I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 363 Illusory Light and Shadow

The strange light and shadow seemed a little slow to react. After staring at Li Luo for a while, he began to think about Li Luo's problem.

"Who am I?" Its state seemed not quite right. It was a simple question that took a long time to ponder.

"Am I the master control program of Paradise Island?"

"No, I seem to be slave number 500."

"It still doesn't seem right. I remember that I was..."

Guangying froze in place while talking to himself.

Li Luo quickly distanced himself from this strange light and shadow.

However, the light and shadow flickered and came to Li Luo again.

"Welcome here, Fire Thief." It seemed that in an instant, the light and shadow returned to normal.

Li Luo looked at the light and shadow approaching again, and realized that he could not escape its pursuit, so he could only calm down temporarily.

"Where is this?"

"It is the center of Paradise Island, the place that can control the entire Paradise Island." Guangying's voice became fluent.

It waved its hand, and the feathers on the ground floated up, forming planes. Then, various scenes of Paradise Island began to appear on these planes.

Li Luo took a look and saw that this seemed to be what was happening on Paradise Island at this time.

Not only that, Li Luo also saw the scene of the hell beast's lair.

Even Hell Island is under surveillance.

"What's the matter with you?" Li Luo was still very wary. She didn't understand why Siyang sent her to this place.

"I want you to come and witness the completion of the transaction."

trade? Li Luo suddenly remembered what Ji Tai said before.

Guangying waved his hand, and the feathers began to surge, forming a huge plane.

"You have the right to know the content of the transaction, and now I need to let you know the specific terms of the transaction."

"First of all, there are two parties to the transaction, the robot on Paradise Island, represented by the machine, and the other party is Paradise Island, represented by me."

A picture suddenly appeared on the plane:

That is a robot that is constantly falling...

The white shell and the powerful robotic arm are the sixth-generation intelligent machines that are very common on the island.

The robot landed steadily on the feather-covered ground.

It didn't make any unnecessary moves, but waited quietly.

Soon, a light and shadow appeared next to the robot.

"Are you the robot on the island? Jiting? Why did you come here?" Guangying asked.

"I am not a kiosk, I am a machine." The robot said calmly: "I want to apply for a transaction."

The light and shadow trembled a few times, as if they were holding back something.

"The transaction...is OK...please propose the transaction content."

Although it had been suppressing it, it still couldn't control it and said this sentence.

"All robots on Paradise Island volunteer to become the guardians of Paradise Island."

Upon hearing this, Guangying instantly became excited.



"Can you speak for all robots?"

"Okay, all robots are me."

"Then what do I need to pay?" Guangying asked hurriedly.

"Protect the safety of humanity and stop the transformation of guardians of their race."

"Okay, the deal is established."

A feather floated out from the ground and wrote a rune in the air. The rune split into two halves, with one half integrated into the body of the machine and the other half engraved in the light and shadow.

"After becoming guardians, you need to protect the safety of Paradise Island and abide by all the rules on Paradise Island, including identity rules. Of course, you can also gain certain rights to control the island..."

The light and shadow wanted to continue saying something, but the machine interrupted its babble.

"The witness of the transaction will appear eight years later. Her identity is: Fire Stealer..."

The scene stopped abruptly, and the words "Fire Thief" still echoed in Li Luo's ears.

This seems to be an image record from eight years ago. At that time, the machine platform used the body of the machine booth to reach a deal with light and shadow.

The witness chose Li Luo, who would arrive here in the future.

"You can ask any questions. This is the right of a witness." Guangying said to Li Luo.

"What does guardian transformation mean?"

"It is the protection mechanism of Paradise Island. When the number of guardians on the island is too small, the creatures on the island will be transformed into guardians. Human beings are very suitable creatures."

"What are the responsibilities of a guardian?" Li Luo asked.

"Maintain the security of Paradise Island."

It was a very short sentence and the duties described were very simple, but Li Luo quickly noticed the problem.

Siyang said before that Paradise Island will collapse soon. At that time, how can the guardians maintain the safety of Paradise Island.

"Is Paradise Island going to collapse soon?"

"Yes." Light and Shadow replied without reservation.

"What will the Guardians do then?"

After hearing this question, the light and shadow were silent for a while, but not long after, its voice came again.

"Paradise Island will use the island's guardians to produce white light stones to maintain the operation of Paradise Island. This is the optimal solution obtained after calculation by the program."

In Guangying's calm words, he told a terrible fact.

"Preparing white light stone?"

"Yes, white light stone is originally a material for life production. What you are stepping on now are the consumables of the past."


The feathers beside the light and shadow rotate slightly, projecting a three-dimensional model of a creature.

It was a short creature covered with feathers, pure white.

But Li Luo only felt creepy when he looked at this projection.

"This sea of ​​feathers is all for the purpose of building a paradise island, dead creatures?"

Li Luo raised her head and looked into the distance. The ocean of feathers could not be seen to the end. Standing in this extremely open pure white ocean, she felt endlessly suffocated.

She had never thought that these were actually the corpses of living creatures.

"What race are they?" Li Luo asked blankly.

Upon hearing these words, the light and shadow suddenly trembled violently, and the whole body could no longer maintain its intact shape.

"They're just pointless consumables..."

The light and shadow struggled to escape this question, but it had to answer the witness's question.

"They are a group of slaves, a group of unimportant slaves..."

The light and shadow instantly collapsed and reappeared not far away. The light dimmed and brightened, extremely unstable.

Just as it appeared, the light and shadow suddenly shattered and dissipated into groups of feather-like light patterns.

After the collapse again and again, the light and shadow can no longer maintain its original posture.

It curled up on the ground and kept grabbing feathers on the ground, as if it wanted to pick up something.

However, how can the illusory light and shadow encounter reality? It can only repeat such actions continuously, and then instantly collapse in despair, and its body shape gradually becomes chaotic and blurred.

It seemed to want to answer Li Luo's question, but the words seemed to be blocked by some force.

Li Luo looked at the struggling light and shadow and asked the question again:

"What race are they?"

"They..." The light and shadow was stunned. It squatted on the ground and wanted to pick up the feathers with its hands, but it passed through them without any surprise.

What followed was another collapse.

However, after continuous collapse, the light and shadow finally solidified a little. Li Luo's constant questioning seemed to break the restrictions of that power, freeing the light and shadow from the restrictions.

Finally, the light on it stopped shaking and slowly calmed down.

It curled up quietly on the ground, the feathers on its body were shining, and a faint voice came again:

"It's not them...it's us..."

"We are the Yuzhe."

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