I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 88 The Flash: Although there is only one letter difference and the abilities are different,

What? The Water Angel can lie with his eyes open, pointing at Sora and saying it was Agito. You, Gurongi, followed suit and pointed at Agito and said it was Sora, right?

The Earth Angel actually felt a little absurd for a moment, but the Water Angel could do such a thing, and he absolutely could not accept others saying it again.

"It is our mission to destroy Agito." The Earth Angel spoke again: "Gurongi, what you are doing has nothing to do with us, but Agito is not a power you can get involved in."

"Pay attention, think carefully, once you get involved in Agito's power, you will face the legendary gods including the seven angels!"

"And... the supreme god who created this world!"

"So... what that woman said is really true." The vulture, who originally had some doubts in his heart, completely put down his doubts after receiving such an answer from the Earth Angel.

The existence in front of him and everything it said were all things that their Gurongi did not know.

Moreover... the god of creation, this existence that sounds shocking, this kind of power...

"Woman?" The angel of the earth was stunned, but then, the figure that rushed out of the cave flew above the sky, flashing with flickering arcs all over the body, dotted with different sparks in the clouds.

On the azure figure, golden lightning leaped, like veins, crisscrossing on the blue body.

The hands and feet were decorated with black hand guards and long boots respectively, which were different from the blue body, but they were also the only places that were not wrapped by lightning.

The black loincloth looked extremely exposed.

Especially if this black color was regarded as clothes, then she...

There was a glimmer of thunder in the pale pupils, and the red eyebrows at the corners of the eyebrows were stuck out, like decorations. Against the blue bald head, they were like two forks, standing on the left and right.

The red cloak fluttered behind her, dancing in the wind rolled up by the clouds.

With his hands spread out on both sides, his bulging chest seemed to indicate his identity.

The rumbling sound of thunder continued, and a golden thunder suddenly fell, hitting the Earth Angel, forcing the Earth Angel to step back a few steps.

Before his feet touched the ground, endless thunder and lightning fell, turning this place into a thunder restricted area. The terrifying magnetic field enveloped the surroundings, and the existence of any creature was distorted in it.

The Earth Angel sensed some of the aura in the dark, locked on it, and took it as the main target of attack, causing its sixth sense to frantically warn.

Boom boom boom!

The terrifying thunderstorms fell from the sky one after another, and the Earth Angel dodged left and right, twisting his body with all his strength to avoid being hit.

But being in this twisted magnetic field, every action would cause the feedback of ions, which would then cause the Earth Angel to attract thunder again and strike down on his head.

The dark clouds hovering in the sky began to become more and more gloomy, and the power from nature and the power from the earth began to gather.

In the sky, lightning flashed, and the sudden strong wind mixed with the oppressive lead-colored clouds gave people a dull feeling like the end of the world.

"Is this your trump card?" Vulture looked at the posture of the white bird at this moment, silently calculating her current strength.

Manipulating the sky, summoning thunder anytime and anywhere, and even inducing the power of nature to construct a thunderstorm of terrifying scale, and this environment can feed back to her, blessing her strength and making her stronger.

Just by looking, Vulture couldn't imagine that in Gurongi, except Daguba, there was anyone else who could do this.

"This kind of power, this posture, but it existed before you." The voice of the white bird sounded again: "Do you really think that we, the time robbers, have no good things?"

"It seems that the wolf king's choice is right." The vulture slightly pinched his head: "Your trump card is this?"

"Guess." The white bird did not answer this question directly, and it was impossible to answer it directly.

As long as a person remains mysterious, no matter what he does, he will arouse the fear of others.

And the current cooperative relationship between Bai Niao and the Wolf King requires her to maintain this sense of mystery.

Trump card? How do you know how many trump cards I have?

"Are you sure you can catch that guy?" Vulture could not deny it and changed the subject: "I have a lot of questions that need it to answer."

"It looks like the two messengers of God who came are the Earth Honored One and the Water Honored One." Bai Niao raised a finger, pulling the rolling dark clouds in the sky, and a finger fell, and the lightning condensed by nature fell down with a bang, shining between heaven and earth, and in an instant, a terrifying explosion was created in the mountains and forests.

"As long as it's not the Thunder Angel, there's no problem."

The power used by the Thunder Angel is highly overlapped with the power of the Lightning Man she is now incarnated. When the abilities cancel each other out, that guy is the person Bai Niao least wants to meet now.

But the Earth Angel and the Water Angel are not taken seriously by her.

"Thank you for your hard work." Vulture said bluntly: "The Wolf King is now integrating the power of the Agito you mentioned, so he can't spare any time."

"Here, I can only count on you."

The White Bird didn't say anything, but glanced at the Vulture.

Are you planning to not send out any of the Gurongi that were created and transformed?

Do you really believe in me, or... do you want to use this to force me to reveal more cards?


As soon as the words fell, the continuous thunderstorm suddenly intensified, causing the Earth Angel, who had already adapted to it, to be hit by surprise.

Although it was only paralyzed for a short moment, more and more thunders followed and continued to bombard it, so that the Earth Angel was also wrapped in the jumping arcs in a short time.


The white bird, who had been planning to capture him alive, shouted in a low voice, and from the inside of the dark cloud, a circular arc flashing with thunder and light fell from the sky, as if it was going to cover the Earth Angel.

As the arc got closer, the urgency in the eyes of the Earth Angel became more and more intense.

What a joke, the Earth Venerable... is going to be captured alive? !

But in the next moment, the jumping arcs on the Earth Angel disappeared suddenly, and the Earth Angel regained control of his body in a moment.

Without time to think, the Earth Angel moved the rocks under his feet and pushed his body to dive under the earth.

Not far away, the water angel, who was still upside down, was also swallowed by the rock's "mouth opened" and sank into the ground like the earth angel, disappearing completely.

The electric arc circle fell from the sky, leaving a circular arc of burnt black marks on the ground, but failed to catch the object it was supposed to catch in the end.

"Escaped?" Shiratori's tone was very subtle: "The power of the earth angel is really strong, can't you be captured like this?"

But Shiratori didn't care. The exposure of the power of the lightning man was enough to shock Gurongi, so there was really no need to catch the earth angel.

Again, don't think that there are only earth and water. If you really kill these two, the remaining angels are not easy to deal with.

Shiratori didn't intend to let herself provoke.

Besides, she had more important things to do now.

"Kuga... you are now... the weakest time!"


After learning about the situation of the fifth generation from Ichijo, Tendou almost drove the light and shadow horse in the sky and came to the Tokyo Medical University Hospital at the fastest speed.

He canceled his transformation while still in mid-air, fell to the ground in human form, and rushed to the hospital.

Outside the emergency room, Tiandao found Ichijo waiting there.

"What happened? Godai... He was fine before!" Tiandao asked hurriedly: "Didn't he go after another unidentified life form?"

"With Godai's current strength and the self-healing ability of that belt, Godai..."

They had just parted ways, but in the blink of an eye he was lying in the emergency room. Tiandao found it hard to accept such a thing.

"In addition to Godai, another dead person was found at the scene." Ichijo looked heavy.

"We can only find the reason from the autopsy report."

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