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Chapter 154 Go to Kuru Mountain again

Even though the bounty hunter spoke with great sadness and sincerity, Jing Yang still couldn't understand his feelings.

Xiaodi couldn't understand it either.

In particular, it was after she met Jing Yang that she began to practice daily with Jing Yang, accumulating her mind energy and exercising her mind energy... Before that, when she was alone, the increase and accumulation of her mind energy actually started from I didn't specifically consume it in the "hard" way like now, but in the process of using various techniques of using various Nian abilities, bit by bit, I unconsciously felt that the total amount of Nian Qi was slightly smaller. The ground is constantly improving.

After persisting in practicing with Jing Yang, the efficiency of the increase in the total volume of thought energy in this half year has far exceeded her previous years combined.

Probably, people like Xikuan belong to the type of telekinesis users that Bisiki said, "It takes about a month of hard work to extend 'hardness' for 10 minutes"...

Jing Yang finally saw it.

And if it is not so "hard work", it may take more than a month, two or three months, to extend the "hard" for 10 minutes, which is 600 qi.

600 gas.

Jing Yang could complete this growth index in less than two days on average before. The efficiency of practice is different.

Jing Yang patted his broad shoulders and said earnestly: "Let's think of something happy. For example, I have already used the Shadow Killer Jack, and now you can exchange it for the bounty, right? How much is he worth? Is the money coming?”

In the night, "Jack Jing", who had been controlled by Jing Yang to leave in advance, was walking outside the wall of the villa, and a melody suddenly came from the high wall: "Zhen Yuanzi."

"Jack Jing" turned around and said, "Do you have a problem with me?"

Melody said in the night: "Sure enough, this is you too."

"Jing Jiejie" smiled and said: "Little fat man, you want to expose other people's secrets without permission, aren't you afraid that I will silence you?"

"If you really wanted to kill us, you would have done it a long time ago. There is no way I could have stopped you."

"Don't be too modest. That piece of music of yours is really good, and I was indeed affected and charged."

"But what about the gray-feathered bird that flew into the house?" Melody said softly, "It is also controlled by you, right? My music may disturb you, but it is difficult to say that it can really disturb it... Apo took the initiative to attack it, but it was only weakened a little, and his life was not hurt."

"Jack Jing" said thoughtfully: "You talk about me as if I am a good person, but this makes me want to really kill you to see if I can!"

Melody was speechless, and finally whispered: "There is no malice in you."

After a pause, she asked: "Do you really know me? Or do you know where you learned about my past?"

"Why do you ask?"

"You are not surprised at all that I have guessed your psychology several times - my judgment that you are not surprised is also a guess. Obviously, you are very clear about my abilities." Melody said, "Besides, it seems that a person as ugly and weird as me can only be as kind as you out of sympathy."

Are all hunters so good at guessing? You'll hit the right guess.

It was indeed because he knew Melody's background story that he didn't have any ill intentions towards her. After all, this girl is quite unlucky. She is not a bad person and has good abilities. Except for her appearance, she can be regarded as a half-beautiful, powerful and tragic character. It is not a loss to have a good relationship.

"Jack Jing" commented: "It's really a bit ugly."

Melody didn’t know what to say.

"Have you never thought about recuperating yourself?" "Jack Jing" asked with a smile, "Restore your youthful appearance."

Melody was stunned, shook her head and said sadly: "Stop making fun of me..."

Her disfigurement is due to the Dark Sonata, which is said to have been composed by the Demon King. It is a curse from the Demon King. How can this be solved?

"Just listen to the curse of the devil. At worst, if you are indecisive, you will be classified as a special telepathic ability." "Jack Jing" said, "Since it is the result of telekinesis, there is a way to restore it with telekinesis."

Melody held her hair on both sides with her two chubby hands and continued to shake her head: "I don't have any foreign energy worth getting rid of."

Since there are no thoughts that can be eliminated, how can we erase or restore them?

Melody has encountered a big change, and he is a telepathic person. Of course, he has tried to find a way to resolve the disaster he encountered, but he was ultimately disappointed.

"Maybe." "Jack Jing" said nonchalantly, "If, I mean if, if there is such an opportunity in the future, someone can help you restore your appearance and heal your body, how much are you willing to spend?"

Melody said seriously: "I am willing to give it all."

"Leave a phone number."

"Jing Jie Ke" was talking here, Jing Yang also took out his mobile phone and recorded the mobile phone number reported by Melody in the address book. At the same time, he controlled "Jing Jie Ke" to reply: "Oh, don't get me wrong, this is to collect Letter, three wedding invitations. You don’t want to default on the debt, do you?”

