I'm really not Kamen Rider

Chapter 811 809 Gates Ten Thousand Feet Dragon My senior, please lend me your power! (The flat king

Chapter 811 809: Gates: Senior Wan Zhang Long, please lend me your power! (The King of Defiance borrowed the title of King of Defiance, which belongs to

It seems that the battle between super-research and super-research is going on in the normal world, but in fact it is just a gorgeous handover in a world like mirror flowers and water moon.

This battle may not have been noticed by me who was immersed in the battle, but those watching from the outside were clearly aware of it all.

The Time Tribulators were also in the middle of the situation. Under Haidong's watchful eyes, their positions were left on the scroll, and they also jumped up, becoming an established fact.

Even under the shock wave generated by the collision between the two sides, Melina described the methods used by the three time robbers to escape from the scene before they escaped.

Guardian of the Book of Omniscient, the gold content of these eight words can only be truly understood by seeing it with one's own eyes.

"If you want to enter it, you can. I will choose an appropriate time for you to go in." Melina kept moving her hands, but she was able to distract part of her attention to Haidong.

"Of course, you don't need me to tell you the consequences of getting involved."

"I don't know." Haidong spoke quickly, one step ahead of others in rebutting this, and spoke quickly.

"Become a character in my writing." Melina has not yet included Haidong in the painting. That is because the Haidong department has not agreed yet, so...

"I am silent now, can you know what my future will be like?"

Haidong's eyes condensed slightly, and he spoke with a pretentious attitude: "Now, only I know my thoughts. What answer will be given to my choice in the book of omniscience?"

Melina did not answer, but kept her head buried, writing furiously, as if she had not heard a word of what Haidong just said.

Haidong didn't speak, just waiting for Melina's answer.

Of course he had an accurate answer in his heart as to whether he should go or not, but he had to give the woman in front of him a try at this time.

After about two or three minutes passed, Haidong, who felt that he had indeed been ignored, twitched the corners of his mouth and spoke reluctantly: "Okay, it seems my choice..."

"Isn't this right? Why do you think I ignore you?" Melina suddenly said: "Because I have already understood the answer in your heart, so I ignore you."


If I wanted to go, I wouldn't be holding back until now, or even have this attitude, right?

Did you see it from the book of omniscience, or did you see it from my expression?

You woman...

There is no need to say more about Haidong's entanglement for the time being, but in the world described by Melina, the final showdown is about to begin.

The round shield on the arm armor blocked the surging punch, and the impact on the round shield caused countless ripples to spread in all directions.

Albert immediately noticed something was wrong, but he pulled back in an instant. The next second, the force he hit on the round shield turned around and turned around, and the entire shield emitted a strong light.

In an instant, a red beam as bright as blood shot straight into the sky.

If Albert hadn't been running fast, he would definitely have been hit by this move.

"Take the move!"

Stomping the ground with one foot, the ground beneath his feet was shattered. Countless gravels rose into the sky, and were completely gathered in front of him by Gates, turning into an earthy yellow sphere in the blink of an eye.

With a punch, the materialized earth ball immediately flew forward. The material was made of broken gravel, without any accompanying strong factors. It was just a mixture of stone and earth.

So it was no surprise that the earthen ball was slapped across the face by Albert, and it was smashed to pieces casually, leaving only the floating dust undulating around it, and nothing else.

"That's it?" Albert sneered: "Since you have this power, don't embarrass Crozier!"

"Aren't you curious why I used that ridiculous attack against you?" Standing on the flat ground in the distance, Gates stretched out his hand and slowly explained: "The answer is, that is a mark."


"It's used to mark the enemy and guide the direction of the real attack." Gates put down his hand and took a slight step back.

"And now, it's coming!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the earth trembled. The dragon's roar from the depths of the underground abyss roared through the layers of the earth and resounded directly on the earth. It also made Albert's expression hidden under the helmet change again and again.

