I'm the king of scrolls at Hogwarts

Chapter 31 Chameleon (please seek monthly recommendation votes)

"That's true, but..." Hermione obviously still couldn't accept this statement. She was now a bit emo: "Forget it, I don't know how to describe it. In short, it just feels very inconsistent."

"Sometimes not thinking about anything is a kind of happiness." Louis raised his eyebrows and wrote down the dishes he wanted to eat on the card.

At this time, Harry had completely lost interest in playing chess. After losing to Ron quickly, he began to look at Jerry asking questions - God knows, he was the only one peeking through the crack in the door for countless difficult days. Cousin Dudley could find some comfort when he played Tom and Jerry on videotape.

Jerry does not reject this kind-hearted savior. Besides, he is one of those silly and bold people with social angst. Is he afraid of society? There was no such thing as that bad blonde woman who could make him feel the slightest bit of danger.

"I have to say, your mouse looks different from my Scabbers." Ron chewed an apple and commented to Jerry: "Oh my God, although he is different from ordinary mice, he is still the first time I have seen him. For a moment it reminds me of rats.”

With that said, he took out Banban from his arms: "Banban, let's go meet new friends."

"I should remind you that Jerry is more like your two brothers in terms of personality." Louis watched Jerry take out a skateboard shoe from nowhere, put Scabbers in it, and gave it to him as fast as lightning. Sliding from the top of the table to the end of the table, if not for Percy's quick eyesight and quick hands, Scabbers would have performed a flying squirrel performance.

"He is indeed as bad as George and the others." Ron took the mouse brought over by Percy and looked at it distressedly: "Oh, my poor Scabbers... He is so old and shouldn't be treated like this... "

"How old is it?" Louis asked deliberately.

"Eleven years old." Ron had obviously not recovered from his heartache. Louis also fully understood that after eleven years of companionship, Scabbers was like his family - even though he was Percy's rat before, he still Have fun with him too.

I just don't know what would happen if Ron knew that this rat was a short, fat man described as filthy.

Will you feel like vomiting?

"Eleven years?" Hermione interjected: "Well, are there really mice that can live as long as eleven years? I've heard that cats can live that long."

"I don't know, maybe it has a long life." Ron sighed.

Jerry was slapping his thighs and laughing heartlessly, with a classic laugh matched by the violin. Everyone no longer wondered why Scabbers was so alive. They all looked at Jerry, wondering how a mouse could make the sound of a violin while laughing.

"Mr. Mountbatten? Mr. Mountbatten?" Professor McGonagall's voice sounded from behind him. Louis looked back and saw Professor McGonagall with a serious face looking at him from a distance.

He quickly put Jerry in his pocket, went over and asked, "Professor, what do you want from me?"

"It's Professor Dumbledore who's asking for trouble. He's in the principal's office on the eighth floor." Professor McGonagall's expression was serious: "The password is 'Lemon Olaf'. You have to remember it."

"Okay professor." Louis answered simply: "But professor, I have a little question."


"I don't know the way..." Louis said innocently.

"Okay, come with me."

In the principal's room, Dumbledore was chatting with a portrait wearing a turban.

"I don't understand, Dumbledore, why you are so protective of him... Someone in school openly broke a classmate's legs. He should be directly..."

The tone of the portrait was extremely angry.

Dumbledore smacked his lips and said slowly: "Don't worry, Phineas, he is a Slytherin, well, he is also a pure-blood wizard."

"He should be listed as a key concern, damn it." Phineas Black made a 180-degree change in tone: "If he hadn't been forced to have no other choice, how could he have done something to his classmates? It must be like this , Dumbledore, ha... Slytherin's genius!"

Phineas looked smug and somewhat proud.

"The injured student belongs to your Black family." Dumbledore reminded kindly.

"Haha...Sirius is in Azkaban, Regulus is dead, how can the Black family still have descendants?" Phineas looked a little disdainful: "You are talking about Patrick, right? Haha, the adopted stinky mud - a Muggle half-blood, came to the Black family to beg for food?"

The look on his face was as disgusting as possible.

While they were chatting, the door to the principal's office opened, and Professor McGonagall walked in with Louis.

"Oh, look who's here, it's our Slytherin genius -" Phineas was happy from the bottom of his heart: "Elegance, it's so elegant, she is indeed our Slytherin genius!"

The corners of Professor McGonagall's mouth twitched, and she resisted the urge to lecture and exited the principal's office.

"That's enough, Phineas!" The one who spoke was another portrait, which showed a kind-hearted lady: "A first-year student can be so cruel and ruthless. You can forget about it without condemning him, but you are still praising him?"

"Don't worry, Delis." Phineas said nonchalantly: "Slytherin finally produces a genius, so don't scare our little classmate."

"You!" Principal Delis was obviously angry, and Phineas choked her to the point of being speechless.

She was an extremely good therapist during her lifetime. As the saying goes, a benevolent person has a heart, and she hated to see others get hurt.

"Okay, Ms. Delis, and Phineas, stop arguing." Dumbledore stopped the two of them arguing and looked at Louis: "Can I have lemon juice?"

"Okay principal, I just happened to have a little salty food this morning." Louis said cooperatively: "Low sugar, thank you."

It’s better to eat less sugar in the morning. If you eat too much, you’ll look like a little plum holding a water gun.

"Eating sweets is a happy thing." Dumbledore waved his hand, and a glass of ice-cold lemon juice appeared in front of the table. He stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation: "Sit down, Louis, can you tell me why you treat Black student like that?"

"His surname is not Black. That damn, dirty half-blood has simply stained the noble soul of the Black family!" Phineas shouted loudly.

Then he was tied to a chair by Principal Dai Lisi and several people, his mouth was tightly gagged, and he was still struggling in vain. It looked very interesting.

Lewis lowered his head and chuckled, and it took him a long time to react. He looked up at Dumbledore and replied with a smile: "Professor, I have no choice but to do so. Senior Black openly challenged your and Dean Snape's policies in the lounge, and also insulted his classmates. This incident was not directed at me. , and it is a challenge to the authority of you and Dean Snape."

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