I'm very interested in the ability to read

Chapter 144 Nitro begins to clasp his hands

It was when Zhen Yuanzi was about to come on stage that Nitro gathered all his energy and entered "Zetsu".

This frustrated other martial artists.

Obviously, in order to avoid yesterday's situation, Nitro asked Zhen Yuanzi to use which tactics and dragged the old man to beat him for an hour. He still couldn't fight back happily, so he went back to study it a little, and The situation in front of me is what Nitro came up with to deal with it...

But the problem is that before Zhen Yuanzi came on the stage, Nitro still fought with other people as normal, regardless of whether they learned Zhen Yuanzi's tactics or not.

If you use "hard", I will beat your "hard".

After using "Hardness" a few times, the other martial artists began to scramble... Improper offense and defense, and their concentration was scattered. It was easy for Nitro to find an opportunity, point it out at random, and then throw him out of the field.

People like Yun Gu have given up imitating Jing Yang and still compete in their own way.

But when Jing Yang came on the stage, Nitro put on a different posture and looked very interested. Even Yun Gu felt a little unbalanced, but he had to admit that Jing Yang did what they couldn't. Only by doing things that you need to do, can you get special treatment from President Netero.

Jing Yang, who received special treatment from Nitro, slowly entered the stage.

Looking at the old man opposite who didn't have a trace of Qi wrapped around his body, he said speechlessly: "Let me tell you first, I will not compete with you in the state of "Absolute" just because you have entered "Absolute"."

"No, no need." Nitro waved his hand, twirled his beard, took a step forward with a smile, "Just use whatever tricks you have."

Even though Jing Yang knew that this old man's martial arts skills were indeed as good as heaven's, he was still unhappy to be looked down upon like this.


Xiaodi, who was watching the battle, heard the rock bird cry out in confusion, and saw that the energy on its body had increased slightly.

The other fighters who had been beaten and who were about to line up to be beaten looked at the arena and started talking.

"Even if Nitro responds to the challenge with a "Zero" attitude, it's still very reluctant, right?"

"If Zhen Yuanzi hadn't also entered "Absolute", with the intensity of his thought energy, if he had really hit Nitro who was maintaining "Absolute"... hiss!"

You can't blame these people for not being able to help but think that Nitro is being exaggerated.

It is true that Zetsu has no mental energy protection, and his physical body is too fragile. If he makes a mistake and is touched by Zhen Yuanzi's fists and feet full of mental energy, even Nitro will be injured at least, or killed at worst.

Yes, there are many ordinary people in the world who do not have the ability to read, including athletes, soldiers, fighters, killers, bodyguards... Their physical defense and attack power based solely on their fists and kicks are comparable to Superman, and they can break steel with one punch. , push a ten-ton boulder, and even become invulnerable, it is not without such examples.

But the problem is, even if these people don't have the ability to read, and don't know how to use qi, it just guarantees that there is qi in them.

On the contrary, only those who have learned the power of Nen can put themselves into a real state of "Zero" - in the comics, Gon is in a situation where he has already mastered "Zero" by imitating animals before he has even learned Nen. It is a very rare exception. Xiaojie's example also shows that even if many ordinary masters do not really understand Nian, their ability to train their bodies to that superhuman quality must be because they have mobilized their potential power intentionally or unintentionally. This kind of Power is life energy, the chi that everyone has.

Those who are good at riding will fall, and those who are good at swimming will be drowned.

Those who are kind will never...

Nitro put on a "Zero" posture to compete with Jing Yang, and his opponent Jing Yang made it clear that he would not follow him to "Zero", but Nitro still did not lift his "Zero".

The more knowledgeable people are, the more they can't help but feel numb at the moment.

So exciting.

"President, I think ordinary competitions are too boring." Biyou, who came to watch the excitement, commented, "I have to find something exciting to find it interesting."

"Then why don't you follow Yungu and others for excitement?" Gai Lu said, "Only when you encounter a challenging opponent will the president's fighting spirit be stimulated."

"Can this be considered the president's opponent?"

"In life-and-death battles, there are opponents who compete in life-and-death battles. When competing on the same stage, there are opponents who compete on the same stage. There are also junior rivals among juniors who give guidance." Gai Lu said, "If we didn't have this kind of mentality, the president would be number one in the world." After so many years, I’m afraid I’ve become completely bored.”

"That is……"

"That is to say, the president has long been overwhelmed by his high position. He needs to occasionally change his mentality and increase his own obstacles before he can - that's it?"

As Gailu talked, she realized that Biyou was not asking herself, but seeing the changes on the field.

The other martial artists watching the battle were even more surprised than them. The dark figure with eight arms that suddenly appeared behind Zhen Yuanzi was so weird!

"Is this thing Zhen Yuanzi's mind beast?"