Waving his hands, "Jing Jie Ke" walked away under Melody's gaze in the night.

Jing Yang put away his phone and said, "Let's go, let's take a trip to Kukulu Mountain."

However, before going to Kurulu Mountain, Jing Yang still dealt with the Shadow Killer Jack.

The bounty of more than 72 million nuns was cleared with a hunter's license. A series of procedures went very smoothly, and there were not many intermediary deductions. In addition to the 30 million from the other male and female assassins who had been dealt with before, Just these three small fish and shrimps brought to Jing Yang's doorstep earned Jing Yang a small target... er, a small target in the Hunter World. Converted into soft girl coins in the previous life, it is almost a twentieth of a small goal.

Xikuan, a veteran bounty hunter, came forward to help with these things. Jing Yang wanted to share part of his commission, but Xikuan waved his hand and refused. After all, he was not the one who captured these three people.

"But it's not that I don't have requests." Xikuan chewed his cigarette and said seriously, "When you go to Kukulu Mountain to visit the Beaten enemy family, can you take me with you?"

Jing Yang also said seriously: "Although we are indeed going to Kurulu Mountain, we really are not going to visit the Hakka family."

"Ah?" Xikuan was stunned.

"I'm really unfamiliar." Jing Yang said sincerely, "We will be kicked out."

Then you said with certainty that you were going to Kurulu Mountain, and your tone was as natural as if you were going to go shopping?

Xiaodi explained for Jingyang: "There is a trial gate in Kukulu Mountain. He and I had made an appointment to try it together when we had the chance."

Are you two really planning to visit tourist attractions?

Xikuan was even more speechless.

"Then let's go."

Jing Yang reached out to Xiaodi and headed to the airport together to embark on the journey to the Republic of Patokia.

What is the equivalent of 1.5 billion plus 100 million?

1.6 billion!

Sure enough, this kind of business without capital can make money quickly. Just by chance, I got so much fresh income from just two simple jobs.

In addition to the rewards for himself and Xiaodi for clearing the 200th floor in the Sky Arena, the amount is about a small billion.

He and Xiaodi's current net worth has exceeded 2.5 billion denies without realizing it.

Even if they were exchanged for the soft girl coins from the previous life, he and Xiaodi would be considered small billionaires, and they deserve to be happy for a while!

The airship took off, left the airport, and moved quickly in the blue sky.

Republic of Patokia, Dentora region.

Kukulu Mountain.

Most of the deep mountains and forests belong to the territory of the Phaidike family.

It's still the territory that looks like a towering city wall, it's still that heavy door with smart pressure sensors that looks like a matryoshka doll, and the small door next to it that is dedicated to delivering food to the beast behind the door, Sanmao, is still the same.

In the pavilion in front of the small gate, guard Jie Bu Rong was flipping through old newspapers when he suddenly noticed a few people walking on the mountain road ahead.

"The tour bus has been parked for a while..."

Jaebirong poked his head out of the window, and there were two men, a woman, and a little gray bird flying around with its wings flapping.

"Is that you?" The bald guard suddenly recognized Jing Yang.

"It's me." Jing Yang raised his hand to say hello and complained, "Why is there no tour bus this time? Is your tourist attraction out of service?"

Jiebirong looked at the other two people and said, "Because Sanmao added extra food last month. Every time someone loses his life, the tourists always calm down, and I can be much calmer."

These two people are also people with telekinesis abilities.

I'm afraid, they are all better than me...

Jiebirong was secretly dumbfounded. The young man who could open the door of four trials with one sentence was still an outsider. How could he not be impressed?

Jing Yang moved his arms and said with a smile: "Last time I came alone, this time I brought a friend to try. Anyway, your trial gate doesn't charge a fee, right?"

Jiebrong smiled and said: "Of course, those who can push open the door of trial and enter the mountain are the guests of the Hakka family who beat the enemy."

As we all know, the Beati Ke family is a family of professional killers.

They only charge money from customers.

Xikuan walked to the Gate of Trials and looked up at this extremely shocking giant gate. On the way here, he had already heard Zhen Yuanzi explain this so-called Gate of Trials.

The first left and right lanes each weigh 2 tons, the second left and right lanes each weigh 4 tons, the third left and right lanes each weigh 8 tons, and the fourth left and right lanes each weigh 16 tons...

He rubbed his hands nervously, "Let me try it first."

As he spoke, Xikuan released his thoughts all over his body, especially when he tightened his arms, shouted low, and pushed the heavy door with his palms.

