I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 395 Increasing Turbulence

"We... can only wait to die, trapped until death in this inescapable turbulence." The kindhearted insect said desperately.

"It was me who harmed you. If I hadn't insisted on arguing with them, this wouldn't have happened..."

It tried to rush out of the turbulence, but was quickly pulled back by the entangled turbulence and stopped in place.

The short jointed limbs waved hard, but they could not escape the surging water.

"There is no other way." After several attempts, the good-hearted insect became even more desperate.

"After we get faster, can we break out of the turbulence?"

"Of course not, this whole area is going to be faster."

The vortex surged, stirring up a pure area without dust around it.

"They've stripped away all the dust from our neighborhood, and we're only going to get faster and faster until our lifespan reaches the end..."

Listening to the kindhearted insect's desperate words, Mo Ling looked into the distance.

Not long after this, the giant gray dust net had stopped moving and was frozen in the sea water. The floating dust was also motionless, as if it was stuck in the sea water.

Mo Ling knew that those things were not really stagnant, but that his speed was so fast that everything around him slowed down.

In this clear space, the two insects were like prisoners isolated in a cage, waiting for the end of their lives.

Perhaps they will starve to death before their lifespan reaches the end.

No wonder the well-meaning insects are so desperate. This is a silent but cruel attack method.

After realizing the dangerous situation, Mo Ling panicked for a while, but he soon calmed down.

The problem at hand does not seem to be so difficult to solve.

"Just let yourself slow down again."

Mo Ling decided to snatch back the stripped petrified dust.

He did it as he thought, and followed the method taught by the kindhearted insect before, feeling the dust around him.

"Use all your senses to feel the dust around you. They are everywhere..."

The surrounding dust was extremely scarce, so Mo Ling had no choice but to grab the dust outside the area.

"You can't affect them, you can only stir up the water, like a whirlpool, and take them to where they should go..."

Bring them back to this clear area and let the dust gather again...

With Mo Ling's control, the surrounding water flow suddenly became orderly.

The originally chaotic turbulence suddenly began to gather into a ball and slowly rotate.

With Mo Ling as the center, a huge centripetal vortex is slowly forming, and the power of countless turbulent currents is swallowed up by it and turned into nutrients for the rotation of the vortex.

Not long after, the originally isolated pure area was turned upside down by the whirlpool, and gray dust poured in again.

"What did you do!" The good-hearted insect looked at Mo Ling in the center of the vortex and asked in shock.

"I'm petrified."

For some reason, Mo Ling blurted out.

When he said this, he was stunned.


Is this petrification?

He instantly understood the meaning of petrification and did not need any answers from the insect.

This is a memory engraved on his body, and it is also what he has been doing before.

Mo Ling, who was in the center of the whirlpool, was covered in layers of dust, and a thick stone shell slowly appeared on the surface of his carapace.

Unknowingly, he had transformed into those of the same kind.

At the same time, after the dust gathered, his perception suddenly became dull.

"Everything around us is moving faster."

The good-hearted insect was saying something to him, but he couldn't hear it at all because the speed of his words was so fast that it turned into a meaningless noise.

Not only that, there was also an overlapping shadow on the side of the good Samaritan, which was the afterimage of its movements.

"I can no longer match its speed."

Mo Ling, who was at the center of the vortex, was petrifying at an extremely terrifying speed.

Soon, the figure of the good-hearted insect slowly faded into a white shadow, and finally disappeared directly.

The same is true for those of the same kind in the distance. The petrified dust around them was plundered by the maelstrom.

From Mo Ling's perspective, they turned into illusory white shadows and finally disappeared.

The water surged and the whirlpool turned more and more violently, and Mo Ling felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

It was a feeling of order. The original dust was chaotic and disorderly, and was distributed in a haphazard manner, causing the time flow rate in various places to be completely different.

In order to make their lifespan "long" enough, living things can only continue to petrify, plunder dust, and make themselves slower and slower.

In this way, finite life can be extended into infinite time.

As the vortex became larger and larger, and countless dust gathered, Mo Ling found that things in the outside world began to produce phantoms.

It was as if the whole world had come alive.

The original gray giant network slowly shrunk under the vortex, and the fluffy dust tentacles shook faster, as if a creature was struggling before death.

As time went by, this huge dust net could not escape the erosion of the water flow. The mesh opened and closed violently, and in the rapid breathing, it was swallowed up by the expanding whirlpool.

The originally overwhelming "behemoth" was torn into powder by the vortex of time in the blink of an eye.

In the distance, some white figures approached the whirlpool. They used the power of the whirlpool to fix the dust on themselves, and then used the vortex of the large whirlpool to create circles of small whirlpools around them.

These vortices rotate around Moling like planets.

They wanted to catch up with the speed of the maelstrom, but none of them could match it.

However, this also allowed Mo Ling to see clearly what they looked like.

They were round stiff rocks. They were slowing themselves down. They wanted to be as slow as Mo Ling, but they could never catch up with Mo Ling.

The large whirlpool gathered dust from the entire sea area, and Mo Ling's petrification reached an unimaginable state.

He had no idea how fast everything outside had changed.

Mo Ling could only see from a distance...

Mountains rise, canyons close, landslides and tsunamis, flames erupt...

As the vortex of time turned, Mo Ling truly became an eternal stone, experiencing countless geological changes.

Those geological changes that should have been extremely long were like fleeting fireworks in his eyes.

Changes in the sea...

In the blink of an eye, the entire sea has dried up.

But the vortex of dust still exists, suspended above the mountain, surrounded by countless stiff rocks...

Mo Ling's breathing stopped.

He couldn't believe that his actions had such big consequences.

"Is this the perspective of Zombie Stone? Everything around you is changing rapidly?"

Mountains break apart with a breath, oceans evaporate with a blink of an eye...

All the greatness in the world has become a fleeting bubble.

Looking at the changing world outside the vortex, Mo Ling didn't think it was something worth pursuing.

He only felt endless fear...

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