Divine characters like talisman arrays appeared rapidly on the top and bottom of the three-dimensional model of Xianshui Mountain on the screen, in various caves, and in the corners of the mountain wall, covering a full third of the entire mountain's internal and external area.

Gai Lu waited for a moment, but the screen still stopped refreshing, and asked, "Didn't you mean the whole mountain?"

"I've only been here for half a day." Biyou pointed at the screen, "The president didn't know where he went as soon as he arrived at Xianshui Mountain. I was bored so I investigated alone. So far, I only found this little thing... the rest The situation should not be much different in places that are not involved.”

Gai Lu nodded, then shook her head, "The scope of the divine words is too large. It pulls everyone on the top of the mountain into a materialized dream world, but it seems more than enough. It is overkill..."

"I don't know about that. These divine words are too complicated, and it will take a certain amount of time to fully analyze them."

Gai Lu expressed understanding. Biyou is already the most outstanding expert on ancient characters, and things like divine characters are also within the scope of his research.

"What about you? The president specially called you here. You must be useful." Maotu knocked on the keyboard and cut the screen back. "Is it to deal with some kind of difficult poison?"

Gai Lu pondered for a moment and said: "I was not called by the president, but after hearing something, I asked the president to take me with him."

Biyou thought for a moment and understood, "It seems that I got the cause and effect wrong. You are a poison hunter. I heard that there is some kind of troublesome poison here, so you came here."

Gai Lu nodded slightly, "It seems to be related to the Dark Continent..."

Biyou was a little surprised, but then he thought about it, the Dark Continent is mysterious and dangerous, and it also exudes an ancient and timeless temperament - it has been almost 200 years since V5 concluded a treaty not to invade the Dark Continent! This sounds like something President Netero would like to mix in. No one can tell exactly what unknown adventures this martial artist and professional hunter, who has lived for more than a hundred years, has experienced for most of his life.

In the video made by analyzing the "dream", it is played that the petals all over the night sky form the image of Bodhisattva, and the stone Buddha under the peach tree is cracked and disintegrated...

"This is the president." Gai Lu said.

"Obviously." Biyou closed the laptop, "Since the president is still in the mood to have fun and hasn't contacted us yet, it should be fine."

"About 40 years ago, I followed President Nitro to attend a Fairy Water Mountain Conference..."

In the Houshan Hotel, several people listened to the clear and clear girlish voice of Bisji played on the phone.

However, Jing Yang knew that this girl was actually fifty years old, but she was just a girl who pretended to be young all day long.

Yun Gu was even more aware of his master's age, so he repeated "40 years ago?" in surprise, causing Bisiji on the other end of the phone to fall silent and say "Huh?!" with a raised nasal voice, He asked: "Yun Gu, do you have any questions?"

Yun Gu quickly said: "No, I just - Master, if I remember correctly, it was more than thirty years ago that you passed the hunter exam..."

"Then what?"

"Master, when you participated in the Xianshui Mountain Conference, how many times..."

"I think I was 12 years old."

Bisji's answer made Jing Yang puzzled.

Why can't all of them live past the age of 12?

Men Qi won the World Food Competition championship at the age of 12, Jin passed the hunter test at the age of 12, and Jin's future son Xiaojie will also become a professional hunter at the age of 12. Speaking of which, the current physical age that he set for himself before seems to be 12 years old. Come on...then it's okay.

Yun Gu said to himself in surprise: "Then Master, at that time..."

Bisji on the other end of the phone understood what Yungu was surprised about and calmly replied: "Yes, at that time I was just an ordinary young disciple of the Shingenryu Dojo, and I was still studying step by step. In martial arts, I have not mastered the use of "Qi". Although there are some errors in the details, I did not officially learn "Nian" until I got my hunter's license at the age of 17."

Good guy!

Jing Yang thought to himself: "You call the 12-year-old girl who Nitro personally brought to Xianshui Mountain to participate in the conference, ordinary?"

Hart was stunned to the point of numbness.

Not to mention that Senior Brother Yun Gu’s master has a voice that sounds like a little sister, but turns out to be 50 years old... This senior of the Shingen Ryū actually successfully passed the Ascension to Immortality at the age of 12 without having mastered Qi. Order? !