He felt the terrifying murderous intent contained in the ground beneath his feet, and the supreme dragon that was about to burst out of the ground beneath his feet!

There was no time to retreat, no time to dodge. Even if he jumped to a high altitude, he would just end up being swallowed by the dragon that broke out of the ground with its huge mouth. It was still a road to defeat.

It's useless to dodge, and there's no way to defend yourself. At this moment, the only option is to fight with attack!

With his mind set, Albert stretched his hands forward and slapped the ground boldly.

The moment his palm touched the ground, the spreading shock wave ripples centered on himself and spread towards the surroundings, sweeping away everything on the ground and causing heavy damage to the streets that were already in ruins.

The next second, the ground cracked, and countless cracks spread to the surrounding area. The magma dragon entrenched underground roared and roared, turning the earth into purgatory, as if it was bringing hell to the world, and wanted to destroy everything.

Alberut was the first to bear the brunt. Right in front of the magma dragon, the dragon's mouth was open and was about to bite and devour the enemy, but at this moment it was propped up by a huge energy ball and could not close its mouth.

The dark and deep black hole, with its extremely high mass, became an indelible sphere, becoming the last defense between the magma dragon and Alberut.


The dragon rushed out completely from the ground, swaying its tail, circling up like a snake, and its twitching tail kept hitting the black hole, trying to knock it out.

But Alberut's black hole was not so easy to solve.

"The power of Kroz alone can't do this, I know this better than anyone." Alberut had once achieved fusion with the Wanzhang Dragon Wo, so he knew the power of the Wanzhang Dragon Wo better than anyone else.

That was indeed the ultimate power, because at that time, Aberrut and Wanzhang Longwo shared a body, and the power of the two was completely combined, and the resonance of blood reached the extreme in that instant.

So at that time, Wanzhang Longwo transformed into the Galaxy Dragon.

It is similar to the cosmic dragon that Gates has transformed into at this moment.

The difference is that Aberrut's cosmic power is different from Siqi's cosmic power, so the posture displayed under the combination is also different.

But in the final analysis, it is a manifestation of transcendence.

Having seen through the key points, Aberrut's mind moved, and he opened his hands and suddenly rotated the black hole formed by him.

This huge black hole is like a high-speed rotating sphere in the mouth of the magma dragon, rubbing between the teeth to produce violent sparks.

Even the sharpest teeth will be worn away. No sharp teeth are left.

As it rotated, the suction force formed by the black hole and the operation of the black hole itself caused a stronger reaction.

The terrifying suction force tore the body of the magma dragon apart, and the flint that made up its body was also pulled into the black hole at this time.

That was the collapse caused by its own power being unable to resist the attraction of the black hole, and it was impossible to resist.

The stalemate was about to be broken, and the old strongman was better after all.

But how could Gates be willing to swallow the fact of defeat?

Since he had the upper hand in the confrontation, Albert's next move came.

He used his arms to drive his body to rotate, and threw the black hole in his hand together with the magma dragon. At the moment when the two flew into the sky, Albert pinched with one hand and instantly detonated the black hole.

The huge force exploded in the sky, the clouds were shattered, and the space was shaken. The red gravel and the remaining flames fell down, forming a gorgeous fireworks event like a rain of fire.

Albert was in mid-air, fireworks illuminated his body, reflecting his godlike and devilish appearance, looming in the darkness.


Without waiting for a breath, Albert relaxed a little, and a stronger light suddenly bloomed from the top of his head, the stars were shining, and the Draco constellation appeared instantly, and the outlined stars were connected together, together depicting a star dragon entrenched in the universe.

"It's not over yet! Albert!"

Gates' voice suddenly sounded, and Albert immediately looked over, and at this glance, he saw the star dragon soaring down from the universe and swooping towards him.

That was Draco, the living Draco, the Draco flying towards him!

"Take it!" Gates roared.

"Dragon Meteor!"


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