I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 367 Cutting off the future

The breeze blowing from nowhere ruffles the feathers on the ground, and this ocean has its own ebb and flow.

An imperceptible thin line connects the world, standing like a sea-fixing needle in this sea of ​​feathers.

When he saw this thin line, Mo Ling knew what he should do:

"Cut it off."

I just don't know if his teleportation ability can work in the face of this "uncutable" thin line.

Mo Ling looked at the machine: "So, as long as this line is cut off, Paradise Island will be destroyed?"


"Will the humans on the island and us in the center be harmed in any way?"

"No, the surface of Paradise Island and the center are at the top and bottom of the 'spring' respectively, and will not be affected by the release of the spring." The machine said affirmatively.

As if worried that Mo Ling would be uneasy, it used a projection to show it again:

The puff pastry that was compressed into pieces suddenly expanded and shattered, and all the structures in the middle were turned into dust, but the top and bottom layers were not affected in any way and were very calm.

Although this was just a simulation, Mo Ling felt a lot more relieved.

Mo Ling held the thread again.

Slippery, if the machine hadn't told him, he wouldn't have known it came from a living thing.

A center of feathers.

A rope made of dragon tendons.

A dome composed of white light stone made of life...

What else, Mo Ling didn't know.

"Is this heaven?"

Mo Ling suddenly felt a hint of irony in his heart:

The innocent creature named "Hell Beast" was trapped on the island and imprisoned for countless days and moons. The beautiful island called "Paradise Island" was actually a pure white cage made of the bones of the creatures.

Is it really worth using all this in exchange for a short period of peace?

A simple "public enemy" and the sacrifice of a few weak races can lead to peace, which sounds like a very good deal.

However, is the price really that simple?

Mo Ling's hands couldn't stop shaking.

"What's wrong?" The machine noticed something was wrong with Mo Ling and asked with concern.


Mo Ling shook his head, throwing away the anxiety in his heart, and looked at the thin line in front of him again.

"Hope it's useful."

Aiming the teleportation frame at a small section of the thin line, Mo Ling carefully launched the teleportation.

The moment it started transmitting, the entire thin line suddenly disappeared.

"Where are you going?"

He quickly looked into the square and found a broken thin wire lying quietly on the metal ground.

"The energy after the break was too great, and it flew away instantly." The machine explained to Mo Ling.

Hearing this, Mo Ling also breathed a sigh of relief. He thought this thin line had some special ability and could move instantly.

However, although he had cut off the thin line connecting heaven and earth, he did not feel any change.

The breeze still blew the feather sea, the soft feathers continued to float, and the surroundings were still peaceful.

However, the machine at this time was looking at the dome and muttering softly:

"Successful, it's a brand new future."

It seems to have seen something again.

But this time, the machine was not so surprised. It lowered its head and looked at Mo Ling:

"I knew you could do it..."

"It's just cutting a thread." Mo Ling didn't think this was something to be proud of.

"It's just that I happen to be here, and I happen to have the ability to cut this thread. There are so many relics in the abyss, and any one of them may be able to cut this thread."

Hearing Mo Ling's modesty, Ji Tai shook his head.

"not like this."

He popped a spare wire out of the arm and strung it into a loop.

"It must be connected into a loop before there will be current. If the loop cannot be formed, then all this is just empty talk."

"What do you mean?" Mo Ling looked at the wire in the machine's hand and asked strangely.

The machine held the wire and pointed at the point where the wires were connected end to end.

"You happen to be here."

As soon as these words came out, Mo Ling instantly understood what Ji Tai meant. He shook his head and said helplessly:

"The world is not a wire."

After listening to Mo Ling's words, the machine froze on the spot. It was holding the wire and seemed to be thinking about something. After a while, it said to Mo Ling seriously:

“The world may really be no different than a wire.”

"Why?" Although he couldn't understand the machine's thinking, Mo Ling was still very curious about this point of view.

"Because the circuits are all determined, how the electrons will move and how they will be distributed has been determined long ago. It's like it's the future, and there won't be any mistakes."

"Those things that are distributed in various places are like resistors that are different everywhere. In fact, it is not that we experienced this thing, but that the electrons happened to go here."

The machine looked at the wire in his hand, a little lost in thought.

"Siyang and I have said the same thing. I feel that everything is fixed and we are just experiencers, just like..."

"It's like a novel, right?" Mo Ling interrupted the machine.

Ji Tai looked at Mo Ling in surprise and nodded.

"Yes, like a novel."

Mo Ling waved his hand.

"A friend I know also has the same view as you, but I think this is unlikely."

"Why?" The machine asked.

"Because if you think about it, what kind of novel would feature a square head and a black intelligent robot discussing the question of 'whether the world is a novel' in a sea of ​​feathers?"

Mo Ling asked this question very seriously.

If this world were really a novel, then such content would be too ridiculous.

The machine was still thinking about this possibility, and Mo Ling patted its robotic arm, interrupting its thinking.

"Don't think about it. There's no point in thinking about these things."

Hearing this, the machine also nodded.

"I do get lost in meaningless thoughts all the time."

Although it is a perfect machine, perfection means more comprehensive and specific thinking, which often makes the machine fall into endless entanglements.

Seeing that the machine finally stopped thinking about these things, Mo Ling nodded with relief.

He had often fallen into such contemplation before because of Martin's words.

But after experiencing so many weird things in the abyss, Mo Ling had long given up thinking.

What's right in front of you is what matters.

"How should we get out? What should Li Luo do?" Mo Ling asked.

Right now, this is the most important thing to consider.

"Don't worry, Siyang will come to rescue us soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, two figures appeared in the distance.

Mo Ling took a closer look and found that Siyang was taking Li Luo in a white boat, approaching quickly.

The boat pushed a soft wave in the sea of ​​feathers, rising and falling.

Li Luo on the boat saw Mo Ling from a distance and showed a happy expression.

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