The force exerted on the door body will open different sequences of doors through intelligent sensing.

Buzz, buzz...

The huge door roared, and the third door swayed, and was finally pushed open with difficulty.

His thin and wide forehead was covered with veins, and his face was flushed. He pushed open the three trial doors and rolled behind the door, panting tiredly.

On the side of his head, he saw a huge black shadow standing up in the shadow of the grass not far away. The cold eyes of a wolf like a hill were staring at him from a distance.

Cold sweat broke out all over Xikuan's body.


The door of trial slowly opened again, and Xiaodi pushed open the fourth door of trial step by step.

Xikuan was stunned, what kind of strength does this girl have?

She tried her best to push open the third trial door. The two doors on the left and right weighed only 16 tons in total, but the fourth door the girl pushed open weighed 32 tons in total!

And she looks far more relaxed than herself!

In order to push away the third path, I had to sacrifice half of my life...


The trial door that closed behind Xiaodi was quickly pushed open again, and the area opened became even larger.

The fifth trial door was opened by Jing Yang's hands.

This door was taller and larger, so Jing Yang pushed it in step by step. It only opened a small angle, which was enough for him to step into the grass behind the door and defeat the enemy's family's territory.

The fifth trial gate totals 64 tons!

Jing Yang clapped his hands, and the trial door behind him slowly closed again amid the disbelieving expression of Jie Bu Rong outside the door.

Xiao Didi said: "Sure enough, you are stronger than me now."

"You're kidding, I was the older one before, okay?" Jing Yang snorted and glared at the enemy-beating Hakka guard dog named Sanmao over there, wondering what he was looking at.

Xiaodi didn't refute.


The door of trial behind him slowly opened again.

This time, Jebron, whose muscles were tense and his veins were pulsing, only pushed open the first door of the trial.

"Ashamed, ashamed..." Jie Bu Rong said repeatedly after coming in.

Xikuan calmed down and turned back to look at the mountains further away, "That's where the Beaten enemy family lives, right?"

"Yes." Jiebu Rong said.

"The one who beats the enemy, the killer family beats the enemy?"

"Yes, that's the one who beat up the enemy guest."

Xiokuan took a deep breath and said solemnly: "I am a bounty hunter."

"Oh..." Jiebirong nodded, "Then what?"

"So a lot of bounty money lives there!" Jing Yang said with a smile, "As a bounty hunter, how can he be willing to turn away after seeing such prey?"

Jiebrong didn't know what to say. He could only wish this young bounty hunter good luck and wish him a happy death whenever he encounters anyone who beats up an enemy.

But the greater possibility is that this bounty hunter will never meet any master who beats the enemy.

After all, this Kukulu Mountain is huge.

There are only a few members of the Kedi Ke family, so how can he meet them casually... Before he steps into the mountains, he will meet the housekeepers and be intercepted.

Xikuan couldn't help but confirm: "You just said that anyone who enters through the trial gate will be regarded as a guest of the enemy's Hakka family, right?"

"There is such a thing." Jiebirong reminded, "But I don't know if the housekeepers think you are a threat that needs to be eradicated... I am just a janitor who looks after the door, and I don't see you very much. I’ve passed those housekeepers and don’t know how they deal with things.”

Xikuan was a little nervous and a little scared, but he didn't flinch.

Before leaving, he asked Jing Yang: "What about you? You are also guests. It's a rare visit, why don't you go and sit down?"

You can't even see the owner's face. At most, you can see a butler with a dead face. What's there to sit on!

Moreover, I have read the comics and have some understanding of what it is like to beat up the enemy and the Hakka family, so I am not that curious.

Jing Yang said: "You go ahead, we are here to cheer you on."

Xiaodi was actually very curious about what was going on in Kukulu Mountain, but since Jing Yang couldn't tell, she didn't say anything.

The wind rustles and the water becomes cold. Once the thinness and width are gone, I don’t know when it will return.

Looking at the guy's back, the bald guard Jie Burong's face was filled with emotion.

Jing Yang was also very emotional. He brought Xiao Di on this trip, one of which was traveling, and the other was letting Xiao Di try the trial gate as promised, and the third was that Jing Yang was also thinking about a question on the way. A question about "The Wishing Girl" Alluka = ​​beating up the enemy...

Suddenly, he raised his head and saw two people flying high in the sky like two black spots.

Taking a closer look, there was actually a white dragon-shaped thought energy at the feet of the two people. It flew them from outside the mountain, flew past the towering city wall of the enemy Hakka, and flew through the sky into the depths of the Kukulu Mountain. at.

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