I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 253 Crossover

The fog greatly hindered Bai Zhou's navigation, but he still managed to reach the shore without any danger.

"Why is there such a heavy fog?"

Bai Zhou was very surprised. He had lived on the Chali Island for a long time, and such a situation was very rare.

And this mist is also very strange, with a strange rotten smell, even a little pungent.

With doubts, Bai Zhou went to the island and followed the familiar road back to the village of the Chali tribe.

The island is still filled with fog, and even the roads have become a bit muddy.

In the mist, the flashing figures of the Chali clan made Bai Zhou breathe a sigh of relief.

After experiencing what happened on the human island, Bai Zhou is extremely sensitive to anything amiss, and may even be a little scared.

Seeing the Chali people living a normal life, Bai Zhou felt relieved a little.

"It could just be extreme weather."

After the Chali people saw Bai Zhou, they all greeted him warmly and pestered him with questions. They were exactly the same as before, with no change at all.

"Teacher, you are finally back. When will you continue class?"

"I have a lot of things to ask that I don't know..."

Seeing that the Chali people were still the same as before, Bai Zhou finally let go of his last doubt.

After greetings, Bai Zhou went to find his apprentice.

"Master?" The apprentice was surprised when he saw Bai Zhou: "I didn't expect you to come back so soon!"

Bai Zhou nodded and took out the little root carving: "Yes, it's back, please put it away."

But the apprentice did not accept it immediately. Instead, he looked at Bai Zhou doubtfully, his eyes full of worry.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Upon hearing his disciple's question, Bai Zhou knew that he must have sensed his own emotions again.

"Something happened on the island."

Bai Zhou shook his head, he didn't know how to explain it.

The apprentice noticed Bai Zhou's disappointment and did not continue to ask. Instead, he said to him mysteriously: "Teacher, I will tell you secretly that I have learned it."

Bai Zhou was stunned: "Have you learned it?"

"Yes, I learned it." The apprentice said excitedly, "I learned how to live forever!"

eternal life?

Bai Zhou subconsciously thought that he heard wrongly.

"Did you hallucinate again?"

Looking at the small root carving in his hand, Bai Zhou shook his head.

But everything in front of him was extremely real. The disciple was looking at him expectantly, as if he was waiting for praise.

"Have you really learned it?" Bai Zhou asked in disbelief: "Tell me, how did you learn it?"

The apprentice nodded, probably thinking that Bai Zhou was testing him, so he spoke seriously.

"That day, Master, you asked me to think about what is eternal. I thought about it for a long time, and then I remembered that Master, you told me that the secret of eternal life has long been hidden in the knowledge you taught us."

"After ruling out a lot of things, I thought about the hexagrams. There are positives and negatives, life and death, and suddenly something clicked!"

"Isn't death eternal?"

"When you take medicine, you don't lose your lifespan, but you increase your lifespan at the cost of taking the medicine. However, medicine is not eternal in the first place, so the life you get in exchange can only have a time limit. This is related to the age of the medicinal materials."

"If you want eternal life, this road won't work."

"So, we can only use death as the price to exchange for life. Death is eternal, and the life in exchange is also eternal. This is eternal life!"

The apprentice explained excitedly.

Seeing his disciple's extremely confident look, Bai Zhou was also stunned. He didn't expect that a few words he made up casually could actually make him realize something.

However, everyone can talk nonsense, and things like eternal life are just idiotic dreams until they come true.

Seeing such a fascinated disciple, Bai Zhou couldn't bear to tell him the truth.

Bai Zhou himself was once very obsessed with immortality, but only after constant research and hitting the wall, he realized that it was all in vain.

However, the summary and understanding of knowledge in this process are not in vain.

It is always a good thing to remain curious about the unknown and keep exploring.

If it wasn't for alchemy, he wouldn't know so many medicinal materials.

It's not about making fairy weapons, nor would it be possible to come up with so many fantastic tools.

Thinking of this, Bai Zhou decided to give his apprentice some guidance and encouragement, so that he could try not to take detours.

Pretending to nod in relief, Bai Zhou affirmed: "Your idea is right, but have you ever thought about how to put it into practice?"

"I've practiced it!"

Have you practiced it?

Now, Bai Zhou could no longer pretend to be enigmatic.

"How do you practice it?"

Bai Zhou was not really curious, he was just concerned about whether his apprentice was messing around.

Among human beings, it is not uncommon for alchemists to try their own medicine and eat themselves to death. He is worried that if his apprentice really goes crazy, then he, the master, is really to blame.

Thinking of this, Bai Zhou already regretted deceiving his apprentice with the matter of eternal life.

"Master, come out and I'll show you."

Under Bai Zhou's worried eyes, the apprentice took him to the open space outside.

"Watch it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the disciple's body suddenly froze, and then he fell straight to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Bai Zhou rushed forward immediately.

A weak voice came from the roots of the tree: "Master, I am immortal..."

Immediately afterwards, something transparent, like a water droplet, floated out of the body and slowly floated into the sky.

"Is this a soul?"

Realizing that something was wrong, Bai Zhou directly grabbed the tree roots that were originally wrapped around him and threw them towards the soul that had been floating upward.

After the tree roots were thrown away, the soul in the air disappeared.

Not long after, the apprentice who fell on the ground also woke up slowly.

"Master, I'm back."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Bai Zhou slapped him on the forehead.

"What do you call eternal life?"

"Ascension to heaven means eternal life?"

The apprentice lowered his head and did not dare to speak loudly: "But you can indeed live forever, as long as you stay in that state..."

"What's the difference between you and dying?"

"When you die, you won't float to the sky."


Bai Zhou had nothing to say.

After calming down, Bai Zhou warned seriously: "Don't do this next time. Human beings have not achieved eternal life. They are all vain pursuits, and neither does Master. They are all just to fool you."

Looking at his apprentice, Bai Zhou asked with concern: "How do you feel when you are floating in the sky?"

“There’s no feeling, it’s just freedom.”

"The soul is not bound by the body, and it is normal to be free. There is nothing else. Do you feel uncomfortable? And now that you have returned to the body, do you feel anything is wrong?"

Bai Zhou looked at his dizzy apprentice and was very worried.

The apprentice felt it on the spot for a short while and shook his head, but looking at Bai Zhou's scrutinizing eyes, he nodded again.

"What happened?" Bai Zhou asked anxiously.

"A little hungry."

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