I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 814 Who says the steel masked man can’t be my Kadoyashi? !

"From your appearance just now, you must have experienced a round of failure."

What he said before that the fish had been hooked was not false. The man took back the rod and put the fish into the red bucket beside him.

He said this to the man beside him while doing the action, highlighting the confidence unique to a fisherman.

"Huh, who are you?" Wuer was unwilling to talk to an ordinary person casually, especially the unknown guy in front of him.

If he was really just a fisherman, he would not bother to pay attention.

But the magenta camera and the shape made Wuer inexplicably concerned.

"It's just a passing fisherman, remember that." The man cast the hook again and smiled: "You just had disordered breathing, frowned, and the panic in your eyes. I can tell at a glance that you have experienced something terrible, or even escaped death."

"Before you..." The man turned his head slightly and looked at the man beside him who was difficult to distinguish between male and female: "You were running for your life."

"You!" Wuer put down his hands hugging his chest and looked at him carefully: "Did you appear here on purpose to wait for me?"

"Don't joke, how can I know that you are here in advance and wait for you here." The man waved his hand and sneered.

"It is fate that makes you appear in front of me, and I also know that you must need help."

"If I need help, will you help me?" Wuer came to the side of the man, looked at the fishing line that was fluctuating on the water, and smiled unconsciously: "Now."

"If you want, of course." The man smiled: "Why don't you tell me first, what do you need help with?"

"I have two friends, they have both found the most important goal for themselves, only I haven't found it yet." Wuer leaned over and looked at the sparkling water below. This uncalm water surface is just like his heart at the moment.

It seems that through here, you can see the faces of the two guys.

"Either I choose to rely on one of my friends and be hostile to the other friend, or I will be independent and become the enemy of both of them." Wuer exhaled: "How about it, do you want to help me? What can you do for me?"

"Of course, it is to give you someone you can rely on." The breeze blew, but it was enough to lift the man's open small suit, exposing the belt he wore around his waist.

Ur was particularly sensitive to the power of Kamen Rider. Although the belt was only slightly exposed, it was enough for him to notice it.

Let’s not talk about the color for now. Among Kamen Riders, only one person could be said to have the same familiar style.

“You are!”

Ur’s eyes changed. When he saw the man’s appearance this time, he no longer looked at him as before, but looked forward to it.

The man who was fishing was also looking forward to Ur’s answer.

“Kamen Rider-Decade!” Ur said the name of the man in front of him: “You are Kamen Rider-Decade!”


Ur’s happy words had not yet fallen, and the man immediately interrupted Ur’s continuation.

“My name is Kamiyama Tendō, and I am the only steel plate masked man in the Heisei era!”


Ur’s originally happy smile had not yet faded, but he suddenly heard that his answer was rejected, and it was even very different from his own answer, which made his face sluggish for a moment.

But after coming to his senses, Ur immediately wanted to refute.

What a joke, do you think I don't know Kamen Rider Decade?

With that style and the camera just now, you are definitely Kamen Rider Decade!

"Tsk, I knew you didn't believe it." The man clapped his hands, stood up and handed the fishing rod in his hand to Ur's hand: "So I will prove to you that I am the Steel Masked Man."

As he said, he patted Ur's shoulder, and under the latter's somewhat dazed gaze, he came behind him and blocked a guy who followed the trail for him.


Swartz leaned against the wall. He came here a long time ago and saw what happened here clearly. He also knew what choice Ur made now.

"It seems that you have also found the person you want to serve."

"The only Steel Masked Man in the Heisei era? It is indeed very valuable." Looking at the guy in front of him, although Swartz thought it was Kadoya Kadoya at the first sight, but since this guy claimed to be the Steel Masked Man, maybe it is indeed not certain.

After all, the Steel Masked Man is only a legend, and no one has ever seen the existence of the Steel Masked Man.

Even the Time Robber has never seen it, and it is a figure that only exists in legends.

Maybe the Steel Masked Man is really like this?

"Swaruz, what nonsense are you talking about!" Ur immediately gave his answer: "I obviously..."

"Serve or not, if you haven't made a choice yet, I will prove to you that I am worthy of your trust." The Steel Masked Man took out the first card from the card box on his waist, and the transformed posture was more like Decade. He knocked on the edge of the card.

"Just use my power."

"Don't blink, look at me, this is the legendary posture that you can only see once in your life, the true appearance of the Steel Masked Man." Insert the card in your hand into the driver on your waist, and the voice that was read instantly will be broadcast immediately.

[Steel Masked Man]

"henshin." Pushing the driver with both hands, the blurred pixels gradually gathered in the changing light and shadow, and finally condensed into one, turning the illusory existence into reality.

[Masked Driving]


The driver on the waist suddenly changed its appearance and turned into a camera. Similarly, the red and white armor still became red and white, but there was a huge difference.

Although the transformation posture is exactly the same as Decade, the corresponding result after the transformation is completely different from Decade. The one who appeared in front of Swartz at this moment is indeed not a Kamen Rider.



Because the existence of the Steel Masked Man is just a legend, no one is sure what the Steel Masked Man looks like.

But from the perspective of Ur and Swartz, none of the Kamen Riders in the Heisei era fits the appearance in front of them.

So, is it really the Steel Masked Man?

Although it is a bit unbelievable, the facts are in front of them, and it seems that they cannot refute it.


At the moment when the Xingtian Armor appeared, Tiandao immediately felt something in his heart at this end of the city, and sensed a familiar breath wandering between heaven and earth.

It felt like a part of himself appeared somewhere.

[You are not wrong, it is the breath of the Xingtian Armor]

Inside Tiandao's body, Yatales, as a temporary part, gave Tiandao an appropriate answer.

[Although it is somewhat specious, it should be in a different world, in order to adapt to the corresponding changes in this world]

[But there is no doubt that it is indeed the Xingtian Armor]

"Xingtian Armor?" Tiandao repeated these four words, and the expression on his face gradually became subtle: "No way, as far as I know, there is only one person who can use the Xingtian Armor."

"That guy, also came to the world of Zi-O?"

Tiandao said that it was not the Decade of Zi-O world, but the Decade he knew, because he knew that the two were essentially different.

The Decade he knew had an entangled relationship with him, but the Decade of Zi-O world, like the fifth generation of this world, probably didn't know him.

The one who can use the Xingtian Armor must be the Kadoya Shi that I know.

[The similarity between the two worlds is indeed very high, no wonder Miss Melina was able to summon me through that book]

The high similarity means that the conflict of power will be minimized when crossing, and it will be easier to travel back and forth.

[Speaking of which]

Yatales suddenly asked.

[When will you go to the Ultra Universe]

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