I'm Repairing Immortal World

Chapter 6 Tiger Martial Arts

On the third day after practicing the Xuanyin Ghost Control Technique.

In the morning, Chen Hao was arranging today's schedule while having breakfast.

There are not many rice noodles left at home.

Today I need to go to the market to buy some, and more importantly, to find out some information in the city.

Martial arts, prescriptions, and the Li Mansion that harmed the lives of the original owner's parents. As for the beggar old man who taught him the technique of controlling ghosts, Chen Hao selectively forgot.


The nearby alleys are all poor families, and the news is not fast. Many days ago, it was rumored in the alley that there were several rebellious thieves outside Lingyue City.

But until today, no Lingyue City has been breached, and even the news of bandits attacking Lingyue City has never been heard.

Is the thief a fake? But I heard from others that food prices are still rising.

It's almost a price a day.

Impossible, the news of this thief is used to scare people, right?

Whether there are thieves outside the city, Chen Hao is not too concerned.

He just wanted to go shopping in the city, look for a martial arts gym, and see if he could learn from a teacher and learn the skill of holding two hands.

The use of Xuanyin Ghost Control Technique is too harmful to the body. If he can find practical martial arts, Chen Hao is more willing to learn martial arts.

If you can solve the problem with your fists, it's better not to die.

After breakfast, clean up.

Chen Hao put all his belongings, including seventy taels of silver, in his bosom, and went out with a bamboo basket on his back.

Lingyue City, south of the city, has always been divided into residential areas.

A series of tight alleys, small houses, very crowded, 80% of ordinary people in Lingyue City live here.

When there are many people, the south of the city becomes the messiest place.

Therefore, in Lingyue City, the rich and powerful often choose to stay away from the messy place in the south of the city.

Leaving the south of the city, Chen Hao inquired and came to the north of Lingyue City, outside the Tiger Martial Arts Hall.

After inquiring all the way, Chen Hao knew that in Lingyue City, there were quite a few famous martial arts gyms. But if you want to come to learn martial arts, you need to pay a high registration fee.

The No. 1 Diancang Gymnasium in Lingyue City has the highest registration fee, requiring 100 taels of silver.

Chen Hao has saved it for so long, and he only has 70 taels, so he can't afford this expensive price at all.

Among the many martial arts gyms in Lingyue City, the Tiger Martial Arts Hall is in the middle class and has a good reputation. The registration fee is 30 taels, which is just within Chen Hao's affordability.

"What are you doing?"

When they came to the gate of the martial arts hall, the martial arts disciples standing guard immediately asked.

"My name is Chen Hao, and I'm here to learn martial arts from a teacher!"

Chen Hao replied immediately.

The disciple standing guard took a look at Chen Hao's clothes, he didn't look like a rich man, so he asked, "Come to our Tiger Martial Arts Hall to learn martial arts, the registration fee is 30 taels! Have you brought the money?"

"Bring it!" Chen Hao replied.

Hearing this, the disciple standing guard nodded and said, "Okay, come with me, and I'll take you to sign up!"

Following the guard disciples into the gate of the martial arts hall, bursts of grunts of martial arts training, as well as the clashing of fists and feet came to his ears.

Passing through the corridor, I saw a large group of men doing exercises in the spacious yard.

All of them are high-spirited, with thick bodies and strong legs, and through the ghostly eyes of ghosts, one can see the strong yang energy of each of these people.

Especially a tall man in the middle of the courtyard, with a burly figure and a hulking waist, performing a set of vigorous Fist Technique with his bare upper body.

The yang energy in his body is the most exuberant, and the ghosts in the urn are full of ghosts. And Chen Hao has a feeling that if Yin Soul is allowed to do it, he will probably "eat" it quite happily.

"Martial arts has been practiced like this, is it still an opponent of ghosts? Is there an end to martial arts?"

Comparing the strength of the ghost and the strong man, Chen Hao was a little puzzled.

While Yin Soul was looking wantonly, the burly man in the courtyard was trembling all over, feeling as if he was being targeted by some ferocious beast.

Looking back, it was a rookie who was brought to learn martial arts by his junior.

"Newcomer? Am I feeling wrong?"

The burly man scratched his head in doubt, surrounded by his juniors, he quickly lost his mind to think about such a trivial matter.

The strong man turned his head, and Chen Hao was startled.

Could he feel ghosts?

Chen Hao put away his contempt for martial arts, and carefully let the ghost return to the soul urn to shrink and stand by.

Following the guard disciples into the martial arts gym, the two came to the door of a room.

There is a table at the door, with pens and books on the table, but no one is seen on duty.

The disciple standing guard saw that there was no one in front of the table, so he shouted into the room.

"Senior Sister! Another newcomer is here to sign up!"

Not long after shouting, I heard a heroic female voice, accompanied by footsteps from far to near.

"I'm coming!"

A girl with a good-looking, heroic spirit walked out of the room, saw Chen Hao's eyes lit up behind the disciple standing guard, and said enthusiastically:

"Welcome to Tiger Martial Arts!"

Then he sat down at the table and patiently explained to Chen Hao: "There are rules in the martial arts school. If you want to learn martial arts with us, you need to pay money. Thirty taels of silver are only one month's tuition fee. You need to continue to pay. Of course, if you enter the martial arts gym and are bullied outside, you can report the name of our fierce tiger martial arts gym!"

Chen Hao nodded and said, "I understand the rules!"

The tuition fee is quite expensive, but the more important thing is to have the backing of the martial arts school!

Chen Hao could see at a glance the added value of the registration fee besides learning martial arts.


The senior sister said: "You pay the registration fee first, by the way, what's your name?"

Chen Hao took out a tightly wrapped cloth bag from his arms, and handed it to the senior sister respectfully.

"Senior Sister! My name is Chen Hao!"

The senior sister took the cloth bag, weighed it to know the weight, and stuffed it into her bosom, with a satisfied smile on her face.

He said politely: "Chen Hao, right? My name is Xu Ying. From now on, you can call me Senior Sister in the martial arts gym! Because in this Tiger martial arts gym, I am the strongest!"

"Also, Xiao Fei, you take Chen Hao to the house to get the turban of the martial arts hall, and explain to him other rules in the martial arts hall, and finally send him to the fifth junior brother, let him hand in the basic skills!"

"Yes ~ Miss Master!"

As a disciple on guard, Xue Fei reluctantly accepted the new task assigned by the elder sister, and led Chen Hao into the house.

There were a lot of sundries piled up in the room, Xue Fei casually took a red cloth belt from the shelf and handed it to Chen Hao.

Chen Hao took a look and saw a simple tiger head embroidered in the center of the red cloth belt.

"You can just pick a place to tie it on. Although this is a headscarf, it doesn't have to be tied on the head!"

Xue Fei reminded that after paying the money, he became more enthusiastic towards Chen Hao.


Fade Chen tied the scarf around his arms, it was bright red and looked pretty.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Brother Fifth to learn the basics!"

After taking the scarf, Xue Fei took Chen Hao out of the room.

Passing by the senior sister's desk, Chen Hao saw the senior sister was carefully counting the registration fee that Chen Hao had just handed in.

Senior sister, love money?

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