I'm Repairing Immortal World

Chapter 69 Practitioner First! Lei Zhan!

Turning her eyes white, the round-faced girl who was limp and limp put down, and the white-clothed man got up and got off the bed.

The maid Yue'er hurried forward to help the young man in white change his clothes.

When the young man in white heard Yue'er's description, no surprise appeared on his face.

Instead, there was a hint of interest, and he smiled and said:

"The little Xuanyin Sect in Lingyue City has produced an interesting character! I really want to meet him and see what kind of people are raised in this small place?"

Although the tone of the young man in white was easy-going, there was a kind of pride in his bones.

Hearing that Young Master was interested in Xuanyin Sect, the maid Yue'er kept moving her hands, and at the same time told Young Master the information she had interrogated while doing business.

"Young Master, when I was out for activities these two days, I also inquired about the current information of Xuanyin Sect.

Currently stationed in Lingyue City is the transfer power hall of the Xuanyin sect. In the transfer power hall, there is a hall master, two protectors on the left and right, and nine altar masters!

Basically, all matters in the transfer power hall are presided over by the hall master. "

"The head of the transfer power hall, named Li Linxian, lives in Li's Mansion in Lingyue City. I haven't been able to meet him. I don't know how strong he is.

I have seen the left and right protectors, and both of them are at the level of Taoism.

One practiced the fire movement technique, and the other practiced the water movement technique.

As for the other altar masters, I have seen a few of them, and they are all unsightly. They are just ordinary people who know how to use spells, so they are not worth mentioning! "

After listening to the maid Yue'er's narration, the young man in white nodded and said:

"Hall Master Li Linxian! What a name!

The protectors are all at the Taoist level, so Li Linxian's strength is not that weak!

But with his strength, he dared to name him with the character of fairy, Yue'er, you said that I, Gu Qingsong, is too low-key! Ha ha! "

While talking, Gu Qingsong, the young man in white, could laugh himself.

Immortals are such a distant and unreachable existence.

This little hall master dared to name Lin Xian.

Gu Qingsong didn't know whether Li Linxian was ignorant or fearless, or had lofty ideals.

However, looking at Li Linxian's methods, Gu Qingsong felt that his time in Lingyue City would become very interesting.

If you have nothing to do, just play with him!


Time passed little by little.

In Lingyue City, the appearance of the relics of the immortal way set off a trend of exploring the relics.

All kinds of tools for exploration and weapons for self-defense are on sale.

Countless people have been fascinated by the treasures and immortal methods that may be contained in the ruins of the immortal way.

It doesn't matter whether you have the strength or not, just think about rushing and you're done.

On the night when the news spread, a group of courageous people took tools, weapons, and dry food, and embarked on a journey to find the relics of the Immortal Dao.

According to the route map, head towards the ruins of Xiandao.

For this group of adventurous people.

Others, some encouraged loudly, some watched coldly, and some kept mocking...

But without exception, they are not optimistic about them.

Hearing about this group of people, Chen Hao shook his head helplessly, and sighed:

"Hey! This group of people is doomed! The owner of the Tiger Martial Art Museum and those disciples, which one of them is weak, didn't they all die in the first-arrived ruins! Just these ordinary people, why do you think it is impossible to walk out of the fairyland alive? remains!"

Courage is commendable, but strength is too weak!


The first batch of people who dared to take risks set off, and those who had some ideas behind them began to move around.

But none of the Xuanyin sects thought about taking risks in the relics of the Immortal Dao.

Even if there is, the left and right protectors and altar masters will suppress their thoughts of taking risks.

One day, two days.

The first adventure team to set off did not send any news back.

Guessing what might happen, the heat of the immortal relics in Lingyue City cooled down a little.

Just at this time.

A group of people rushed into Lingyue City in a hurry, and went straight to Li's mansion.


A group of eighteen riders, holding high the "Zhan" flag, stopped in front of the Li Mansion in an orderly manner.

Leading a bearded man with his head held high reined in his horse, he laughed and shouted at Li's mansion:

"Li Linxian, my Baizhan Hall Lei Zhan is here!"

His voice was resonant and penetrating, and with just one shout, everyone in Li's residence heard his voice.

"Lei Manzi is here!"

Li Linxian, who was teaching Yingui Dabao's new spell, heard the voice resounding through Li's house, and put down the book in his hand in displeasure.

Get up and go out to meet Lei Zhan, the hall master of Baizhan Hall.


In the Tiger Martial Arts Hall.

Chen Hao is studying Yingui Dabao's spells under the guidance of Li Linxian.

The ghost emperor rules the true law of all spirits.

The name of this spell sounds lofty, and it claims to represent the omnipotence of the Ghost Emperor and control all ghosts.

But in actual practice, it means learning a little bit of the ghost emperor's power and controlling hundreds of ghosts.

Chen Hao couldn't figure it out, Li Linxian, as the head of the transfer power hall, almost allowed him to take the secret book Cultivation Technique of the Sutra Pavilion.

What kind of Cultivation Technique does not exist, why did Yin Gui Dabao learn this spell to control all ghosts?

Could it be that because Li Linxian has too many ghosts under his command, he can't control them, so he needs to find a subordinate to help him share the burden?

Chen Hao guessed wildly, but he didn't dislike this spell.

While controlling the slow performance of Yingui Dabao, it gave Li Linxian a sense of expectation.

While arranging the bronze mirror for raising ghosts in his hand, there are only a dozen ghosts left to hang up the phone repeatedly to practice this spell.

On the other side, Zhang Deshui and others are also hanging up the phone to practice Yimu to nourish Qi.

Anyway, it's a mid-grade spell, Chen Hao can't let it go.

While practicing, Chen Hao's maid walked into the house, interrupted his practice, and said:

"Young Master, over there in the transfer power hall, the hall master has sent a message, telling Young Master that you go to the Li Mansion to attend a banquet tonight."

Hearing this, Chen Hao was puzzled and asked.

"Banquet? What kind of banquet? There is so much chaos in Lingyue City recently, Li Linxian still has the time to hold a banquet? Who are you inviting?"

The green clothes replied: "I heard from the guard who delivered the letter that Lei Zhan, the master of the Baizhan Hall, came to Li's residence this morning! Li Linxian might be entertaining him!"

"Hallmaster of Bai Zhan Hall? Lei Zhan?"

From Zhang Zheng, Chen Hao learned a lot of information about Xuanyin Sect. Chen Hao has also heard about Baizhan Hall not far from Transfer Power Hall.

The Baizhan Hall is stationed in Qingshui City. The members of the hall take pleasure in fighting and are brave and aggressive. Many people form a team and commit crimes everywhere.

Lei Zhan, the hall master of Baizhan Hall.

It is said that he can rival Li Linxian.

Such a character, at this time, when the incident of the Immortal Dao Ruins was fermenting, brought the men of Baizhantang to Lingyue City.

Lei Zhan, what is this for?

Was it Li Linxian's idea?

Or did the news of the relics of the Immortal Dao spread to Bai Zhan Hall, and Lei Zhan came uninvited?

There was another dragon in the lake of Lingyue City, and the situation became more and more chaotic.


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