Nanfeng retrieved the sound terminator.

With a thought, the exquisite power-up item and dangerous trigger appeared in his hand.

Before he even activated the dangerous trigger button, he felt as if he could already feel the violent force coming from inside.

It is indeed one of Tool Rabbit’s most proud power-ups!

He raised his eyes slightly and looked towards the depths of Liming Town like sharp swords.

The aura on his body now became fierce and violent.

Like a volcano that has been immersed for a long time, it will erupt and swallow everything

"Senior, what's wrong?"

Renweia sensed the abnormal situation in Nanfeng and asked again.

The little disappointment that he had ignored at first also disappeared.

She now understood: It was not that the senior deliberately ignored her.

It was the Liming Town area, maybe There's going to be another fight

"The real battle is about to begin."

The horns in Nanfeng Mask's armor rose slightly, and his voice slowly returned to her.

The two of them had their first conversation in the Kamen Rider state.

"A real fight?"

Baby's pretty face was startled.

The senior Kamen Rider in front of her is the most powerful Kamen Rider she has ever seen so far.

He said it in such a tone.

It means: the next battle, It was more serious than she imagined.

Ren Wei'a was stunned for a moment, holding the shooting pistol tightly in his little hand, and he was also alert.

Nanfeng's voice was not loud, but it was not quiet either. Both Feidian and Bupojian heard clearly.

Erha didn't want to continue arguing with Feidian or Ren and hurriedly came to Nanfeng's side.

"Store manager, what should we do next?"

Bai Qi asked in a very serious tone.

As long as the matter is related to the magic machine puppet, he takes it very seriously.


Nan Feng replied calmly.

Bupo Jian's expression paused after hearing his words.

He raised his head and looked into the depths of Liming Town.

Except for the floating smoke, nothing could be seen clearly. Is there really any danger to them again



Not only him, but others who came to Erha also had the same doubts, with the exception of Renwei.

She continued to hold the shooting pistol tightly, like a hunting cheetah, ready to go..

Nanfeng stood there and didn't explain much.

The four of them were Kamen Riders, but their strength data were uneven. They were far behind in terms of hearing, vision and perception.

Yu Nanfeng.

Nanfeng could sense the situation in the far distance, but they didn't know anything about it.

In about a few minutes, the expressions of Fu Jian, Feidian, and Ren Wei suddenly changed on the ground of Liming Town. It started to vibrate deeply

, like an earthquake.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap!

It came from the direction.

The ruins and debris on the ground were jumping back and forth.

You can imagine how powerful it was.

After a while, Nanfeng, Feidian, Renwei and others finally saw what was coming. A huge robot.

It is tens of meters tall, and its body is shining with a ghostly metallic luster.

Every time the giant robot takes a step, the ground shakes, and you can clearly see that one. Huge footprints.

In other areas of the footprints, there are dazzling cracks that spread rapidly around the giant robot. The number of the trilobite demon robots is several times greater than that of the previous battle. In the group of leaf insect magic puppets, you can see several magic puppets transformed using the Extinction Sublimation Key.

At the front of the magic puppets are two young men, one covered in a black coat;

The young man was wearing a sword on his back.

He didn't cover his face, and his expression was cold and murderous.

People with weak hearts would not dare to look at him.

Nanfeng's eyes narrowed slightly. , staring at Xun and Mie on the opposite side.

After all

, he is the first boss in the early stage of Kamen Rider Zero-1 in the Reiwa era, but his own strength is not enough. But people dare not underestimate them.

Feidian, Fu Jian and others were on serious alert at this time.

The large number of magical puppets gave them a serious sense of crisis as they stood there, holding tightly to the danger. Trigger.

There was no sign of vigilance in his body, and there was a blazing fighting light in his eyes.

For him, the more magic machines appeared, the better.

The two groups of men and horses were looking at each other with wide eyes. Looking at the giant robot, the expression on her face was particularly surprising.


Ren Wei'a murmured to himself:"How is this possible?!"

The Gig robot is the latest product researched and manufactured by the president of Zaiya Company and the Ames Special Technology Department.

According to the research data, its power is very terrifying.

However, the Ames organization has not yet completely completed manufacturing it..Why... there is a Gig robot in Dawn Town.

Judging from its appearance, it is still a finished product!

"How come you... why do you have a Gig robot from the Ames organization?"

Ren Wei'a stood next to Nanfeng and asked.

As soon as he said this, Erha next to him became very shocked.

The Gig robot organized by Ames?

The sack from the bridge!

Weisen, I don't have any news at all. ?

Bupojian looked dull at this time and fell into serious self-doubt.

He felt that he, the captain of the Ames organization, was just a free phone call.

"Snatched from Ames Research, of course."

Hearing Renweia's words, Xun didn't wait for Mie to open his mouth and answered first.

He raised his head slightly, revealing half of his face:

"Not only did he steal your Gig robot, he also finished making it and modified it into a magical robot.

All of you...are going to die here today."

At the end, half of Xun's face showed a very innocent child's smile.

His words made people shudder.

"Modified into a magic machine puppet……"

After Xun finished speaking, Feidian or someone slowly moved forward... ps: Many thanks to fellow Taoist [Naoxin] for the reward.

Chapter 74, Xiaotian didn’t know what happened, so he was stuck.

I guess it will be fine in the evening...

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