Bisji continued: "It is precisely because I did not understand reading when I participated in the Xianshui Mountain Conference, so I am not sure whether a situation similar to yours today has happened. If you look back on the events before April 40 in hindsight, That conference seemed to be a watershed moment.”


Xiaodi and Jingyang looked at each other and both remembered the information they had specially investigated before. "Beginning about 40 years ago, the Xianshuishan Art Exhibition began to appear..."

"That's right. 40 years ago or even earlier, until a hundred years ago, the Fairy Mountain Conference was just a small-scale martial arts exchange meeting. Although the organizer was Sky Master, President Netero sometimes ended up with different results. The younger generations of the school are fighting each other." Bisgi paused and said, "President Netero and Master Sky seem to be close friends."


"I didn't ask specifically!" Bisji's voice made people think of a tic-tac-toe popping up on her forehead. "They look like old friends."

President Netero is an old monster who knows how old he is. How could he possibly know what friends he had when he was young?

On the phone, Bisji added: "Since that time, as far as I know, President Netero has never been to the Xianshui Mountain Conference again. Probably because of this, the Xianshui Mountain Conference has become increasingly declining in the martial arts world, and the number of participants There are fewer and fewer... Zhen Yuanzi, according to your description, the so-called dream contains a stone Buddha who is suspected to be the incarnation of President Netero. The last scene is also a Bodhisattva made of petals who patted the palm and dispersed the dream. Since So, President Netero must not know anything about this so-called dream. If there are really dangerous consequences, I think the president will contact you - at least contact Yun Gu. Yun Gu, are you listening?!"

Hart was startled by the raised volume.

Yun Gu wiped his cold sweat and said with a smile: "Of course I'm listening..." He looked at Jing Yang, "It's just Master, I'm thinking, since that dream may be the ability of the manifestation system, why can you still treat the dream with the ability of manifestation system?" What about Zhen Yuanzi, who had already performed the operation in advance?"

"Are you asking for this friend of yours?"

Bisiji didn't feel annoyed at all, and patiently explained, "There are very few people who are 100% capable of a certain type of telekinesis. At the same time, many telekinesis abilities are not 100% 100% specific to the manifestation type or any other single type." system. For example, some release-type telekinesis abilities often have the added feature of being able to be manipulated, which is obviously mixed with the characteristics of the operation-type. And some transformation-type abilities can change Qi into different shapes and properties, but Usually it comes with enhanced characteristics belonging to the strengthening system...

"In other words, even if this dream embodies the ability of the manifestation system, it does not prevent it from being mixed with some characteristics of the operating system. The 'conditional' characteristic often belongs to the application of the operating system, and this kind of 'conditional' The ability to type is not limited to the telekinesis ability of the operating system itself. The fact that the dream can pull Zhen Yuanzi into it only means that the 'conditions' contained in it are partially fulfilled, but it does not mean that it can 'operate' Zhen Yuanzi. .

"But the most significant and core characteristic of the true ability to operate telekinesis is the ability to truly and effectively control the target. Whether it is complete, direct control, or indirect, conditional control, at least it must be able to Actual controlled intervention on the target. For telekinesis users who are themselves operating systems, this is the situation they try to avoid when they impose operations on themselves in advance, and this can also be regarded as whether they are affected by other operating systems. A bottom line and measure of capability impact.

"Let me ask you, although Zhen Yuanzi was pulled into the dream, was he controlled directly or indirectly? He just slept, and part of his thoughts entered another layer of space. Can he be in the dream? If you stay awake, you can wake up at any time. After you wake up, Yungu and you will have peach petal marks on your body, but Zhen Yuanzi and the others will not. This is the biggest difference."

Xiaodi raised her hand and asked: "Then the peach petal mark is an operation ability, right?"

"So, it may be a cooperative telekinesis ability." Bisji, who was wearing a cute princess-style pajamas on the other end of the phone, flicked his nails, "The peach blossom tree you described is probably responsible for the operating system. And those who created this dream and pulled you into it may have to be reckoned with separately..."

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