I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 455 Li Luo's Wish

Mo Ling suddenly stood up from the stone, holding his chest, his whole body trembling.

Because he was no longer in the overlapping state, the perspective of God was instantly shattered, and everything returned to peace.

There was no creature that could not transcend, and there was no sound of laughter.

There was only the calm puddle in front of him...

Mo Ling's action made the ground tremble, and a circle of small waves appeared on the edge of the puddle. The ripples rippled back and forth in the small puddle, and Mo Ling's heart could not calm down for a long time.

The elf still sat on the stone, looking at the puddle.

"What's wrong with you?" It asked with some concern.

"Did you hear any sound?"


"Yes, laughter, up there." Mo Ling pointed to the sky with his finger.

The elf was silent for a while and replied, "No."

Mo Ling slowed down and sat down on the stone again.

This time, he did not overlap with the elf again, but sat carefully beside him.

"What kind of laughter was it?" The elf asked.

Mo Ling shook his head: "I didn't hear it clearly."

The feeling just now was a little unreal.

"It's like a dream."

Mo Ling didn't know why he could see dreams, and didn't know why he could see through the entire abyss. That strange perspective made him feel a little nauseous until now.

Seeing that Mo Ling didn't dare to get closer, the elf didn't force it.

"You should go save your companions."

"What about you?" Mo Ling said to the elf sitting on the stone.

"When Dawn City sends the gods back, I will return the authority to the gods, and then find my own wishes."

As the elf spoke, he waved his hand, and a blue olive appeared in front of him again.

"Are you going to the fourth floor of the abyss?"

"Yes." Mo Ling nodded and replied.

"Follow it, it will guide you to find your companions." The elf pointed to the olive in front of him: "It will also lead you to the passage to the fourth floor."

"Okay." Mo Ling looked at the olive and didn't set off immediately.

"What's wrong?" The elf asked in confusion.

"I wonder if we have a chance to meet again."

Hearing this, the elf was a little surprised: "Huh? Is this your wish?"

"Yes." Mo Ling answered without hesitation.

But the elf saw at a glance that Mo Ling was lying.

"Don't lie to me, let's go, humans are weak, your companions are alone in that canyon full of glass fragments, you must be very worried."

Mo Ling nodded and said nothing.

It waved to the elf and walked towards the olive.

After following the olive to the side, Mo Ling stopped again and turned his head.

"If that is really my wish, will you fulfill it?" He asked seriously to the golden light still sitting on the stone.


Hearing this, Mo Ling nodded and turned away.

This time, he never looked back.


Following the olive, Mo Ling stepped into a dazzling golden light in the distance.

The warm golden light surrounded him.

Just like when he fell into the hollow under the sea before, Mo Ling felt a thick blanket suddenly appear around him, completely wrapping him up.

Then, his consciousness began to blur slowly.

When he woke up again, he was already lying in the cube.

Rubbing his eyes, Mo Ling climbed up sleepily.

There were many dim fragments and fine dust on the metal ground, which were all the waste that Mo Ling had previously transported and stripped.

"We have to find a place to deal with it."

Because Mo Ling didn't know whether these things would change size again after being thrown out, Mo Ling had not dealt with these garbage.

He stood up from the bed, picked up a few empty cans, and carefully put the waste in.

After putting the waste cans on the edge of the cube, Mo Ling looked out again.

Broken mirror, high mountains of debris, and endless reflective canyons.

The blue olive floated quietly in front, waiting for Mo Ling to catch up.

Seeing this, Mo Ling quickly controlled the cube to follow.

The cube now looks very strange:

The surface is wrapped with a layer of purple silk thread, as if the cube is wearing a purple coat, which looks a bit cute.

Xiao Zi is still trying hard to tighten the silk thread, but there is no way to face the hard metal wall, so she can only stand in this stalemate.

"I won't use it next time." Mo Ling sighed helplessly

Following Olive, Li Luo's figure soon appeared in Mo Ling's vision.

She was still standing under the big tree at this time, trying to communicate with the big tree.

"Do you know where Chaotuo went?"

"Can I make a wish to Chaotuo?"

"There is only one person, can I pray to God?"


Faced with Li Luo's various questions, the big tree said nothing.

"I will make a wish to the Sea of ​​Creation now, and let the iron block come back to me. Will it come true?"

While Li Luo asked, he took out Coke and snacks from his bag.

She placed the Coke and snacks under the big tree, and then found three pens and inserted them into the fragments beside.

Then, she closed her eyes, put her hands together, and bowed to the sky, muttering something silently.

When she opened her eyes, a familiar metal cube appeared in front of her.

Li Luo was stunned. She looked at the cube in surprise, and then looked at the "tribute" under the tree.

"Does it really work? The Sea of ​​Creation is really powerful..."

The cube slowly floated in front of Li Luo. She was still a little bit unconvinced and carefully touched the metal block with her hand.

"I thought you would never come back after becoming a god..."

"All human myths are like this. After becoming a god, you will never come down to earth again, and everything in the world will have nothing to do with you anymore."

While muttering, Li Luo picked up the offerings on the ground and placed them on the cube.

"Eat more. Food that has been offered to the gods will bring good luck."

She opened a can of Coke, took a sip, and then walked to the big tree nearby and sprinkled the Coke down.

The Coke slowly flowed down along the roots, seeping into the bottomless fragments and disappeared.

A gust of wind blew, the leaves swayed, the glass collided, and made a sound like a wind chime, as if responding to Li Luo.

Li Luo patted the tree trunk, stood there, and listened to the sound of the leaves.

Mo Ling in the cube looked at the Coke that was sent in, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He opened the can of Coke, letting the long-lost sweetness fill his mouth.

Listening to the sound of the glass leaves, Mo Ling's thoughts drifted far away.

He recalled his previous experience as a god, and felt that everything was like a dream.

A group of creatures can be destroyed with a wave of his hand, and the desire of a race can be realized casually.

That kind of lofty vision can really make people intoxicated.


Mo Ling picked up the Coke and took a big sip.

"How can a god drink Coke?"

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