I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 301 Functions of Machines

The cleaning robot didn't seem to express strong emotions like other robots, and it didn't have a humane reaction to Li Luo's various deliberate erratic behaviors.

However, Moring could tell that this was not some kind of emotional retardation, but that it was in character.

The cleaning robot is so "calm" and indifferent to everything outside. It will answer Li Luo's questions seriously just because of its identity. In fact, it doesn't care about what Li Luo does or what Li Luo does. Want to know something.

There is a difference between dullness and apathy, and it is easy to tell in humans.

Mo Ling did see this expression of "character" in this robot. Those small movements that express emotions are difficult to hide.

At this moment, the cleaning robot stretched out one hand and leaned against the wall. The broom was gently placed aside. The cleaning tools originally held by the other arms were also placed in a very labor-saving position.

The human-like mechanical head hung gently in a very relaxed posture, waiting for Li Luo to ask questions as if nothing had happened, without any rush.

Mo Ling looked at the robot and suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu in his heart:

"Is it being lazy?"

Mo Ling had done this kind of thing many times. When he was on duty as a child, he was sent to take out the garbage and was stopped by the teacher on the roadside. This was what he did.

Relax your whole body, speak every sentence, and deliberately slow down your speaking speed, trying to delay as much time as possible. There is nothing the teacher said in your mind, and your mind is completely free and wandering.

This is a good time to catch fish. You don’t have to work, and you don’t have to be criticized by your classmates. It’s so happy.

As for what the teacher said, that is another matter. Just answer it with a correct attitude.

At this time, the cleaning robot was doing the same thing as Mo Ling when he was a child.

The more Mo Ling looked at them, the more they felt they were very similar.

The robot didn't seem to feel that Li Luo was affecting his work, nor did it find it troublesome that Li Luo kept asking questions. Instead, he seemed to enjoy it.

"Who is the teacher you are talking about? Is it someone from Paradise Island? Are there humans who teach you how to work in person?" Li Luo raised his head and asked the robot.

The robot's answer was very brief, just as Moling guessed, it was deliberately stalling for time.

"Not human."

Such an ambiguous answer would make Li Luo continue to ask.

"Is that some kind of teaching program?"


It kept answering Li Luo's questions seriously, answering whatever was asked, but it just didn't take the initiative to give an answer.

"Who is the teacher?"

"It's a robot, a robot like us." It replied slowly.

"A robot?" Li Luo obviously didn't expect that their skills were actually taught by other robots.

"Is it another cleaning robot? It taught you how to clean?"


"What kind of robot is that?"

"Teacher robot."

Hearing this, Li Luo was stunned. She was obviously distracted by the cleaning robot's answer and stood there thinking for a long time.

"Is this a robot called 'teacher'?"

"No, it is a teacher. Its identity is a teacher and it can only teach."

The cleaning robot still spoke in a calm tone, answering questions in a non-verbal manner, and did not give exact answers.

However, after talking about this, Li Luo finally understood something.

"You all have responsibilities. You are responsible for cleaning, some robots are responsible for teaching fitness, and some are responsible for teaching knowledge. The one who teaches knowledge is your teacher, the teacher robot, right?"

"Yes, your understanding is correct."

The cleaning robot finally nodded.

After a lot of twists and turns, Li Luo finally got the answer, and Li Luo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Does the teacher robot also clean?"

"Yes, it can basically do everything."

"Then isn't it omnipotent? In other words, it can clean, teach fitness, and even be a captain? Then why isn't it responsible for these and just be a teacher?"

After hearing Li Luo's question, the cleaning robot gave a very brief answer:

"Because it's a teacher robot..."


After talking about it, it came back again. Li Luo and the cleaning robot were one tall and one short, and they looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes. No one could explain clearly.

Li Luo thought for a long time before speaking again:

"Is it because it's a teacher robot, so it can only teach and can't do anything else?"

“Yes, our identity determines our behavior.”

"Identity...are your identities fixed?"

"Of course, you should know that we are robots and we must perform our duties in accordance with the identities required by humans."

Li Luo was stunned again by the cleaning robot's words.

"That seems to be the case." Li Luo nodded, but still felt a little strange.

"You get busy." She slowly stepped aside and walked to the other corridor at the fork.

"Thank you for your cooperation." After thanking the cleaning robot, it slowly moved to the other side while cleaning.

Li Luo was still deep in thought and muttering doubtfully:

“I remember that the slogans of the sixth-generation intelligent machines at that time were ‘all-powerful machines’ and ‘completely anthropomorphic.’ There should not be such an identity division.”

She looked at the tall robot walking in the narrow corridor, her eyes filled with suspicion.

"Don't you think it's weird?" Li Luo asked Cube.

Of course, Mo Ling also found it very strange. These robots obviously looked the same and had no functional differences. Why should they be distinguished by their identities?

"In the past, when we divided the responsibilities of robots, they would match the corresponding appearance. In other words, the appearance of the robots determined their responsibilities and identities."

"Sweeping robots don't need a huge body. They only need a vacuum cleaner and a mobile module. The smaller the better."

"Another example is the assembly robot on the production line, which only needs one robotic arm. Since the robots on this ship are all in this anthropomorphic form, they should be the same as Yuanxin Technology's original design, as an all-round robot. But But their identities have been forcibly added to them.”

While Li Luo was thinking, he expressed his doubts to Fang Quan.

The tall body of the cleaning robot was obviously not made for cleaning, but was added with this identity restriction later.

Why do people on Paradise Island add such obviously redundant settings to these all-purpose robots that can be used for multiple purposes?

If they want these robots to do limited jobs from the beginning, they don’t need to imitate the appearance of sixth-generation intelligent machines. They only need to customize the appearance according to the type of work.

This obviously conflicting approach is even more strange.

Li Luo looked at the retreating figure of the cleaning robot and concluded:

"Even if there is nothing wrong with these robots, the people on Paradise Island must be hiding some secrets."

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