I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 389 Place of Divine Sacrifice

Mo Ling was still studying the strange language of the Brick Man, and the two people behind seemed to be arguing again...

"you go."

"I dont go."

"Just asking her to change direction."

"What to change? I've already walked in, and it's too late to go out now..."

Li Luo also heard their whispers, so he turned around and asked, "Why do you want to change directions?"

She was holding a map of the Sea of ​​Creation in her hand, and there was no problem with the route forward, so she was curious about what the two were arguing about.

Seeing Li Luo turn around, the fat man immediately came up, stood not far away, and explained straightforwardly: "You can easily encounter danger when you enter a sacred place of worship of other races."

"Sacrifice place?" Li Luo was confused and looked around for a while.

It was still an endless mirror, empty and no living things could be seen.

She looked at the map of the Sea of ​​Creation Gods again, and it didn't indicate any dangers here.

Seeing that Li Luo was still staring at the map, the fat man continued to explain: "You can't tell it by looking at the map. The places for worship are all random and different every day."

Listening to the fat man's words, Li Luo still didn't believe it. The brick man had been coveting the cubes, and he might have some bad intentions.

Seeing that Li Luo still had a suspicious expression, Fatty became anxious: "I'm not lying to you, you can see for yourself and look carefully!"

The fat man lay down directly and pointed to the depths of the mirror: "Did you see it? It's right there. That's the place of worship."

Li Luo looked suspiciously in the direction it pointed, and found that a black spot did appear in the sky in the mirror.

If you look closely, it seems to be a stone altar, floating quietly in the air at this time. There are many huge floating stones next to the altar, motionless surrounding the temple.

The fat man was also looking at the stones at this time, a little confused.

"Zombie Stone, why are they here? Have they found the artifact?"

At this moment, the chatty head suddenly emerged from the body again.

"Stay away from them! These creatures have no brains!"

The fat man was startled by the sudden appearance of the head, and cursed secretly: "Stop talking nonsense, how can a stone have a brain?"

Then he hurriedly stuffed his head back.

"That kind of stone is also a living thing? It's called a zombie stone?" Li Luo heard their conversation and asked curiously.

"Yes, they should not be able to find the divine object..." Fatty was obviously a little surprised: "If they can't find the divine object, they will not be allowed to enter the sacred place."

"It shouldn't be. How did they find it? Did the divine object fly to their heads on its own?"

"Why can't they find the divine object?" Li Luo asked.

"Of course they can't find it! Because they didn't look for it!" The head suddenly popped out again and said anxiously.

This time, the fat man didn't stuff it back, but let it continue.

"Zongshi Zongshi, as the name suggests, are stiff stones. They will not have any communication with the outside world, nor will they move. They will just float motionless in the air like a stone. They will not feed or move. Sleeping is eternal, so of course I won’t look for divine objects!”

"This race originally had no name. The name Zombie Stone was given to them by other creatures on the Sea of ​​Creation..."

Although the head is irritable, he speaks very logically and can explain clearly in a few words.

"Stiff stone..." Li Luo thought thoughtfully after listening to the head's words.

"Like a stone, is it also a living thing?"

"Of course!" Hearing Li Luo's doubts, the head became excited again: "Before, I thought they were not living things, just some kind of phenomenon, but later I learned that they also came to pray to God."

The head looked at the altar in the mirror and said with great confusion: "Can a sacred object really fall on the head? Is it really so lucky?"

The two building blocks were puzzled as to why they could find magical objects among a group of stones.

"Look, you can find divine objects even in stones. If you can't find them, are you a loser?"

"Didn't you find this?" The fat man pointed at the square.

"If you don't get it, you haven't found it! You are a waste!"

Before Li Luo could react, the building blocks started arguing again.

At this time, Mo Ling in the cube was also confused.

He looked in the mirror and suddenly realized something:

"Why is there a distance in the field of view in the mirror?"

Mo Ling couldn't see the sky in the mirror, nor could he see the stiff rocks and divine sacrifices that Jiujiu Ren and Li Luo had been talking about. He could only see a limited distance, just like in reality.

Logically speaking, everything in the mirror should be just a reflection, and this shouldn't happen.

However, field of view limitations still exist.

"Could it be that the world in this mirror is also real?"

A strange idea suddenly appeared in Mo Ling's mind.

In order to test this idea, he slowly descended unconsciously and leaned towards the mirror.

The glass creatures are wandering freely, and the stiff rocks can only be seen in the mirror. This shows that the mirror here is not simple.

While thinking about it, Mo Ling got closer and closer to the mirror.

Fortunately, after getting very close to the ground, Mo Ling also saw those strange stiff rocks. However, due to the limited field of vision, he could only see a little edge.

"Get closer."

Mo Ling continued to control the cube to float downward, and the outline of the stiff stone became increasingly clear.

Finally, Mo Ling saw the appearance of the stiff stone and a corner of the altar.

So, he got closer until his field of vision covered the entire altar.

The altar was very crudely made and had no technical content. It was like a pile of pebbles. However, this simple altar was floating in the air without any support and looked very strange.

The stiff stones were motionless, surrounding the altar.

"Is this a divine sacrifice? How strange." Mo Ling couldn't help but sigh.

He didn't see any gods coming, and he didn't even find any divine objects.

If they weren't floating in the air and were too different from the surrounding environment, no one would think that these stones were stacked together as a "sacrifice to the gods", they would just think it was someone's prank.

After staring at the pile of motionless stones for a while, Mo Ling lost interest.

"Why is it so quiet?"

He suddenly found that there was no sound of bickering among the building blocks around him.

"Where are the people?"

Mo Ling took his sight back, only to find that the square was empty.

Li Luo is not here, and neither is the Block Man.


Mo Ling quickly looked towards the mirror and found that on the other side of the mirror, Li Luo was tapping the mirror anxiously, while the Block Man was lying on the ground, looking at this side in surprise.

It's like being separated by a glass film.

In the sky, the altar hangs high and there are many dead stones.

The glass creature swims freely in the air...

Mo Ling was stunned and didn't react for a long time.

"Why did I come here?"

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