I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 380 A not so peaceful morning

Li Luo lay on the porthole, looking at the shining sea with shining eyes.

It is hard not to be fascinated by such sparkling things.

Tissot broke the tranquility of the sea and threw those dazzling diamonds into the air.

After the ship passed, a long river of glittering light flowed behind the ship, and the crystals that had been tumbled were shining and amazingly beautiful.

The sun gradually rose, and as the sunlight became more and more dazzling, the sea surface became more and more shining.

At this time, Mo Ling was squatting on the ground, studying those strange crystals.

He really couldn't suppress his curiosity and "stole" some sea water into the cube.

Countless shining crystals were wrapped in the sticky sea water.

Mo Ling picked out a few pieces and pinched them with his hands.

What he didn't expect was that the feel of these crystals was different.

Some felt like sand and were very hard, which was in line with Mo Ling's initial guess.

Some were directly broken into pieces with a little force, very brittle, like some fragile glass.

There were also some that Mo Ling felt wrong as soon as he pinched them.

"Soft." It was like some kind of gel, and when you applied force, it turned into a pile of jelly-like pieces. Some others, although they also felt soft, could not be pinched at all, like a flexible rubber. Mo Ling pinched the small rubber-like crystal with his fingernails, and pulled it hard, and it actually stretched the crystal into a long strip. When he let go, it bounced back quickly without any deformation. Mo Ling was puzzled. It was obviously the same thing, but there were many different physical properties. Mo Ling did not send in much seawater, and it was not specially selected, but the crystals distributed in it were still strange and had their own characteristics. After studying for a long time, Mo Ling still couldn't figure out what it was. He was not like a robot, with an analytical function, and could not detect the origin of this substance, so he had to focus his attention on the outside again. Coincidentally, the radio seemed to be broadcasting something:

"Hello, passengers, your breakfast has been delivered through the transmission channel, please collect it in time."

"The Tissot has entered the sea area of ​​the Sea of ​​Creation, please follow the precautions on the ship..."

"Soon, there will be music outside the Tissot. This is a normal phenomenon in the Sea of ​​Creation. Don't panic."

"At the same time, it is forbidden to play this type of music on the ship: heavy metal, whistling, repetitive children's songs..."

For some reason, the radio kept repeating the precautions of prohibiting the playing of certain types of music at the end, as if to remind the passengers on the ship.

Li Luo listened to the broadcast carefully, then came to the transmission channel with a flashing warning light and pressed the button.

The channel slowly opened, and a steaming fish rice was placed in it.

Li Luo carefully brought out the fish rice and placed it on the small table.

The fish exuded a strange fragrance. It looked like there was no trace of frying, but it exuded a delicious burnt fragrance.

It was white and tender, and looked very light, but it had a barbecue-like taste. Li Luo looked at it for a long time and couldn't figure out what was going on.

The aroma filled the air. She swallowed her saliva, picked up the tableware provided, and began to eat.

Mo Ling in the cube smelled the strange burnt aroma, but felt a sense of déjà vu.

He smelled a familiar smell, but couldn't remember where he had smelled it.

After thinking to no avail, he had to follow the transmission channel and find the location of the kitchen.

At this time, a chef robot was still processing kitchen waste.

Seeing the garbage, Mo Ling instantly understood where the smell came from.

"Last night's sound shark..."

The fish rice was actually made of sound shark.

Mo Ling never thought that the shark with a disgusting smell could make such fragrant food.

"How did you think of this?"

Mo Ling admired the predecessor who developed the recipe very much.

He even doubted whether these "abyss gourmets" would try all creatures to see if they were delicious?

"Humans can really eat anything." After sighing, Mo Ling retracted his vision to the room.

Li Luo ate very quickly, and it seemed that the breakfast tasted good.

Mo Ling was also hungry, so he picked up the can and started eating.

Just when Mo Ling thought it would be a peaceful morning, a strange sound came from outside the porthole.

It was like a drumbeat, a dull knocking sound.

Mo Ling's attention was instantly attracted by the knocking sound.

It didn't sound like a natural sound, very catchy.

"What strange phenomenon is it again?" In this shining sea, Mo Ling didn't find anything strange.

Mo Ling looked at the source of the sound and found that it was in the sea water.

The crystals in one area were impacted by the sea water and collided with each other, which made such a sound.

Just as Mo Ling was studying where the drumbeats came from, another area came with a more peculiar sound.

"String music."

It was like a mixture of countless string music, but it didn't seem messy. It rose and fell with the changes in the waves, and it actually corresponded to the rhythm of the previous drumbeats.

Compared to the compact drum beats, the string area seemed extremely long and harmonious. The crystals here seemed to be denser, and the sound was very coherent, accompanying the ups and downs of the waves, never stopping.

With the string music, the whole sea suddenly became lively.

Not far away, some short sounds began to become gradually obvious.

Flute, piccolo, clarinet...

These sounds began to be mixed in. They were like the embellishments of the previous music, adding a little "unusual" impact to the originally somewhat rigid waves.

This special impact made the previous sound suddenly come alive and become extremely lively, and the crystals in the seawater began to beat and dance with the music.

The sea is alive and no longer just a shining diamond.

The Tissot cut through the sea, and beautiful music began to sound around it.

Those sonorous sounds began to echo in the cabin, spreading to every corner of the Tissot.

Of course, Li Luo also heard the beautiful music that gradually sounded, but she was just stunned. After a few soft echoes, she continued to taste the delicious food and ignored it.

The broadcast had already made it clear that this was some kind of phenomenon in the Sea of ​​Creation Gods. There was no need to panic. Of course, Li Luo didn't pay attention to it.

After a period of echo, a new voice joined in—


Tuba, trumpet, French horn...

The surging waves hit the sea surface. They were the waves stirred up by the Tissot. The crystals in them collided fiercely, sending out high-pitched vibrations.

The sudden sound of brass music rushed the originally calm sonata to a higher place.

The sea is no longer calm, and the arrival of the Tissot has broken the original balance and brought "changes" to this silent sea.

And these "changes" form high or low notes, which are played in the collision of crystals of different properties.

The Sea of ​​Creation Gods is responding to the arrival of the Tissot in its own way.

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