I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 93 You are using the holy sword to bully me, an old comrade who is still watching Souga TV,


The whole body was covered in scorched marks. Even though the Flame Dragon Armor blocked most of the damage, and even the Sun Sword blocked part of it, the power of the lightning, which had an energy level that was almost slurry, was still too terrifying.

That is not the power of the Lightning Man that White Bird now incarnates, but the lightning Man's power to guide the celestial phenomena of the earth that was changed by her, and in this spring season, the shocking thunder falls.

This blow caused Yanlong to kneel on the ground, making it difficult to stand up for a while.

The raging power of thunder and lightning swept through the whole body, beating intensively all over the body, making Yanlong unable to stand up at all.

The armor was in high fever, and the way of heaven itself was in paralysis.

After releasing such a terrifying blow, the clouds in the sky dispersed, there was no longer any thunder god, and even the lightning disappeared.

Except for the patter of rain and the completely spread clouds, there was nothing else. It was as if the scene that was so heavy that it seemed like the end of the world had just dissipated.

"Use all your strength in one blow." The lightning man fell from the sky. At this moment, she had also lost the power to freely control lightning. It was obvious that the previous blow had put a lot of pressure on her.

After the celestial phenomena dispersed, the Lightning Man's power was almost exhausted.

"You really deserve to be the protagonist of this story. Are you still alive up to now?" Shiratori released the Lightning Man's transformation, put the dial in her arms, and looked down at her half-kneeling on the ground. Yanlong.

"The last time I was in a derivative world, I used this power to kill a Kamen Rider who used armor."

Armor system? What is that?

As a "local" country bumpkin, Tiandao didn't know what Shiratori meant by the armor system.

But come to think of it, it should be the same existence as him?

"Okay, enough chatter." Shiratiao said. Under Tiandao's somewhat difficult gaze, a belt was revealed around her waist.

Different from the previous posture of using a dial to transform, this time Shiratori used a serious transformation tool instead of using the plundered power to transform with a dial like the Time Robber.

The orange-red belt is like fire, but it is not a normal flame, but more like a fire carrying deep sins.

On the left side of the belt, three sharp, scabbard-like shapes are interdependent and interconnected, forming a wing-like shape.

On the right side, the black and red handle is revealed, which fits perfectly with the belt without any mistakes.

"Hey, I didn't want this power originally. After all, the existence I hate the most is this kind of swordsman." Shiratori had a look of disgust on her face, but she had exhausted all her cards and now she can This is the only strength I can rely on.

"The price you pay for letting me remember this painful experience."

Raising his hand, a small square book appeared in Shiratiao's hand. On this book, there was a cover engraved with a bird fluttering its wings and about to fly, but its body was restrained by countless shackles. .

"I won't let you die so easily."

Opening the book, the palm-sized pages were lifted, and the mournful chirping of birds resounded in the ears of Tiandao and Shiratiao.

【Birds and Fish】

Shiratiao looked cold, closed the page of the book, and buckled it on his belt.

[A bird with a pair of wings wants to fly to the sky, but is trapped in a cage]

Shiratori sighed slightly.

【Draw the sword】

Holding the black-red handle, Bai Niao pulled it out, holding a sharp long sword with an evil aura in her hand.


As soon as the words were spoken, there were undulating wails and sad music played by the organ.

【Eternal Phoenix】

【nothingness! Empty and careless birds lead everything to nothingness! 】

The book placed on the belt was reopened, and a snow-white bird flew out from the book. With its feet wearing broken shackles, it still fluttered its wings and circled in the sky. It swooped down from high in the sky and landed on the white bird.

【Kamen Rider-White Bird】

The blue and white feathers swayed behind him, dragging two tail feathers. The originally black and red sword also had a glistening blue light. Behind it, the buttons of the ring went down layer by layer, covering the entire spine.

On the head, a pair of white feathers cover the eyes, fluttering about to fly.

In the mouth area, a black part acts like a yoke, locking the mouth.

The shackles still bound her limbs at her ankles and wrists, which seemed to indicate her identity.

Under the neck, a slender streak of red goes straight down like a thin rope, until it touches the intersecting blue and white stripes on the chest, and then spreads to the lower body.

Thin red lines crisscrossed each other, like wounds that were still oozing blood, filling the entire lower body.

Even the belt is full of such cracks.

"This is your real power!" It took a long time for Bai Niao to transform, and Tiandao also recovered slightly from the paralysis. He was no longer half-kneeling on the ground, but stood up again, looking straight at Now brand new White Bird.

"The bird in the cage has never seen the vastness of the sky." The white bird raised the sword in his hand: "However, it is the nature of the bird to yearn for the sky."

"Just like a moth flying into a flame, even if it is crushed to pieces, it must obtain the freedom to fly."

The sword swept across, and the blue sword energy whistled. Even if it did not hit Yanlong's body, the spreading sword energy would blow Yanlong up and land on the grass not far away.

"I don't know who wrote your story, but you, who are derived from the story of Kuga, can't fight against an existence like me." The two swaying tail feathers behind him swayed with the wind, and the white bird's sword touched the ground and followed closely.

"The gap between us is as long as twenty-two years!"

As soon as the words fell, the white bird's sword slashed down, and the black and red long sword carried blue light and shadow. In the sound of the bird's chirping, the sword fell.

The paralysis that swept Yanlong's body had not yet dissipated. He was stiff and could only watch the sword fall without any way.

Did death come to me at this moment?

The way of heaven was a little unwilling.

I didn't expect that I would have to die with a pure Yang body. This is...

Even though life and death were just a matter of seconds, Tiandao was still thinking about these random things in his mind. Even if he died in a moment, he was still...

At the critical moment, a blue-white stream of light appeared out of thin air and inserted itself in with lightning speed, hitting the sword of the white bird with just one blow.

The falling sword of the white bird was blocked, and the blue-white stream of light also flew backwards, and then...was caught by a pair of hands tied with black wrist guards.

The dark robe covered her whole body. In the drizzle, she was wearing a hood and only revealed the lower half of her face. She appeared here in a posture that no one noticed.

Tiandao stiffened his neck, and slowly turned his head like a stuck gear, and the image of the mysterious person behind him came into his eyes.

"Shiratori." A cold and plain voice without any emotion sounded, as if it was the coldness of the snow melting from the mountains, flowing down, but it was unusually cold.

"You" Shiratori stood firm and looked at the mysterious woman who suddenly appeared: "That sword"

Although the blue and white long sword was slender and different from the sword held by Shiratori, that sword was undoubtedly a holy sword.

And the person who could possess such a sword must be related to the group of swordsmen.

But. Shiratori herself existed in a certain story. Because of the fantasy omnipotent rampage, she broke away and came to the world outside the story, and wanted to take revenge on the swordsmen.

So she knew what she had done and knew her abilities.

So, after she broke away from the story, she chose to become a time robber, so that she could gain more powerful power to take revenge.

But although Shiratori didn't know the person in front of her, she felt familiar inexplicably.

As if she had seen her somewhere before.

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