I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 447 Another Space

Mo Ling looked around curiously.

This is another completely different mirror space. This space is larger than the previous one and its shape is also very irregular.

"Is this a triangular pyramid?"

Mo Ling quickly recognized the shape of this space.

But before he could take a closer look, he heard vibrations in the glass space.

"Come on! Fight with the alien gods who invade the world!"

Immediately afterwards, Mo Ling saw a glass dog rushing over from the corner.

Countless reflections were reflected on the mirror, and the dog shouted while directing those reflections to surround Mo Ling.

Of course, the dog's command had no effect, and the reflection would not carry out any of its instructions.

But the glass dog still didn't stop and slammed into Mo Ling.

The reflection in the mirror also hit Mo Ling.

"Okay!" The dog praised the reflection in the mirror.

However, due to his size, the Glass Dog was bounced aside after hitting Mo Ling.

"The Outer God is very powerful! People, follow me and continue to charge! Kill!"

The dog shouted and rushed forward again.

Just then, it saw the rabbit hanging on Mo Ling's lap.

"People, have you seen it! Those are the gods of other worlds who have been captured by foreign gods. In order to prevent our world from being invaded, we must cheer up and fight to the death with the foreign gods!"

The dog hit Moring hard again and was bounced away.

"The Outer God is too powerful! Even I can't defeat it, but I will fight until the end. People, I will not give up on you!"

The dog let out a tragic wail and rushed towards Mo Ling again.

"What did you see again?" the elf asked curiously.

"I...was attacked." Mo Ling replied helplessly.

"What attack?"

Mo Ling, dumbfounded, told the elf about the situation he encountered.

After hearing this, the elf felt a little helpless.

"Their worldview is like this. You appear inexplicably, and it's normal for them to regard you as an alien god."

"Well, I'm trying to communicate with it..."

Mo Ling has tried to talk to the glass dog a lot, but the dog doesn't want to pay attention to Mo Ling at all.

"This is the deception of the outer god. People, be careful! Don't listen to its voice. If you hear its voice, you will be deceived and become its slaves!"

"So evil! So evil!"

The dog struggled and rolled in the space, as if it had really been attacked by Mo Ling's "magic sound attack".

Rabbit hugged Mo Ling's thigh and stared blankly.

"What are you doing?"

Rabbit looked at the dog and said seriously: "Calm down, we don't mean any harm, we are just here to take you out of here..."

The rabbit seriously told the dog everything Mo Ling had said to it before, including the principle of mirror reflection and some of its own experiences.

However, what I didn't expect was that after hearing all this, the dog rolled even more violently.

"I have been polluted by the outer gods! Ahhh! Forbidden knowledge has penetrated into my soul. I am no longer clean. People, I can no longer protect you. I have feelings for you in my heart. Doubt, I suspect you are fake, the thoughts of the outer god are turning me into its slave!"

It looked at the rabbit with pity and said desperately: "The poor captive has completely become a slave of the alien god, and now he is actually helping the alien god spread pollution. The god has completely fallen, and he doesn't even know it. How pitiful! Poor!"

The dog was rolling around and talking incomprehensible words.

"You abandoned your people! You became the pawn of the outer gods! Wake up!" it angrily shouted at the rabbit.

Rabbit was stunned and looked at the mirror aside.

"Aren't my 'people' still there?"

In the mirror, there is also a rabbit hanging on the lap of the glass sculpture.

"You! You actually dedicated your people to foreign gods! You are not worthy of being a god!" The dog suddenly twitched and lay down in the space, dying.

"You actually betrayed your own people, transformed them into minions of the foreign gods, and completely succumbed to the foreign gods. Everything has been completely contaminated by the foreign gods. You are hopeless..."

"But isn't it the same for me?"

The dog lay twitching and said in pain: "I'm sorry, people, I have also been polluted. Maybe soon, I will completely fall to the outer gods and become his slave. I am sorry for you."

The dog stretched out its paws tremblingly and waved its hand towards the mirror.

Of course, its "subjects" also stretched out their paws and waved their hands at it.

Finally, the dog's paws hung down feebly and completely fell into the mirror space.


"What is it doing?" Rabbit was completely stunned.

"I don't know." Mo Ling was also confused.

Just when he was confused, the dog's "corpse" started to move again.

Then, like a flashback, he suddenly stood up straight and rushed towards Mo Ling again.

However, this time, the dog did not attack Mo Ling, but came directly to Mo Ling's feet, clinging to Mo Ling's ankles and lying down.

"Lord Outer God, your glorious thoughts have completely purified me. I feel ashamed of my previous stubborn resistance. I actually refused such a great transformation and didn't realize how wonderful and glorious it is to be your slave. ”

"I apologize to you for my previous offense. Now I am your loyal slave. You can send me as you please, including my ridiculous soulless people."

The dog stuck out its tongue and rubbed Mo Ling's ankle, its tail wagging rapidly.

Mo Ling was stunned again.

"I didn't do anything."

"Of course you don't have to do anything. I voluntarily surrender to your greatness." The dog said flatteringly.

Seeing this dog whose attitude had changed completely, Mo Ling even began to doubt herself.

"I really didn't do anything, right?" Mo Ling asked Rabbit, who was also in a daze.

"Not necessarily. It's possible that you really did something, but you don't know." Rabbit was also surprised by the change in the dog.

"Lord Outer God, please allow me to follow your footsteps and spread great ideas to all the worlds!" the dog said excitedly, his whole body trembling with excitement.

"You also want to transcend, right?" Mo Ling asked helplessly.

"Detachment?" The dog seemed to hear some beautiful words suddenly, and was stunned for a moment, and muttered in a daze:

"So Master Outer God calls this kind of thinking detachment? It's wonderful, it's wonderful..."

"Yes, I want to transcend too! I want to follow you to achieve transcendence!"

The dog looked eagerly into the mirror.

"I should have understood a long time ago that all gods and people are all illusions. I want to break this illusion and reach the absolute truth!"

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