"It's just like this..."

"Why does it look like the black skeleton who called himself Sky Master?"


When everyone was whispering, Nitro smiled and said, "Why, are you confident that you can get blood from me this time?"

"You're already like this. It's understandable if I swell a little, right?"

Jing Yang put his hands in a starting position, and the Qi wrapped around his body began to flow.

The "reflection" thought beast behind him was still floating in place, but Jing Yang's figure had disappeared.

He launched a fierce attack like yesterday, and suddenly rushed in front of Nitro. All the energy in his body disappeared, and he completely concentrated on his right fist and hit Nitro's chest - Nitro was still in the state of "Zero" at this moment. If the punch hits the porcelain like this, the King of Heaven comes and cannot stop this "hard" punch from piercing Nitro's chest and beating him to death.

But Nitro doesn't need the King of Heaven.

At this moment, time seemed to slow down.

Jing Yang's fist, which condensed a ball of light larger than a basketball, slowly approached Nitro's chest wearing an old man's shirt and vest.

Nitro slowly raised his eyebrows and looked at Jing Yang slowly.

Jing Yang's fist continued to approach, but a ball of air slowly surged out of Nitro's chest, and he slowly collided with the "hard" on Jing Yang's fist...


Jing Yang punched Nitro hard in the chest.

At least that's how it seems to outsiders. Most of the martial artists on the sidelines, who were of poor psychological quality, immediately clenched their fists and dug their toes into the ground, trying hard not to rush into the arena to stop them... But when they saw that they were forced to take this punch, it was "hard" ”, but Nitro did not move at all, nor did he realize it until he was punched through the body.

This is the same technique as Zhen Yuanzi!

Use his methods to repay others?

Jing Yang was almost blown away by the thought energy pouring out of Nitro's chest, and his arm was grabbed by Nitro's hand.

Nitro lifts the knee, bang!

Jing Yang's abdomen, which was defenseless, was hit hard.

The eight-armed telekinesis "Reflection" that swayed like black waterweed suddenly paused and turned its ferocious head towards Nitro.

Since Nitro's chest was still in a state of "absolute" except for defending Jing Yang's fist, this knee strike was naturally a purely physical attack.

"This is called a tie." The old man Nitro chuckled and glanced at the "reflection" where the atmosphere suddenly changed.

Jing Yang grimaced in pain, and the "hardness" in his right fist dissipated and flowed to the attacked abdomen.

A layer of Qi wrapped around Nitro's feet, and he raised his leg to kick Jing Yang away.


Nitro stepped on it and flew after him.

"You are really not good at transformation techniques,"

Jing Yang flew upside down, and the old man's voice followed him like a shadow, "Tangle is to entangle, hard is to be hard. People who are not good at changing thoughts and energy are also not good at transitioning between these two techniques..."

This means that Jing Yang can either condense his whole body's Qi into his fists to form a "hard" attack, or condense it into his abdomen to form a "hard" defense, but cannot condense both his fists and abdomen to be semi-hard at the same time.

Of course, with similar offensive and defensive configurations, Jing Yang can distribute more Qi in his fists and abdomen in a "hard" state to achieve similar effects.

But similarity is similarity, not the same.

The difference between "hard" and "hard", apart from the difference in intensity, is that the latter requires more comprehensive basic skills than the former.

To "train" the energy of the whole body to release it, and then use "winding" to maintain it, this is "firmness".

As for "hard", you need to use the whole body "Jue", the maximum "practice", the local practice is "condensation", and the practice concentrated in the local area, that is, the condensation is maintained. "Tangle", the powerful offensive and defensive power formed by the combination is naturally "attack". All these skills need to be used and maintained at the same time.

It is precisely because "hard" requires so many skills and such concentration that Jing Yang's smooth switching of "hard" gathering positions to compete with Nitro shocked other martial artists and made it even more difficult to imitate. And even for Jing Yang, it is difficult to use "hard" on two parts of the body at the same time - although strictly speaking, it is called "hard" when it is concentrated on one point, but it seems that it is not "hard" when it is concentrated on two points.

Jing Yang's heart was pounding. He turned around and swept his legs. Nitro laughed and clapped his hands to block it.

Neither his feet nor Nitro's hands gathered any energy.

"I won't guess wrong." The old man blinked.

Jing Yang rose and fell on the ground and attacked again.

It's still a fake move, and it doesn't condense the energy. As expected, Nitro saw through it, and blocked it with his bare hands, and hit back with an elbow, knocking Jing Yang away.

Jing Yang hooked the elbow of Nitro with his toes, turned around and kicked Nitro in the face.

This kick quickly condensed the "hardness"!


Nitro hit his head and almost knocked Jing Yang's foot off his feet.

