I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 435 God's Limitations

“If God cannot fulfill his wishes, there is no need for his existence.”

The god looked at the small puddle and said calmly.

"I will give you permission."

"Even if you give it to me, I will stop making wishes immediately. I am not a god, and I will not fulfill my responsibilities as a god." The elf refused righteously.

But what the elf didn't expect was that God actually nodded.

"I know, but that's your choice."

Suddenly, it stood up, the golden light escaped, and countless rays of light connected to the elf.

The elf suddenly panicked: "Don't give it to me!"

However, it was too late, those golden threads quickly penetrated the elf's body, and the golden light on the god gradually dimmed.

When Mo Ling saw this, he quickly stood between the two, but the golden thread passed directly through him.

"not good!"

When he tried to interrupt the golden thread with teleportation, the golden thread had completely disappeared.


After hearing a farewell message from the god, he suddenly flew upwards and disappeared.

Mo Ling quickly turned his head and looked at the elf.

"Are you okay?" he asked anxiously.

But the elf didn't answer. He just turned his head and looked at the small puddle on the ground.

"I know why it can't do it anymore." The elf stared at the puddle and said solemnly.

"God is not only power, but also a bondage..."

"What do you mean?" Mo Ling asked anxiously.

"The creation of gods is based on the desires of living creatures. The essence is a collection of biological desires, just like it was just said..."

“If God cannot fulfill his wishes, there is no need for his existence.”

"When the sea of ​​creation gods can no longer fulfill wishes, gods will disappear..."

After listening to the elf's words, Mo Ling understood everything immediately.

"It makes you a god, but only makes you a scapegoat?"

"No, as long as I continue to fulfill my wish, I will not die." The elf said solemnly: "But the fate of the Sea of ​​Creation Gods will fall on me, and I must find a way to solve it..."

Speaking of this, the elf also fell silent.

Its gaze seemed to be locked on the small puddle.

"Since it just wants to find a scapegoat, why not just find someone? Why is it you?" Mo Ling asked in confusion.

"I don't know." The elf thought for a while, but could not come up with a suitable answer.

Just like that, only the anxious Mo Ling and the elf who couldn't look away were left on the stone.

"Don't worry, I can transfer God's power at any time."

The elf reached out and waved, and a blue olive with rippling water suddenly appeared in front of him.

Among the water waves, its "mechanical" cousins ​​are displayed.

"I can transfer power to them."

Immediately afterwards, the picture in the water wave changed again, and it began to show all the creatures within the scope of the Sea of ​​Creation God.

"I can also transfer power to these creatures."

But it wasn't over yet. The elf waved his hand again, and Li Luo appeared on the water waves riding a building block bird.

Li Luo and Fatty seemed to have strayed into another sacred place and were anxiously looking for the exit.

"What's the point of doing this? I just need to throw the power out again..." The elf was also confused.

"Then throw it out quickly."

Mo Ling didn't think God's power was a good thing at this time. It was a bomb that could explode at any time. No one knew what would happen if he continued to hold it.

"Can you find it? Where has it hidden? Can you return the power to it?" Mo Ling asked.

"No, it's hiding very well. The structure of the Sea of ​​Creation is too complex. It will take some time to find it."

The picture on the blue olive kept changing, jumping away from Li Luo's position, and began to show other creatures on the Sea of ​​​​Creation God at this time.

Even those wandering glass creatures are among them.

"Are you looking for it?"

"More than that, I seem to know roughly why it chose me..." the elf pointed at Olive and said.

"After possessing power, it seems that you can see the fitness of different creatures to become gods. For example, these glass creatures are not suitable to be gods. Those stupid similar creatures have low IQs, but their fitness is very high. Creation The creatures in the Sea of ​​Gods are all within this range."

There are even killing and balloons that are still fighting on the blue olive. They have hit another sacred place, leaving it full of devastation. The mirror is broken and crumbling.

After constant changes, the scene on the blue olive finally settled.

On the screen were Mo Ling and the elf on the stone.

"I have the highest degree of fitness, so it makes me a god."

"And you..."

The elf's tone suddenly became confused.

"Why are you empty?"

"Empty? What do you mean?" Mo Ling asked doubtfully.

The elf stopped talking for a moment and explained: "The stone under us also has a fitness level, although it is a bit scary. Everything in the world has the possibility of becoming a god, but you don't have it, you are empty. "

"You mean, I can't become a god?"

"No, it's unknown." The elf explained: "It's like a form. It should be filled with data, but it's actually blank. It's not any number or zero, it's just empty."

"I may have expressed it a little bit wrong, but that's how I actually feel."

Listening to the elf's explanation, Mo Ling was also confused, but now was not the time to be entangled.

"Hurry up and transfer the power." Mo Ling urged, he was worried that if he delayed any longer, something unexpected would happen.

"Don't worry, I have an idea, come over and sit next to me." The elf said calmly.

Mo Ling was stunned for a while, then walked towards the elf half-believing and half-doubting.

"Don't throw the power to me again."

"How could I do such a thing!"


After Mo Ling came to the elf, the elf really did not make any moves.



Listening to the elf's words, Mo Ling also moved towards it little by little, and then sat down next to it.

"Not close enough, sit in, I'm light, and I don't have a physical body."

"Oh, I understand."

In this way, Mo Ling and the elf's body overlapped.

The elf was originally made to imitate its appearance, with exactly the same height and shape, and even the square head is exactly the same.

"Adjust again, looking at the puddle in front, I can't turn my head..."

Under the command of the elf, Mo Ling moved his position, adjusted his movements, and began to slowly overlap with the golden light.

Finally, with unremitting efforts, Mo Ling and the golden light shadow completely overlapped.

At this time, the surface of his body was covered with a faint light, and with a slight shake, there would be golden light overflowing, like a sculpture plated with gold.

At the moment of overlapping with the elf, Mo Ling suddenly felt something coming to him, and his mind was clear in an instant, and his vision suddenly became extremely vast.

It was no longer a small puddle in front of him, but an endless sea, and somewhere in this sea, the sea surface was covered with mirrors, reflecting dazzling light.

"This is, the Sea of ​​Creation!"

Mo Ling actually saw the Sea of ​​Creation in this small puddle.

In an instant, he also saw the creatures on the Sea of ​​Creation, saw Li Luo and Fatty, saw the battle between Killing and Balloon...

At the same time, the elf's excited voice came from his body:

"Now, you are also a god!"

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