I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 247 Rusty

Mo Ling turned to look at Bai Zhou and found that he was still in a daze, and there was nothing wrong with him at all.

The fishmen next to the fortress had been tinkering for a long time and finally discovered the reason for the failure of the parts.

"Why is it all rust? Has no one noticed it before?"

"No! There were no rust stains when we first landed. They only appeared later!"

The reason why the fishmen's parts have various strange effects is because of the fishman language runes on them. But now, these scratches are covered with ugly rust, causing the runes to be completely ineffective.

"Remove the rust quickly!"

The murlocs controlled the parts around them and lined them up in a row, surrounding the fortress like a window washer. On one side, the parts also emitted a red light that hit the rusty surface of the fortress.

After the red light swept over, the fishmen quickly returned to the surface of the fortress to check the rust removal inside the notches, but the situation seemed to be worse than they imagined.

"It's no use?"

A fishman put his face against the carvings and scratched the rust stains with his armored fingers, but the rust showed no sign of disappearing.

He stretched out a sharp light blade at his fingertips and carefully scratched the mark a few times. This light blade scratched several marks on the original rune engraving, but it had no effect on the rust. .

The fishman was stunned when he saw this scene and froze on the spot.

Other murlocs also hurriedly approached these rusty runes and tried their best to remove the rust.

"Use rust remover!"

They used the parts around them to synthesize a semi-solid yellow liquid out of thin air, sprayed it on the fortress, waited for a while, and then cleaned it up with water.

However, the rust remover did not have any effect. After several attempts, the rust in the scratches still did not reduce at all.

Not only that, during the time that the fish people were trying, the rust even continued to spread, and more and more parts failed due to the spread of rust.

The fish people were also panicking at this time, but after continuing to try various methods, the rust stains were still completely unaffected.

"What the hell is this? It's not rust at all!"

They also realized at this moment that these "psoriasis" crawling all over the fortress were not ordinary rust stains at all.

In desperation, some fishmen even wanted to cut off some parts directly, but this behavior was quickly stopped by Jeff.

He raised his hand, opened a hole in the protective shield, grabbed the mist beside him, and then asked the subordinate beside him: "Does this mist have anything to do with rust?"

"Wait a moment, General, let me test it."

The subordinate came to the fortress, controlled the parts around him, and carefully clicked on the rusty rune carvings.

After a moment, he returned to Jeff excitedly.

"They are the same! General! The unknown substances in these rusts are the same as those in the mist! They are actually the same thing, but one is in liquid state and the other is in solid state."

"The fog solidifies and turns into rust!"

The subordinate seemed to be worried that Jeff would not believe it, so he quickly sent his test data to the fish school's communication, and even made a comparison chart.

Mo Ling also saw the comparison chart. Although he couldn't understand the professional terms in it, the same patterns and conclusions were easy to understand.

"The similarity rate is ninety-seven percent?"

Except for some differences in impurities and concentrations, the mist is indeed the same thing as the rust on the fortress.

As soon as the test results were sent to the fish school, there was another panic, but the fish people quickly adjusted, and the team immediately controlled the parts to release the protective shield and isolate the entire fortress.

The fog was blocked outside.

However, even if it is known that the fog is the culprit of the rust, there is no way to remove it.

Although the fog has been forced outside, the rust on the fortress continues to spread.

The helpless fishman could only watch as the rust continued to devour the runes that were still intact.

It was like an unquenchable fire burning the entire house.

"Remove the useful parts and leave the rusty ones behind."

Jeff decisively issued the order, and the fish school did not hesitate and quickly joined the rescue work.

Jeff stood there, quietly looking up at the rusting fortress and the busy murlocs. The light on the armor flashed slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

He remained motionless and slowly asked the subordinate beside him: "Do you still remember what the Chali clan said before?"

"What?" The subordinate didn't react for a moment and was stunned on the spot.

"Death, spreading death." Jeff explained, and then repeated what he had said before:

"The price of knowing eternal life is that everything around you will be stained by death. Death will even wrap around you like a thick fog, accelerating the passing of everything around you. Even if you achieve immortality, these fogs will linger forever."

"Mist is death, and rust is death. Once we understand immortality, we will be entangled in eternal death."

He looked at his subordinates and asked, "Are there any records of fog concentration?"

"Yes!" Although the subordinate was a little confused, he quickly sent the record to the communication channel.

That's a graph that goes up and up.

The abscissa is time, and the ordinate is fog concentration.

Jeff looked at the curves on the coordinate chart, and after a long time, he spoke again.

"Yes, the concentration of the fog changes accordingly."

"Since we learned about the method of immortality, the fog has begun to increase, but the rising rate is still relatively slow. After we conducted the experiment, the curve entered an inflection point, and the concentration has been rising faster."

Mo Ling also took a look at the coordinate chart. The slope of the curve was indeed increasing and getting steeper.

But what does this mean?

Soon, Jeff came to his conclusion.

"The concentration of the fog is related to our understanding of eternal life."

"In other words, the closer we are to eternal life, the closer death is."

As he spoke, Jeff grabbed the mist beside him again, then called out the protective shield and squeezed the mist away.

However, as Jeff's words spread throughout the fish school, the coordinate map that was still updating suddenly changed again. The already very steep curve bent again and quickly rushed upward.

The concentration of the fog increased sharply again.

"It seems that this is also included in the understanding of eternal life."

Jeff shook his head helplessly.

He probably didn't expect that his inference would also cause a riot in the mist.

"It's actually related to knowledge. This is a bit difficult to handle."

The sudden riot of fog shrouded the surrounding area in black, and outside the hexagonal protective shield, there were constant tentacle-like fogs beating.

These rolling fogs are like some unknown life, anxiously trying to enter the shield.

Not only that, some black spots quickly climbed up the protective cover, like some kind of rust residue...


Mo Ling seemed to hear the sound of something breaking.

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