I'm the King Of Technology

1782 Tacholla's Great Experience

Medical supplies?

The words buzzed in Tacholla's head, as his eyes immediately lit up like stars. 

Yes, yes… isn't this the miracle he always wanted? 


He has been praying for a miracle for months and months, and now that the heavens have sent his answer straight to his doorstep, is he just going to turn them away just like that? 

What's more, if you truly look at it well, you will see that these visitors truly respected them. 

Understand that they had flying carriages and could have easily flown and landed in his palace disrespectfully, but they didn't. 

They never entered any city or place, only choosing the Forest. 

They wanted permission before doing whatever they wanted to do.

This alone was worthy of respect from them, the Mirvans. 

You can see the thought process that went through in the minds of these visitors. 

"Your Majesty, I still haven't gotten your name."


"Great!" Landon clasped his hands playfully. "Now that we are on a first-name basis, do you give us permission to enter your great city?" 

Rubbing his beard thoughtfully, Tacholla nodded. "Sure, but I and my people must come with you… in your flying carriages."

"Of course! I wouldn't have it any other way."

Landon knew this guy wouldn't be able to hold off from temptation. 

Who wouldn't? 

As said, humans, especially men, were drawn to all sorts of modes of transportation from horses, carriages, wagons, carts and now, flying carriages.

Just looking at these bad boys at an eye view wasn't enough. 

They wished to touch it, feel it and even roll in it to know what it was about. 

With things settled, Landon allowed them to read back into the forest to relay the news to their people. 

Following that, 80 others now came back planning to enter their many coppers and join the flight. 

Yes, Landon had predicted that such things might happen, that's why not all seats were filled. 

Some were just transport aircrafts, that were like mini planes with 30 seats to the left and 30 seats to the right. 

In such aircrafts, only 40 seats were filled with Marines and soldiers with the rest empty. 

Understand that they expected that after their visit, some Mirvans would follow them back to Baymard to first understand if they were true to their words before choosing whether or not to sign a treaty with them. 

How can they sign a treaty when they don't even understand how these people operate? 

The Baymardians understood all this and kept empty spaces for the trip back. 

What's more, after all their gifts are sent out, they will have a lot more empty spaces in their aircrafts. 

With this, maybe some of them can choose to strap into the carriage areas in their suits, allowing more room for more Mirvans to come aboard. 

The carriage areas also have additional roll-down seats on their walls just for additional seating conditions.

Yes, they have thought everything through.


Landon didn't even want to know how the 80 chosen to come was decided on, but seeing the bruises on their bodies, he could guess how it was decided on --With their fists. 


Sure enough, a good old-fashioned smackdown was always the way to go. 

These commanders, generals and Mirvan leaders really got off their horses, throwing blows and finally deciding on who would go. 

And when it was decided, they left their units and headed back vigilantly. 


Everyone's heart jerked when stepping into the metal aircrafts. 

Bear in mind that these aircrafts were still newly made, so their interiors really looked good with no signs of wear and tear yet. 

This… this.. this… 


Their seatbelts were snapped in, and their butts firmly placed on the peculiar seats that now had additional passing on them, courtesy of the Baymardians. 

They were also given juice boxes and protein bars. 

Their juice boxes and protein bars were placed in small black nets attached to the walls just between each seat. 

Welp, everyone was really settling in well in the other larger military aircrafts. 

But in Landon's chopper, Tacholla and another Mirvan were settling in even better. 

Well, their seats weren't attached to the walls but were full seats with ample room. 

And what's even better was that they had window-view, unlike the other larger aircrafts that didn't have windows at all. 

It was almost as though he was about to have a helicopter tour above the city, only it was in a slightly bigger and more secure military chopper. 


Juice boxes, snacks, and magazines? 

Well, this was nice. 

It was amazing that although he didn't understand the words, the images still made him dream of what the outside world truly looked like. 

He looked at the buses, and the stunning views of Baymard's streets and was already so drawn to the images that he didn't even notice they were about to take off. 

He had noise mufflers on his ears and a large smile on his lips. 

But soon, his thoughts were quickly pulled back to reality when he heard Landon's calm voice. 

"Lady and Gentlemen, this is your pilot speaking. We are about to take off, so ensure your seat belts are buckled and your legs and your body relaxed. We will take off monetarily." 

The same message was said by other pilots in the other aircrafts who had mastered these sentences over and over again for this sole purpose. 

They might not fully understand the language, but ever since traveling on the high seas after Baymard, they have been taking compulsory classes with Landon as their teacher. 

At least now, they knew what some items are called in Mirvan. 

They knew what a chair was called, they knew what a bed was called, what a table was called and so on.

In short, every day, they would be taken to identify everything in their rooms but said them in Mirvan. 

For maximum flight service, they learned some sentences too. 



With the message sent out, everyone double-checked their seatbelts, even going as far as shaking the belts to ensure it was holding steady. 

And soon it was time for lift-off. 


It was happening… it was happening… 

Tacholla felt his heart jerk several while holding his armrest as hard as he could. 

What was this extra weight he was feeling? 

The chopper slowly left the ground and everyone now felt they were as heavy as mountains! 


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