I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 828 The God of Gaming is finished. I have been contaminated by a string of game codes that a

Chapter 828 Game God: It’s over, I’ve been contaminated by a string of game codes that transcend the times!

"What is the name of our city?"

Before Haidong regained consciousness, he looked at his own attire. Not to mention anything else, the knight uniform alone was enough to explain his identity.

And he could feel that he was not blind, but he was wearing an eyepatch for no reason.

I don’t know who he is in the game, that is, what the captain of the cavalry team wants to do.

Wearing a silver long sword on his back, with its wings as sword grids, the whole sword looks like a Pegasus that is about to flap its wings and fly high.

The wrist guards are wrapped in iron armor, and the game cartridge worn around his waist shows the fact that he has power.

And Haidong can feel him. As long as he wants, he can take out a transformer at any time, and it is exactly the same driver as the Exide series.

In other words, since you have come to the game world, do as the Romans do, and become the Kamen Rider of the Exide series in this world.

"Mond." Kado Yashi took down a bottle of wine from the shelf behind him without any care, opened it and poured himself a glass, without any intention of giving it to Haidong: "It sounds like a Western-style wine." A city in a fantasy world, I feel like this should be more suitable for Hongdu.”

"You are discriminating against vampires, right?" Haidong twitched his lips: "Shi, I know that like Tiandao, you also chose a pseudonym in this world, but I really want to know what will happen to you who came to this world early. How many back-ups have been arranged?”

"Guess it." Kado Yashi said "hmm", not wanting to speak at all, but shaking the wine glass in his hand with a satisfied look on his face: "You have to know, I entered this place ten years in advance. Game world."

"Ten years ahead of time?" Haidong was stunned: "Is the time flow rate in the game world different from that in the normal world?"

"Of course, one day in the real world and about five days in the game world." Kado Yaji gave an accurate answer: "Don't underestimate the power of the game god. In the field of games, do you think he doesn't have this ability? "

"A pure game god cannot do such a thing." Haidong replied: "Did he merge with Tan Zhengzong?"

"You need to find out the answer to that kind of thing yourself." Kado Yashi smiled: "The captain who protects this city, and Tiandao who will definitely become a brave man."

"Oh~ By the way, just a friendly reminder."

Kado Yaji drank all the red wine in the glass. Although he was in the game world, the refreshing feeling of drinking red wine still remained in his mouth, which fascinated him.

"The God of Games is now in a ruins, and"

"The evil dragon under his command is coming soon."


The doubts that surfaced in my mind did not last long. Soon, a blue storm fell from the sky, wrapped around the entire city, and turned into a wind barrier, isolating the city from the outside world.

Just like being in the eye of the storm, although the city is still calm, the pool of water around it is being swept up to the sky, becoming a unique color in the swirling storm.

A huge black shadow hovered in the clouds. Its waving wings made it impossible to see its specific image. Only a dark shadow loomed, giving people living in this city great pressure.

"As long as the brave man doesn't come for a day, something like this will happen every day." Men Yashi squinted. The changes in the sky were obviously nothing special to him. He had become accustomed to it over the years.

"When do you think he will visit the city?"


Isn't that guy as unpredictable as you? How could I know when that guy would come?

In this world, you two are the only ones who have a clear understanding of each other!

At this time, a certain brave man who was being placed high hopes by people in Haidong and the whole city, now with the power of the wind element many times, not only gradually became familiar with the various magical uses of wind, but also continuously developed Lots of new tricks.

The time required for Tiandao to adapt to a certain kind of power is very short. As long as it is a power he can use and it takes no more than ten minutes to get started, he will be able to perform well and there will basically be no problem of lack of experience.

Just like a veteran.

And the person who also has this ability is Ichijo.

As long as the firearm is in Ichijo's hands, within ten minutes, Ichijo will be able to quickly master it and display the accuracy of a sharpshooter to deal the most severe blow to the enemy.

The two heroes from Nagano Prefecture were a must-choice for the ban back then.

"How many earth veins have been cleared in total?" Looking at the level 12 sign hanging above his head, Tiandao nodded with satisfaction.

"16." Melina obviously had records about this in her system, and she gave the answer very simply.

"What, I've been chasing the earth veins all the way, where did this come from?" Looking at the scenery around me that was completely different from the place where I first landed, although it was still the sea and the beach, the mountains standing not far away were More.

And on the distant sea, he could feel a looming sense of crisis.

Obviously, there are existences in that sea that are beyond the scope of what he can solve now.

"You have separated from the country of the Wind God and are now standing on the land controlled by the Rock God." Melina gave the answer: "Are you going to find the statue of the Rock God and obtain the power of [Rock]?"

"Although I don't know how wind and rock can be connected, it's here." Even if you use your smart mind, you can't figure out how to use the wind element and the earth element together.

But even though they can't converge, the same sentence remains.

I've come here, how can I prove that I've been here if I don't pick up some wool?

So under the leadership of Melina, Tiandao found the rock god statue standing on this land and obtained the power of the earth from it.

That is to urge the rocks to gather the power of the earth's veins.

He picked up an earth-yellow game cartridge, and Tiandao didn't intend to use it. Instead, he turned around and walked towards the land of the wind god again.

He has already found a lot of the divine power scattered on the earth by the God of Wind. As long as he works harder, he can find all the divine power.

Then you can increase your stamina bar!

Nothing is more important than increasing your stamina bar!

Even if it is an upgrade, it is just a way to find it!

This day and night of trekking through mountains and rivers, eating and sleeping in the open, was nothing unfamiliar to Tiandao. With his strong adaptability and the fact that he was not a weakling, it didn't matter even if he lived in the wild.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are no mosquitoes at night in this game world.

Eh! You have no idea how joyful it is to be in a dense forest without mosquitoes.

In the swaying campfire, Tiandao roasted rabbits to eat, while Melina sat on the branches of the big tree, looking into the distance.

"Lord Tiandao, if you want to break through this planet-level game world, you may need a power comparable to that of an invincible player." Melina held her chin with one hand and said casually: "Not even a power that surpasses that of an invincible player. Not necessarily."

"What is an invincible player?" Tiandao asked.

"Literally, an existence that is absolutely invincible in the game world." Melina shook her head: "I'm sorry, you have destroyed and recreated a world, and now, you have to do such a thing again."

"Perhaps this is the price you pay for becoming a king. With what foundation you set foot on this road, the end of the road and all the suffering along the way have been doomed from the beginning."

"That's what you said." Tiandao rolled his eyes: "What about the person who dreams of becoming the Gyro King?"

"Practice your gyro skills to the point of perfection, defeat the gyro tyrant, and become the king respected by everyone!"

Heavenly Way:.

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