I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 823 Brothers, this is really about to start.

"Even a nasty bug is better than an uninvited thief."

Tiandao didn't care what Haidong called him. After all, his trouser pockets were not clean. He could have said something to him that he couldn't refute.

Explanations are useless, it is better to blow yourself up.

"Miss Melina is going to get the real witch knight dial. Do you think that's okay?" Haidong did not refute the truth told by Tiandao. After all, who else would give him the title of a running thief?

But Melina... With this woman's vicious reputation, Haidong, like most people, had great distrust of her.

"If she can't get back the Witch Rider Dial, what's the use of you and me?" Tiandao asked back: "Don't look at me like that. I definitely trust Melina more than you. ah!"

"...I don't want your Space-Time Demon Machine and Space-Time Mobile Phone anymore." Haidong Dashu said angrily: "Since ancient times, the treasures that have come into my hands have not been returned yet!"

"You regard the Space-Time Demon Machine and the Space-Time Mobile Phone as treasures?" Tiandao asked.

"Devices that can freely travel through time and space and mobile phones that can communicate across time and space are treasures no matter how you look at them." Although this kind of thing is basically standard equipment for the Time Robbers and the Time and Space Administration, it has never been available outside. A little homeless.

Other people wandering outside many worlds can only look at the Space-Time Demon Machine but cannot touch it.

Including Haidong.

Although he didn't need it very much, there was no reason to return the treasure once it fell into his hands.

"Tsk, I knew you would be like this." Tiandao curled his lips, not showing an angry look, but smiled crookedly as he had expected: "Why don't you take a look now, do you still have those two things?"


He immediately took out the key to drive the Space-Time Demon Machine and the Space-Time Phone. In front of Haidong, the appearance of these two treasures gradually faded, turning into blank bit by bit, from real entities to nothingness. , just in Haidong's palm, passing completely.

Xukong clasped his fingers, feeling the emptiness of no objects in his palms. Haidong turned his head and looked at Tiandao in disbelief.

"It's so simple to use your mind to materialize an identical key." Tiandao knocked on his head and couldn't help but smile: "And the power of mind can also travel through time and space."

"Is that why I don't have any doubts?" Haidong sighed: "You guy... Sure enough, you are the most..."

"Is that ability to materialize objects called mental energy? Is this the reason why you were able to create weapons at will?"

Abandoning his own definition of treasure, Haidong smoothly switched his target to Tiandao, aiming at this living person.

It's just robbing people, and Haidong doesn't have much psychological burden on it.

But Kaidong didn't expect that as soon as these rhetorical questions came out, Tiandao became more convinced that the Kaidong tree in front of him was just the Kaidong tree in "Heisei Knight Chronicle", not the Kaidong he knew.

Maybe he knows the Plate Masked Man, but the Plate Masked Man in "Heisei Knight Chronicles" is him, but not him.

So based on this calculation, even if Kadoyaji really appears in this world, it is indeed not the Kadoyashi he knows.

...Tsk, this way I feel like my desire to hit him has been reduced a lot.

"Yes, you can use your own willpower to materialize items, including weapons or mechanical creations." Tiandao smiled: "The heart of belief is magic. As long as you believe you can do it, you can definitely do it. arrive."

"Every power beyond the ordinary world is the power of miracles, which can bring about an unimaginable future. If you don't believe it, such miracles will never appear."


Before the next words were finished, Melina opened the door and walked in. Catching the attention of both of them, she walked in with empty hands. Under the surprised and playful gazes of Tiandao and Haidong, Melina spoke.

"There was a small situation." Melina came to Tiandao's side: "The God of Games appeared in 2014 and turned the entire world into a game world."

"I used the Book of Omniscient to block the impact of His actions on the future, but the sin it committed against the movement of time and space needs to be corrected."

"Game God?" Tiandao showed a confused look in his eyes as expected: "Who is it?"

"Kamen Rider - the final BOSS of the Exide world, completely expands the game world and encompasses the terrifying power of the entire planet." Kaito, as Kaito of the King of Time world, naturally knows the story of Kamen Rider that happened before. Very detailed, he quickly introduced the existence of the game god to Tiandao.

"The final boss of Exide in 2017 went to 2014?" Tiandao held his forehead, feeling an unusual headache: "Isn't this the future interfering with the past, and time and space are completely messed up?"

"Swaruz should have done it." Melina gave the name of the mastermind behind the scenes: "He should have had another adventure after being separated from the control of the Book of Omniscient. Now he should have become stronger and his goals are clearer. ”

"Destroying the King of Time's world may no longer satisfy him."

"Ambition expands step by step along with strength. Now, he doesn't know how far he has expanded."

"It doesn't matter, let's go to 2014." Tiandao waved his hand: "Since it is the final BOSS of Exide, then Exide's power is a must."

"It seems I have to go back."

He was just filling in for the three real protagonists, Sougo and the others, but for some reason, he felt that he had more things to do and now he just wanted to be a hands-off boss.

The stage built in this world was not for him, but for Tokiwa Sougo. His position has always been a supporting role and it has never changed.

So this journey to the past, no matter what, must take the real trio with him.

So as soon as he got home, Tendao immediately told Tsukuyomi about the situation. In a short while, Gates, who was wrapped in bandages and Sougo, who was covering his head, also came together as listeners to feel the story without them.

Wuqi's solution opened the eyes of the three people. In addition to fighting, there is also this method of controlling people's hearts. It really opened the eyes of the two who have never been to school and one who is a poor student. They said it was awesome.

But then, the huge disaster brought by the game god, which almost destroyed time and space, made the three people look solemn.

"Why? The gaming god of 2017 is going to destroy the era of 2014. If it succeeds, won't it also wipe itself out?"

This is a classic time and space paradox. If the world was destroyed in 2014, how can you, the gaming god of 2017, survive?

The world has already ended in 2014.

"Swartz jumped out of the Book of Omniscience in a way I don't know. Maybe he also has a way to circumvent this paradox." Melina gave the answer: "The God of Games invited us to 2014 to play a game."

"Gates, didn't you say you haven't played such a backward game?" Tiandao joked: "Now you can play the game that is closest to the future."

"You are really in the mood to joke." Gates rolled his eyes skillfully: "The most important thing now is to defeat that God of Games."

"That's right, so we have to go together this time." Tiandao nodded: "But, Tsukuyomi, you have to wait a moment."

"I want you to give this to Hosho Eimu." Picking up the dial of Exide and handing it to Tsukuyomi, Tiandao said solemnly: "This is a safety mechanism. If we can't pass the game set by the God of Games, you give this to Eimu."

"If it's him, it will definitely work."

Although he didn't spend a long time with Eimu, even if he relied on ordinary people before, he could find the secret door to the game world.

He is undoubtedly a great god in the field of games.

"Okay." After taking the dial from Exside, although Tsukuyomi was a little late again, she also knew that she was originally positioned as a logistics person.

At this time, it should be used as an insurance.

"The Crozier dial must be taken away." Gates added: "If it is left here, Aberruth will never give up."

After taking all the weapons and equipment that need to be carried, Tendao, Kaito Daiki, Melina, Tokiwa Sougo, and Mingguangyuan Gates, the five of them, took the time and space magic machine and went to 2014 together.

An immersive virtual game covering the whole world is waiting for them to explore.

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