A ball of energy gathered on the old man's head, and he looked at Jing Yang who looked puzzled with a smile.

Jing Yang wondered: "Since most of your body is in a state of 'absolute' most of the time, how can you see the flow of mind energy in my body after closing your eye orifices?"

"Of course I rely on experience to judge." Nitro smiled and took the initiative.

Bang bang bang bang!

The two of them were going back and forth, from Jingyang attacking more and defending less, gradually to Nitro attacking more often. Jingyang defended continuously, and from time to time he would receive a few rude punches from Nitro. .

Fortunately, Nitro's attack will only be done after seeing through the direction where Jing Yang's mental energy is gathered. While he will use his mental energy to defend himself at the position where he was attacked, he will use his fist without mental energy to hit Jing Yang. fist.

Even so, after a heavy punch, many places on Jing Yang's body were already red, swollen and bruised. After all, when he used "Hardness", the other parts of his body that were attacked had no mental energy defense... And Nitro, an old boxer over a hundred years old, even without the mental energy enhancement, his fists were extremely hard and his punches were accurate. And cruel...

Biyou commented: "President, it's like playing whack-a-mole."

Gai Lu nodded and said: "Where Jing Yang's hardness is concentrated, it's the mole that popped out... It's just that the president didn't hit the mole, but the place where the mole didn't pop out."


Nitro and Jing Yang, a junior, were having fun when they suddenly saw that the injuries on Jing Yang's body and the bruises under his skin, which were not serious, had actually recovered.

"This resilience is a bit interesting!" Between offense and defense, Nitro dodged Jing Yang's punch without any thought, and touched Xuwei and said in his heart, "This guy is probably from the operating system. With his cleverness, He will probably inflict damage on himself in advance to avoid being attacked by other operating systems... If nothing else, this abnormal recovery ability is probably brought about by the operating system abilities this kid exerted on himself."


A black claw sneaked up from the side, and after catching a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye, Nitro dodged to avoid it.

Whoosh whoosh!

Three arms attacked from different directions. Nitro frowned slightly, raised a palm horizontally, and carried his mental energy to knock away the "reflection" that suddenly launched a sneak attack.

You AFK thing knows how to move!

Here he was dealing with the Nian Beast, and over there Jing Yang didn't miss this opportunity.

One punch focused on "hardness" and hit Nitro.

Nitro didn't even need to look at it to know that this punch was a real punch and could not be faked, so he caught it with qi gushing out from his hands, and raised his foot to kick Jing Yang - naturally there was no qi attached to this kick.

But at this moment, a sense of crisis that had not been felt for many years came to my mind.

Nitro grabbed Jing Yang's fist with one hand and could clearly feel that the "hardness" in Jing Yang's fist had not changed and had not moved away to defend the body being kicked by him...

But the area where Jing Yang was kicked had already gathered another mass of "hardness".

If Nitro kicks up with his "barefoot", it will be like a mantis using his arm as a cart, and his foot will be broken constantly...

Xiaodi, who was watching the game from the sidelines, was holding the little gray bird. The rock bird turned its head, a bird's eyes full of human emotions. Jing Yang, who had activated the rock bird star mark, possessed the bird's body, and as a second brain, assisted from the side. While the "hard" on the main body's fist did not move away, another mass of "hard" was condensed on the attacked abdomen. 』.

I'm not good at flexible changes in reading energy, but I'm not alone!

Jing Yang took advantage of Nitro's temporary withdrawal of the kick and launched a counterattack. He also kicked him. He didn't have the energy to gather on his feet, and Nitro couldn't gather his energy to defend, so he had no choice but to use his other hand to strike. Following Jingyang's kick - in this way, both of Nitro's hands were occupied. This time, "Reflection" finally knew how to cooperate with the host to seize the opportunity to launch a combo, and hit Nitro with all eight arms.

Jing Yang himself also took the opportunity to hit Nitro.



Nitro's old shirt was cut by the "reflection", and Jing Yang hit him perfectly. Naturally, it was not easy for him to explode with all his energy at the last moment and shock him to death or injury...

Click, click...

Jing Yang stopped and jumped away quickly, a line of blood dripping from his fingers. On the opposite side, a shallow wound was cut on Nitro's shoulder, dripping with blood.


Jing Yang was happy in his heart. Although the sneak attack of "Reflection" was blocked by Nitro, he finally succeeded.

He flicked a drop of Nitro's blood to "Reflection" with a snap of his fingers, but at the same time, he saw Nitro opposite him start to clasp his palms together...

In an instant, the world seemed to quiet down, and time slowed down.

It was obvious that Nitro's movements were as fast as lightning, but I seemed to see that he was pious in his movements. He slowly and meticulously raised his hands, his eyebrows bowed lovingly, and his palms joined together...


Hey, that’s not the case!

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