I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 338 Birth

"Lin Nian, are you okay?"

The researcher's expression became increasingly suspicious.

He picked up the electronic screen beside him, as if he wanted to notify others.

Mo Ling had no choice but to stretch out her hand and stop his next move.


Following Mo Ling's words, a soft female voice spoke from her mouth, it was Lin Nian's voice.

The researcher breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this: "I thought there was an experimental accident. You really have to carefully change the shape of this massager. I'm scared just looking at it."

He pointed at the brain on the experimental table and said with a disgusted expression.

"However, this is your responsibility. I won't interfere. I'm just making a suggestion."

He spread his hands, pushed open the door, and left the laboratory, leaving only Mo Ling who had not yet recovered.

"Massage device?"

Mo Ling looked at the experimental table and found a slender hand placed on a brain. Next to the brain was an electronic screen, which recorded the brain's information:

"Bionic Massager."

"Using the ability of relics to 'patch', the human body's bioelectrical data is used as a patch to put on the brain of mice to create a new type of massage device."

“Through touch, the body’s bioelectricity can be adjusted, giving people a ‘comfortable’ feeling.”

"Made by the third laboratory of Yuanxin Technology, the person in charge is Lin Nian."

In addition to this basic information, there were also some messy experimental records, including video data. Mo Ling flipped to the front and opened a folder called "Birth."

Inside is the picture of the first birth of the bionic massager:

The mouse's brain continued to expand, and eventually turned into a collection of electrical currents in the shape of a human brain, and there were bursts of exclamations from the side.

"Why did it become like this? It's so disgusting."

"It may be that human biological data has affected it. Don't panic, we are not doing any human experiments."

"We have to find a way. No one dares to use such a product. The next main direction of attack is to make it suitable."

Looking through these experimental records, Moling found that most of the experiments were attempts to change the shape of the bionic massage device, but they all ended in failure.

This bionic massager seems to be very obsessed with the appearance of the "brain". It is obvious that it is just a collection of electric currents and can change into any shape.

After reading the experiment records, Mo Ling looked at the brain on the experimental table.

He gently put his hand on it, and the soft feeling came again.

But this time, Mo Ling didn't stop, and with a strong force of his hand, he penetrated directly into the brain, like pushing aside a ball of soft jelly.

A numbing current wrapped around Mo Ling's palm and crawled up his arm. The feeling was so wonderful that Mo Ling even had an impulse in his heart: to keep his hand inside forever.

Realizing this strange impulse, Mo Ling quickly pulled out his hand.

The brain returned to its original state in an instant, lying quietly on the experimental table with no trace of damage at all.

"It is indeed some kind of electrical current collection, but it mimics the appearance of a brain."

Mo Ling confirmed the contents of the experimental report.

Just as he was thinking about the strange characteristics of the brain, there was a knock on the door of the laboratory. A young female researcher opened the door and carefully poked her head out.

"Sister Lin, the parts have arrived. Can you leave them at the door?"

Only then did Mo Ling realize that the female researcher was dragging a small cart with various robot parts on it.

"Push forward."


The female researcher pushed the car into the laboratory, placed it next to the experimental table, took a furtive glance at the brain on the experimental table, and then hurried out.

Mo Ling quickly looked at the car and found that there were only a few simple components on it.

"Vector experiment..."

He remembered the experimental record just now, in which Lin Nian discussed a method when communicating with other researchers:

Instead of changing the shape of the bionic massage device, we use the characteristics of "human-machine communication" to put this brain-like current aggregate into other carriers, such as the intelligent machinery that Yuanxin Technology is proud of.

In this way, they can prevent customers from seeing the disgusting brain, and can also achieve "massage" function through the robot.

It's like loading a "massage module" onto an intelligent robot.

Mo Ling looked at the brain on the experimental table and the mechanical components on the car, and a strange thought suddenly came to his mind:

"How was the sixth generation of intelligent machinery born?"

"At first, it was just a massager?"

By some strange coincidence, Mo Ling moved the components to the experimental table.

The carrier experiment is very simple, just assemble the modular building blocks and then place the brain in a specific location, like some kind of Jenga game.

There was a detailed assembly diagram on the car. Mo Ling just glanced at it and fully understood the contents.

Only when everything was assembled and the last step was left, Mo Ling suddenly came back to his senses.

"Why can I understand it?"

He picked up the assembly diagram again and looked at it carefully. It not only showed the connection methods of the components, but also pictures, component names, and precautions. It was very detailed. When Mo Ling saw it for the first time, he really felt that he was "putting together" Building Blocks".

But now looking at the assembly diagram, Mo Ling had a clear understanding: "With his IQ, he shouldn't be able to understand this diagram."

This is a very clear understanding. Although it is indeed a bit embarrassing, Mo Ling is very aware of his abilities.

"It seems that Lin Nian's memory still affects me."

His current body is Lin Nian, a researcher from Yuanxin Technology, so of course he can understand the content.

Anyway, these parts are finally assembled.

Already lying on the experimental table is a robot body with its arms and legs removed.

Without the exaggerated mechanical legs and arms, the robot looks about the same size as a normal human body.

There is an open groove on the left side of the chest, where the brain is placed.

Mo Ling took a deep breath, carefully picked up the soft brain and placed it on the robot's chest.

The brain shook a few times, and suddenly turned into a current, which penetrated into the robot's body. Not long after, the robot's head glowed with red light.

The machine head twisted and looked at Mo Ling.

Mo Ling, who had been observing the robot, met his eyes instantly. At this moment, he felt that the person lying in front of him was not a machine, but a living person.

The hairs on his body stood upright, which was the human perception of the same kind. Mo Ling could clearly feel the existence of life.

In the laboratory, the atmosphere suddenly became depressing.

Mo Ling stood by the experimental table, breathing heavier and heavier.

The robot lying on the experimental table did nothing or spoke. It just stared quietly at the human who created it.

for a long time.

Until a mechanical sound with a slight electric sound came from the robot:

"You are not her."

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