it was released, it seemed that a large part of the energy and spirit in the purple ape's body was also taken away. The purple ape's energy instantly weakened and dropped a lot.

5. Once the mind beast clone is formed, as long as it is released, it will inevitably consume half of the total mind power of the main body. If the remaining mind power of the main body is not enough to deduct, then the main body will immediately fall into coma...

"Forget it, I admit—"

The purple ape was exhausted and was about to raise his hands to surrender.

On his raised arm, inside the elbow, there was the same rose-gold pentagram left by the flying star bubble in the same position as the clone just now.

The referee thought that the landlord was about to surrender, but Zi Yuan suddenly stopped mid-sentence, put down his hand, and walked straight towards Zhen Yuanzi.

With everyone watching, Zhen Yuanzi walked up and punched.


Zi Yuan was blasted into the ring and completely passed out.

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