I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 346 Expenses

"Here's this month's friend fee."

The chubby man came in front of the little girl again, sniffed, and placed a few bags of snacks on the little girl's table.

"What to ride today? The Eiffel Tower?"

Xiaopang looked at the tall tower on the little girl's table and asked curiously.

"This is the Leaning Tower of Pisa..." the little girl replied helplessly.

Xiaopang is indeed stupid, and because he is very fat, no classmates in the class are willing to play with him. Only the little girl "gets paid to do things" and is willing to be his friend.

These snacks are what he pays for.

After attending school for a while, the little girl also understood that the outside world is not the same as at home, and everything has a price.

For example, there is no price to make friends.

But Xiaopang still pays "friend fees" every month because he is worried that the little girl will not play with him.

Xiaopang is also easy to deal with. He will just watch quietly and ask a few questions from time to time. He is very well-behaved.

But the questions asked are very strange:

"Can you build an abyss to get out of?"

"Can you give me a ride? Just like those sculptures."

"The teacher talked about some famous monitoring stations today. Can you use them?"


The little girl sometimes ignores Fatty's questions, and he doesn't care. Sometimes she will follow Fatty's request and put together some things that he wants to see.

"That's what friends do."

One day, when the little girl made a head according to Xiaopang's photo, Xiaopang lay on the table and looked at it for a long time, and even refused to leave after school.

"I'm going home. I have to walk back. If it's too late, I won't be able to see the road." The little girl was about to pack up the cubes and return home.

Xiaopang looked at the brick head and was very reluctant to part with it.

"Who are you?" The little girl returned the photo to Xiaopang.

"It's my dad. He went into the abyss for a long time and hasn't come back. My mom has always been depressed." Xiaopang took out the electronic screen from his bag and took a video of the brick head.

"I'll go back and show it to my mother. She should be happier."

"Thank you." Xiaopang looked at the little girl and said seriously.

"You paid friend fees, as you should." The little girl replied seriously.

Xiaopang carefully put the photo back into the bag.

"I know, you are just comforting me. No one else is willing to play with me, only you are willing. This is not a friend fee at all."

"Although I'm stupid, I know what friends are..."

After saying these words, Xiaopang ran out of the classroom in embarrassment, leaving only the little girl standing there.

Not long after, the teacher told the class that Xiaopang had transferred to another school.

"His father didn't come back, and his mother didn't want to stay in the sad place of Dawn City anymore, so she took him and left the city."

This kind of thing happens every day in Dawn City, and it's not necessarily that new.

There will be one more and one less classmate in the classroom from time to time, and Xiaopang is just one of them.

But from then on, no one paid the little girl friend money anymore.

The little girl looked down at the cube in her hand and told Lin Nian her experience calmly.

All this seems normal.

Lin Nian didn't say anything, just touched the little girl's head.

"Next time I come to see you, I will also bring the friend fee. If anything strange happens at your house, you must tell me."

"Okay." The little girl agreed.

What strange things could happen?

The little girl didn't know that she returned home step by step and started doing housework.

In such a large manor, the most important thing is housework. Today she plans to clean the swimming pool that has not been used for a long time.

The mentally retarded sweeping robot at home often falls into the swimming pool, and every time she fishes it out, it takes a lot of effort. This time she plans to seal the entire swimming pool with a fence.

After being busy until very late, the little girl returned to the house.

What made her a little strange was that there were no lights on in the whole house today.

When I opened the door, it was completely dark, and when I pressed the switch, nothing happened.

"Are the lights broken? Or is the electricity bill not enough?"

She remembered that she had just paid the electricity bill and the lights had been replaced not long ago. This should not have happened.

Feeling in the dark, the little girl returned to her room.

With the moonlight outside the window, she could see the cubes scattered all over the floor. She pressed the light switch, but nothing happened.

The homework left for class today had not been written yet, so the little girl had to find the robot at home and wanted to ask why it was dark.

However, the robots were all turned off and motionless.

The little girl had no choice but to walk to her parents' room.

This place is a restricted area for her.

She didn't have enough money to pay the "disturbance fee," so the room remained a secret to her.

Her mother also gave her repeated orders not to go in. If she disturbed her father, she would lose all her "savings."

After hesitating for a moment, the little girl stepped forward and knocked gently on the closed door.

After knocking several times, the door suddenly opened a small crack, as if blown open by the wind.

A dazzling light shot out from the crack in the door. The little girl stayed in the darkness and was instantly blinded by the sudden light.

After a while, she adjusted to the brightness again, opened the door, and walked in.

After entering the door, the little girl was stunned. What she saw was not a room, but an endless silver space.

The metal ground stretched into endless distances.

With a bang, the door behind her suddenly closed, and she stood alone in this silver wilderness.

"You're here." A cold voice suddenly sounded, echoing in the space.

"Dad, where are you?" The little girl looked around but could not find her parents.

That voice was her father, but the little girl couldn't tell where the voice came from, as it was like the voice came from all directions at the same time.

"Excuse me, a miniature cube."

Dad didn't answer her question, but said this coldly.

The little girl could only take out a small square from her pocket.

The block also disappeared instantly.

"Where are you? Dad?" the little girl asked again, she was very scared at this time.

"Question fee, a miniature cube." The voice said again.

After paying a square, the little girl also got the answer.


After getting the answer, the little girl ran forward in fear. She didn't run far when she saw two figures.

A man, a woman.

The woman was lying on the ground, a touch of red flowing beside her, while the man stood coldly beside her, holding a sharp blade that also exuded silver light.

"Dad! Mom!"

The little girl stumbled towards the two of them.

The woman was still struggling on the ground, and blood was constantly flowing from her abdomen. The bright red blood crawled farther and farther on the metal ground, but even so, there was no expression of pain on her face.

She looked tenderly at the man holding the knife, then looked at the little girl running over, and showed a relieved smile.

"Li Luo, you are free."

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