I'm the King Of Technology

1778 A Heavenly Fate

A heavy air hovered above Mirvanna, as many went about their way. 

The people at the Capital seemed to feel the heavy aura coming down on them the most whenever they looked up to see the towering palace at the Capital's center.

From miles and miles away, you can still see its towering glory watching over you.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

Their chosen heir, ordained by the heavens, was supposed to stay strong and grow alongside them.

Many grunted in sadness, revealing their long vampire-like fangs at the corners of their mouths.

With loins tied around their overly slender waistlines, the grossly endowed hoops of the green-toned women were more pronounced when walking about and carrying buckets of water on their heads from the nearby wells and streams.

Their hair was luscious, thick and long, with some having hair so long you would think they were Rapunzel. 

But the way they braided and knotted their hair brought their ankle-length hair to their upper hacks.

Girls and women who had not come of age were not allowed to cut their hair below their elbows. Only after turning 14, can they be allowed to do so.

(**14 was the official age when a girl or boy would be considered an adult)

Their eyes were large and somewhat cat-like, as they slanted upwards at their sides, and their breasts were mostly full for almost all women. 

As if blessed by the heavens, most of them had the tiniest waistlines you would ever see, paired with round bosoms, wide hips that matched their thighs, beauty that can make a man's heart stop and a sturdy body for combat.

As for their heights, they were right between the typical height of an adult giant from Omania, and that of the rest of the world.

One could say the most obvious flaw might be their hot-tempered nature and their silly nature of always wanting to fight rather than settle conflicts with words.

They weren't good at expressing themselves, so they preferred to throw fists and get it done and over with. 

It was amazing that after throwing fists, they would immediately make up... as if they weren't the one's fighting just now. Even the women acted the same.

In general, these people don't know how to get angry for long. 

They can be so mad at you now, but after sleeping, they would forget about it altogether, scratching their heads and wondering why you, their enemy, were still afraid of them.

If they hold hatred in their hearts against you for long, it means you truly went overboard with what you did. 

In simpler terms, it meant you crossed their bottom lines and there was no room for forgiveness whatsoever.

But just because they are easily forgiving, doesn't mean they are easy to fool.


It was true.

They, just like the Omanians, were a stubborn bunch who wouldn't bow their heads and take rubbish from anyone.

Manipulating them was even harder because although they were hot-tempered, they weren't the sort to throw punches first without asking questions.

To them, asking questions and ensuring the information is correct was vital, that way when they are punching and breaking your nose, they know you deserve it 100%.

As said, they aren't good with words, which includes apologies, which is why they like to ensure they are right most of the time.

Don't get them wrong, sometimes, they make mistakes, but that is typically because they have never seen the situation occur before… Just as they have never seen Landon's group of choppers before.

Their first thought is, of course, battle, as should anyone's first thoughts be!

Ah yes, the Mirvans were quite a simple bunch. 

But while several territories close to the waters were panicked by what they saw, those in the Capitol had no such thoughts. 

With no one knowing what was coming, their sole focus was on the heir's current state. 

However, all this was about to change, like the changing skies that grew darker and darker by the minute. 

At the same time, a burly, towering man with a rugged body, was now leaning on his gigantic throne of spiky teeth that protruded from its sides. 

These many gigantic teeth belonged to baby giant beats that had been slayed ages ago by their ancestors.

These teeth were attached to the black and massive throne that stood out from its gold and bronze surroundings.



Ruler Tacholla massaged the furrowed center between his brows with deep worry brooding in his eyes.

Beside him was Amrous, The Wise, one of his trusty aides.

"They say a bird cannot fly too high, for when it does, the clouds will choke it to death… My son, Bilthazar, is too good, so the heavens have decided to take him from me. I do not blame the Heavens, for it is them who gave him to me. However, as a father, this pain keeps me awake at night."

Amrous thinned his lips, also feeling pained when thinking of Bilthazar's situation. "My Monarch, my Ruler, you must not think so negatively about the heir's state. Since the heavens ordained him themselves, then… they must have a way of preserving his life too."

Tacholla said nothing, only staring at the overly high-rise ceiling above his head.

After praying for several months now, he still doesn't know what they had in store for his son.

It's not that he wanted to think negatively, but as a ruler, his thinking was very realistic and clear.

He liked to consider the good and the bad, that way when the bad finally hits him, he won't collapse into a coma from sheer grief.

Still, he had to admit that a big part of him held hope, believing the heavens would never take his son away just yet.

'Please, Gods of my ancestors… If you have a plan to preserve his life, please do no now.'


Several loud banging noises clashed against Tochalla's grand door, causing him to jerk to his feet with a pale face.


Could it be a problem with his son, Balthazar? Has his condition grown worse than it already is?


Amrous had the same thoughts when seeing the guard rush into the room with a sweaty face.

No, it couldn't be about the heir's condition.

This guard has run a great deal to get here, meaning it was news related to their Mirvanna Kingdom!

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