I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 817 815 Feiyu Zhenzhen I now sneeze 100,000 times a day on average, 80,000 of which are caus

Chapter 817 815: Fei Yuzhen: I sneeze an average of 100,000 times a day, 80,000 of which are caused by the Holy Lord scolding me.

"It's actually like this..."

By inferring from the omniscient and omnipotent book, and inferring the specious Kuuga world and the missing Kaito world and Tokio world in the book "Heisei Knight Chronicles", the Holy Lord easily obtained a future.

The only possible future that he constantly refined and reduced in his deductions, and finally reached, was also the most possible future.

The book that is all-knowing and all-powerful is not really all-knowing and all-powerful, just like there is no real wife in the wife cake. Even though a book that claims to be all-knowing and all-powerful, after all, there are things that it doesn’t know and can’t do.

Remake this world. Such a thing cannot be accomplished by a book, not even Shenshan Feiyu Zhen can do it.

And the Holy Lord's inference is just that he knows what happened in this world.

"Interesting... Is "Chronicle of the Heisei Knights" already a useless book?" Looking at this huge book in front of me, which sustains the entire world, this extremely important book for the current world is being advertised at this moment. The Holy Lord became even more interested in unnecessary things that didn't need to exist.

"Kūga's departure is by no means ordinary, but inevitable." The Holy Master looked at everything shown in the omniscient and omnipotent book: "Showa's destiny was cut off by one person, so the glory of Showa is all gathered in one person at this moment. body."

"The independent world of emptiness leaves only a fake body, and the inner true self has long since disappeared."

"If my prediction is correct, Kuuga..." The Holy Lord smiled and immediately found the accurate answer: "It should also be undergoing a new development in another world!"

"Carrying the glory of the Showa era on my back, and still living in the world of Kuuga, becoming the beginning of Heisei with the real Kuuga..."

The Holy Master closed the book, opened his hands and shouted: "A genius idea! An unparalleled idea of ​​​​saving the world! This is definitely not a solution that Shenshan Feiyu can really think of!"

"There must be someone behind all this!"

After being happy, the Holy Lord flipped through the book of omniscience and omnipotence, carefully searching for possible answers in the book.

What he wants is not the vast majority, but a very small part.

"Let the person who bears the glory of the Showa stand at the beginning of the Heisei era, and then develop with the historical development of Heisei, and finally transition to the final Tokio."

"At that point, "The Chronicle of the Heisei Knights" is already redundant. Because the real world, from Showa to Heisei, the perfect history and world has been born!"

"Such a grand and far-sighted plan is definitely not something that short-sighted man like Shenshan Feiyuzhen can come up with!"

The book of omniscience and omnipotence was flipping through in front of him, and the Holy Lord suppressed the excitement in the corners of his eyes. This was the excitement and joy that he could not get from the Feiyu Zhenshu of the Holy Mountain, which he already felt tired of. It made him find the first time he looked at it in the past. The kind of joy and cheerfulness that comes from the heart at this time of life.

The book of omniscience and omnipotence has no ending. Since it is omniscient and omnipotent, there is no possibility of ending.

There will always be new worlds born in this world, and there will always be new possibilities born in this world.

So as an omniscient and omnipotent book, there is naturally no possibility of an ending.

But...no, the Holy Lord searched for a long time in the book of omniscience and omnipotence, but could not find any trace of who formulated this plan or even promoted the plan.

This is just like what he said before, even if he is omniscient and omnipotent, there are still things he doesn't know and can't do.

The person who made this plan is someone who is not known by the omniscient and omnipotent book. Even until now, no one should know that there is such a being in this world, leading such a plan.

"Interesting! Very interesting!" But instead of disappointing the Holy Lord, it actually made the Holy Lord find it more interesting.

Things that can be easily found and seen have no appeal to him. Only by trying his best to find and explore can he be excited.

"No matter who you are, no matter where you are hiding!" The Holy Master grabbed the book of omniscience and omnipotence and smiled sarcastically: "I will definitely find you!"

Although he still needs to return to the book "Kamen Rider - Holy Blade" to continue playing his original role, the Holy Master no longer cares about it.

Enough acting, now he has to decide to do his own thing!

"The person who wants to implement this plan...should be there." Put away the book of omniscience and omnipotence. At this moment, the book is useless. It's time to make your own guesses.

"In order to ensure the smooth execution of the plan, and even to ensure that the guy who cut off Showa's destiny will indeed embark on this path, so you will definitely stay by that person's side and stay in the new world to hide yourself!"

The person who cut off the destiny of Showa and inherited the glory of Showa is the God of the Holy Mountain.

The man who fought alongside Kuuga and became the beginning of the Heisei Knights was also Kamiyama Tendo.

The world may be confused by the identity of the so-called steel masked man, or the person chosen by Melina, and cannot see the truth, but the Holy Lord is different, he is keenly aware of things that are not noticed by others.

"You're in the new world, right?!"

After confirming that the other party must be in the world where the Holy Mountain Tiandao is located, the Holy Master grinned and smiled particularly brightly.

Shenshan Feiyuzhen, you are blind!

After all, it is my Holy Lord who is one step faster!

"I found a teammate for you."

This is what Swartz said after he found Abelroot again.

"In addition, there is something I must tell you in advance." Swartz stroked his chest, where he could still feel the pain left by the steel masked man.

"The steel masked man has also appeared."


"He is a hero of the same era as Kuuga. Legend has it that he is not a masked rider, and the Time Robber has never found this person." Swartz snorted coldly: "He is indeed very strong, and I didn't expect that he would be so similar to Decade."

Abelroot: "Let's not talk about who the steel masked man is, what teammate did you find for me?"

Abelroot, who has always fought alone, really didn't expect that he would need teammates.

But thinking of the previous battle between him and Gates, although he took advantage of the situation to turn defeat into victory, the next time they meet, Gates will definitely not give him a chance to recover.

The first kill was not achieved, and the next time they meet, Gates will definitely make up for it.

And at that point, he would be the unlucky one.

Plus there is a Zi-O who is not much weaker...

Maybe he really needs a teammate?

"Let's get to know each other, both of you." Swartz clapped his hands, and in the door opened by the time clock, a new but familiar figure appeared in front of Abelut.

The moment this figure appeared, a strange feeling emerged in Abelut's heart.

It was a kind of suppression from the level of life, and it was the life and death control of the higher life over the lower life.

In the past, Abelut was the one who controlled, but now, Abelut has become the one who is controlled.

"Only one step away from the ultimate, but already a strong man with the ultimate power." The visitor only glanced at Abelut, and then stopped looking, because he had seen through the other party's nature.

"Another alien."

"You are..." From Abel's perspective, this guy exudes a sense of inner sea all over his body, not that he is full of loyalty, but that he is a cyborg.

But this transformation is stronger than his transformation. Although he is not proficient in this, his own vision also makes his methods not much worse.

But compared with the existence in front of him, it is really embarrassing.

"Yueying, this is Abel." Swartz's introduction made the identity of the man in front of him jump out and become an established fact: "He is the Kamen Rider who possesses the power of the black hole and is after Decade."

"That doesn't matter!" Yueying said gloomily: "I have only one goal."

"Extinction Mountain!"

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