I'm trapped in a cube

Chapter 245 The right key

"It's really possible! General, I remembered everything, Dragon Origami..."

Armor said in surprise while flipping his hands.

But after a while, his movements suddenly got stuck again.

The originally surprised expression suddenly became stiff.

His fingers twitched a few times, and the armor looked at the screen where the picture had stopped, as if he wanted to see clearly how the dragon was folded.

However, he still couldn't move his hands.

When the fishmen around him saw his strange behavior, they didn't dare to say anything for fear of disturbing him.

But after waiting for a long time, the armor still remained motionless, and his hands were frozen in mid-air.

Finally, he gave up and dropped his hands feebly.

He looked away and said to his companions sheepishly:

"I can't do it again."

"I completely forgot..."

He tried to play the video record again, but this time, even though he stared closely at the little fish-man's technique, he couldn't follow the steps of the origami. He was so angry that he began to clap his clumsy hands.

"It's obviously just a little bit close, what's going on?"

He wanted to try again in disbelief, but was stopped by Jeff.

"Don't try."

"But General..."

Jeff interrupted him again: "Are you sure you just remembered how to fold paper?"

"Sure!" Armor replied decisively: "During my free time of immortality, I remembered everything!"

"Not just origami, but all the skills I forgot about before!"

As soon as he said this, the fish people couldn't sit still and started asking him questions.

Jeff pondered for a moment and confirmed again: "Are you sure that is not an illusion? The racial lock has disappeared?"

Hearing Jeff's serious inquiry, Armor also lowered his head and thought deeply for a long time.

"That is definitely not an illusion, it is real freedom, a freedom that can even break free from racial shackles."

"I feel like those skills that had disappeared reappeared in my mind, as if they were something I already knew, and everything felt so natural."

"That's the real key!"

The sound of armor echoed among the fish, but no one responded for a long time.

Apparently none of them expected that eternal life would actually be the "key" to unlock the race.

"Are you telling the truth?"


"No, I want to try it myself!"

The fish people quickly geared up and were eager to try.

"Don't be anxious." Jeff stopped these fishmen who wanted to try it themselves.

He was still calm and poured a basin of cold water on the fish people first:

"This is not a suitable key. If it becomes an ignorant soul state, even if it is unlocked, it will be meaningless."

Jeff pinpoints a fatal flaw in this unlocking method.

All skills are based on mastering enough knowledge. Although immortality can allow the fish people to break free from their shackles, the people who have broken free from the shackles will become that "free" look, which is obviously not what they want. .

At this time, an irreconcilable contradiction appeared in front of the fish people:

If you want to be free, you will become stupid.

If you don't want to be stupid, you have to continue wearing the shackles.

Soon, everyone present realized this, and the fish people, who were still in excitement, instantly became entangled.

They have been struggling to find a way to escape from the restrictions, but now this method is in front of them. It is extremely simple to implement, but they just can't do it.

This made the fish people extremely uncomfortable.

"Is there any other way? Can't you use your body as a price?"

"No, it's been tested just now. Only the method of separating the clan is effective. We can re-create the body, which is already a trick."

"How about we let the soul die forever and let the body live forever?"

"Listen to what you are saying! If your soul is gone, what's the point?"

"Then let half of your soul and body live forever..."

The fish people still don't want to give up and want to try various methods to achieve immortality.

However, after several tests, none of them worked except for the method of splitting the family.

All attempts, without exception, fail.

"What's going on? Didn't the Chali Clan say that anything can be used as the price, as long as it's half?"

"Yes, it's OK, but our measurements aren't precise enough."


"Yes, measurement, what is half? Weight? Or volume? Or surface area? Or element proportions?"

After hearing this series of questions, the fishmen who were still having a heated discussion all shut up.

"Half is correct, but we don't know the definition of half! The Chali tribe only told us that the soul and body can be regarded as half, but they did not tell us the accurate measurement method!"

"Besides, even if we know half of the basis for judgment, we don't know the specific accuracy requirements. Our division can only be limited, and no one knows how much half of the soul is."

"This is not cutting meat. If you say it's cut in half, it's half!"

As soon as these words came out, there was another silence.

"In other words, we have no other choice but to follow the method of dividing the clan?"

"Yes, not at all……"

Suddenly, the scene was completely silent, and the hope that had just sprouted was gone in the blink of an eye.

The discussion among the murlocs reached a deadlock...

At this moment, a reminder sounded in the channel of the silent fish school. It seemed that the scouts who had been monitoring the nearby environment had made a new discovery.

"General, the concentration of fog is rising rapidly."

"Is it caused by natural factors?"

"No, we also saw it. It was not done by the Chali tribe. The mist seemed to appear out of thin air."

"Appeared out of thin air? Where did it appear?"

"The fog...is all around us."

After hearing this, the murlocs present did not continue to discuss the issue of immortality. They all summoned the flying parts on their bodies and looked around cautiously.

However, after waiting for a long time, no enemies or dangers appeared, but the mist became thicker and thicker, and even rolled up towards the murlocs, seeming to cling tightly to their bodies.

"What is this?"

"The test said it was ordinary fog... and there were some unknown substances."

Under the vigilant eyes of the fishmen, the thick fog around them slowly enveloped them. They were like some kind of creatures, twisting their tentacles and constantly digging into the armor.

Seeing this scene, the fishmen's armors on the scene began to shine, and then a strong wind blew out, spraying the mist away from their bodies.

The runes were intertwined, and protective shields composed of hexagons appeared on the armor, blocking out the fog.

The mist blown away by the wind, after re-condensing, rolled towards the fish-man and was tightly wrapped outside the protective shield.

Seeing this scene, the fish people all carefully stayed where they were and no longer acted rashly.

"It seems to have entangled us..."

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